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"This thread is a DMZ (De-Moidified Zone) and is strictly for women. Men and :!marseytrain:s (men) pooping up the thread will be removed from the entire Lolcow Salon for a month." :marseypussyhat: :marseyfeminist: The Kiwicel Man-Hate Megathread. 9k replies since August 2023 :marseyeyeroll2:


"I've been thinking about this for a while and there's no other place I can express it, so here it is. Tell me what you think of the following idea:

Men are not capable of romantic love. They pretend to love women to get free labor (s*x/mommy bangmaid)

High value men (hot/rich) will use the promise of love to trick as many women as possible into free s*x, if/when a HVM wants children he will enter an established relationship with an attractive younger woman long enough to convince her to birth his children. If he isn't rich, he will likely stay with her long-term to avoid child support/get free domestic labor/boost his image. If he is rich he will not stay long-term, unless to boost his image. Regardless, HVM will not be loyal, and will cheat if they think they can get away with it.

Low value men (average/ugly and not rich) will use "love", or the potential of it, to trick women into relationships so they can get free s*x/mommy bangmaid they wouldn't be able to get otherwise. They deeply resent the fact that they can't have whatever woman they want like the HVM, and will often take it out on women, especially the women they're in relationships with. They would cheat if given the chance, they just usually aren't. This creates the illusion of love and loyalty."



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He fed me three times yesterday. THREE TIMES THIS MAN FED AND STARBUCKS'D ME! :marseycry:

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You are basically his pet at this point

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:marseysmug2: wow, an upgrade! I have to call my parents and let them know the news! It's not like I cover housing costs for us both entirely and cook and keep house :marseybow:

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Why doesn't he contribute to housing costs?

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Not necessary at the moment. I prefer knowing the numbers. He contributes to groceries and other necessary purchases

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You know you can share numbers and have a household budget, right?

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Look, the fewer pressures on me to join finances, the better. My parents have somewhat separate finances, and regardless of marital status, I'm just better at managing my side of things.

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It would be very simple to ask him to provide half the housing payment. That's contributing, not joining. It honestly sounds like he's a man child you expect very little of.

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That is not the situation. I signed my name on the house, and I am going to pay it off in my name only. I would not feel comfortable asking for rent or additional obligations. The house is an investment in my future, and working to be a loving and equal partner is as well. Just because I want it done a certain way doesn't make my bf a man child. He does almost everything I ask of him.

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Holy shit, you're back. It's good to have you around, man.

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