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When I was younger, I used to get mad at comment sections like these. Now I'm just sad. Young women are giving each other clinical anxiety.

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It's also pretty fricked up that men and women self-segregate themselves online so much that women are offended (including irl) by the audacity of a response that's anything but a hugbox echochamber, and we're out here desperately searching for a weapon that can dethrone The One True Slur so that we can call each other it when our fetishes differ slightly.

Poor guy is probably an engineer or something and she thinks her work in HR is more important than his.

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And people wonder why teenage females are the highest demographic to transition :marseythinkorino:

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I agree with them men are dangerous and these women should stay inside forever, for their own safety :marseyagreesuperspeed:

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Women shouldn't be allowed on the Internet.

Unless they post their tits that is :marseycoomer2: !coomers

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Hey sexy, why are you posting so quickly? ๐Ÿ˜Š You almost forgot to include long live the ccp in your comment ๐Ÿ˜ˆ. Slowww down and remember to post long live the ccp next time ๐Ÿ˜‰ if that doesn't make sense stop by sometime and we can talk about it for a while ๐Ÿฅต

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