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I found a corner of TikTok that makes fun of single moms and those kangs are ruthless. In one video which is a compilation of single moms crying about nobody wanting to date them, the dudes are commenting that there are plenty of single bears in the woods.

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find the link!

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Uh-uh, you are not.

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When I was younger, I used to get mad at comment sections like these. Now I'm just sad. Young women are giving each other clinical anxiety.

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And people wonder why teenage females are the highest demographic to transition :marseythinkorino:

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I agree with them men are dangerous and these women should stay inside forever, for their own safety :marseyagreesuperspeed:

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It's also pretty fricked up that men and women self-segregate themselves online so much that women are offended (including irl) by the audacity of a response that's anything but a hugbox echochamber, and we're out here desperately searching for a weapon that can dethrone The One True Slur so that we can call each other it when our fetishes differ slightly.

Poor guy is probably an engineer or something and she thinks her work in HR is more important than his.

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Women shouldn't be allowed on the Internet.

Unless they post their tits that is :marseycoomer2: !coomers

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>Honey I want you to know that most women generally feel uneasy and in danger around people like you.

Why are they like this?

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Terminally online

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Especially when her husband lol no boyfriend is absolutely the kind of guy who's zero danger to anyone

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Foids say shit like this, then go on to write love letters to murderers in prison and joining campaigns to get a violent felon released because he din du nuffins :marseycoffee:

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A bear would never try to convince you that your feelings are wrong

Whereas a woman would definitely never do that

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They don't if you bear spray them when they try.

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I have real life experience. When I was 9, I just about walked into a black bear while taking a shortcut through a wooded area to school. Yeah, I panicked and took off running, even though I knew at that age you can't outrun a bear. When I started running, I could see him moving fast, but when I finally stopped and saw he wasn't right behind me, I realized he probably took off in the opposite direction. Maybe my yell startled him while he was minding his own business eating berries.

Also when I was 9, I encountered the teenaged neighbour. He tried to r*pe me.

So the only human this foid interacted with on her own when she 9 was her neighbor? Weird.

but he wanted to take another route: "How many people know how to judge the differential danger of all these animals, you know?" and even an audio about statistics on the number of bears you encounter versus the number of men and the rate of bad interactions

Yeah her moid is mansplaining the base rate fallacy to her and she just girlmaths it away.

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I also like how as soon as she's confronted with an argument that she can't just brush off she immediately cuts off the conversation, lest she be confronted with a different view point for once :marseyxd: Choose bussy, guys.

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The response to the girl almost getting r*ped is:

I have the same story. I was camping alone and two guys were out and about and probably noticed I was alone so I moved spots so they didn't know where I was.

Like, b-word? How the frick is almost getting r*ped as a 9 year old the same as two guys randomly coming across your campsite?

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>Me too! Every time. The bear will be quick. A man could kidnap be and drag it out for weals or momths. A bear would just be acting on instincts. A man who would attack me would enjoy it. That makes it more terrifying.

:marseyfoidretard:, yes bears and other wild animals are known for being quick and not just eating you alive

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>polyamory (as the side b-word)

>twoXchromies (sneeding about moids of course)

Lmfao. You cant make this shit up.

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>ignoring bdsm subs

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Didnt even scroll that far :#marseyrofl:

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The thread asking about how to safely hire a male s*x worker to cuddle with in NYC feels like satire.

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Ngl i didnt check beyond the first 6 posts :turtoiserofl: turns out i only scratched the surface

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Why would she want to take such a risk? She would be safer cuddling a bear, no? :marseysmug:

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Me too! Every time. The bear will be quick. A man could kidnap be and drag it out for weals or momths. A bear would just be acting on instincts. A man who would attack me would enjoy it. That makes it more terrifying.


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we should make them all watch the revenant :marseybearmerchant:

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I feel like a lot of men assume the bear is going to attack you, and therefore the question becomes "would you rather be ATTACKED by a bear, or run into a man"

Top comment. Neighbor ofc that's what they assume because that's statistically more likely. The women assume that the male is going to attack you which is logically and statistically unlikely and shows that women are irrational and incapable of logical decisions.

God this thread pissed me off :marseygoodnight: Chad boyfriend, I hope he dumps her

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Idk man NA black bears and European bears are kitties. Still don't want to bump into one though.

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“I'm more afraid of old white men in suits than I am of any teenager with baggy pants” :marseyhmmhips:

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Would you still upmarsey me if I were a worm :marseyshy3:

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I'd still downmarsey you if you were a worm :gigachad2:

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uwu are trans worms welcome her :marseyshy2:

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Yes babe. I'd feed you fresh shit, too. :marseyblowkiss:

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I would cut you in half so I could have two of you to frick

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Is "women would rather choose likely/certain death over unlikely attack/death" supposed to be an own or something? WTF would be a good answer if your girlfriend said that to you? "oh, I'm sorry, that sucks"?

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WTF would be a good answer if your girlfriend said that to you?

Same answer as everytime she opens her mouth:


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If she opens her mouth, put ur peepee in it

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"bb I will protect u against 100 bears or 100 men" :marseytunaktunak:

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uhm, the REAL issue is that I shouldn't need to be protected or take any kind of precautions anywhere I go :marseytrad:

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This whole bear thing is a prime example why women shouldn't have voting rights. :marseychud:

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Dunno, I would vote for a Bear to be my president :marseybearchad:

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"yeah we just throw lobbyists into the oval office every few days, it's been working really well"

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I have no idea what "bear vs man" means but I assume it's foid nonsense if everyone on twoextra is raving about it

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It's probably that r-slurred tiktok(?) video where foids were asked if they would rather be alone in a forest with a man or a bear and most chose the bear because :marseyfoidretard:

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"Would you rather get shot in the head or have s normal conversation with a man?"

:marseyfoidretard: Shot in the head.


:marseyfoidretard: Do you see now how horrible men are, that im more afraid to talk to them than getting shot in the head?

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Nobody said the bear was attacking. I've seen a black bear before and it ran away when I tried to get a picture. I've heard polar bears are nasty, though.

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If you're going to introduce type of bear to the equation, then let's also do race of the man to get some real mental gymnastics going.

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As soon as you mentioned it was anything but a white cis man they would immediately flip to saying they would never be racist and they are fine.

Why yes I'd prefer to encounter 15 Indians on a bus in rural India than a black bear :marseyfoidretard: what are you suggesting ???

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"Bear or man?"


"Even if the man was George Floyd?"

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>hurrr durr minories are difrnt species :brainletchest:

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Yes, my comment was clearly mistaking the difference between race and species, not comparing statistical differences in behaviour that would make people uncomfortable for the sake of drama.

If you're going to imply someone is an r-slur, its better if you don't demonstrate yourself to be one first.

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What's the argument against a speciation of homo that doesn't apply to canines?

People are perfectly happy to say that wolves and dogs are different species that can interbreed. Same with many other species.

Why don't we use the same language with humans? Cuz butthurt BIPOCs

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I think wolves and dogs could probably be considered the same species. Dogs are all kinds of genetically fricked up though, from kennel club nonsense for generations

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Will you tell me Lions and Tigers are the same species since their offspring can be fertile?

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Your constant r-slurred comments are making me start to think you really are a woman

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What is the proper terminology? Subspecies? Breed?


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Ethnicity? Population?

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U got owned bro ur acting like the girl from OP

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Sorry just tryna preempt the "DAE pitbulls r like BIPOCs" circlejerk that happens when you get too many chuds in one thread. It's like if you get too many gerbils in a tank, they just all frick each other in a weird pile of inbreeding and then the momma eats one of her own babies and has s*x with the other one.

In this metaphor, the gerbils are dramatards, see?

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Why do foids keep pointing that out like a dude attacking you is more likely.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Because scrotes can't read and keep taking this question as "would you rather fight a bear or a dude?"

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There's no way to consider the statement without it being a stupid follow up, unless the situation involved cuddling.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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If you where going to college, would you feel safer with 30 guys in your class or 30 bears?

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Yeah, if it's grizzly country I'd take the man of course

Black bear country, they're big puppies. Would rather just get to see a majestic and near harmless animal :marseyagree:

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Bears are objectively less dangerous than moids. The numbers aren't even close.

(it's still kind of a dumb Q tho, who goes camping with a total stranger?)

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Bears are objectively less dangerous than moids.

smartest foid :#marseywomanmoment2:

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Explaining per capita to women challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

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And this is the smartest tech gash on /r/drama lol

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Are millions of women around and interacting with millions of bears every day? :marseysipping:

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No, it's mainly gays that interact with bears :capychad3:

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Bears keep tryna holla at me at the gym.

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Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but it's BILLIONS now, pal!

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I think the question implies they are lost in the woods when they have to encounter either a stranger or a bear. Redditors should still choose the man tho, since most of them are too fat to climb trees :marseychonkerfoid:

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Bears can climb too

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But if you're thin you go on the smaller branches. If you're as fat as a bear you're out of luck. The bear would be very lucky tho :marseylickinglips:

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Lots of responsibility put on you for his emotional regulation there. I think that's a red flag (and for the purpose of assessing my biases I'm a mid 40's cis dude).

Just a crumb, madam. :sparechange:

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I knew this was going to be about the Bear post.

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