Am I the only one who didn't know that the entire internet is literally wired physically with undersea cables?

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Computer nerds are all about "m-m-muh layers of abstraction" until god forbid someone doesn't understand some pointless detail of the particular layer that some other nerd really cares about. If I have to think for even a second about memory allocation, it means you wrote a shitty garbage collector.

The whole fricking point of TCP/IP is packets go wherever and nobody has to care what the underlying transport mechanism is.

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If I have to think for even a second about memory allocation, it means you wrote a shitty garbage collector.

Garbage collectors aren't magic lmao you still shouldn't unnecessarily thrash them, unless you're writing something so simple that performance is irrelevant. Not to mention that you can still have "memory leaks" in garbage collected languages (okay not technically "leaks" but you can unnecessarily keep large objects around until your heap fills up, like adding shit to a list and never removing it).

I do wonder what she thought we used if not undersea cables. Maybe she thought we used satellites, and before satellites there simply wasn't any instantaneous communication between America and Europe?

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>wasting your life and your employer's money on premature optimization :marseyneko:

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If only it was premature :marseydepressed:

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All the bottlenecks in my pipelines are FTP servers run by third party utility data providers. :marseytwirl:

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In big, regulated industries they party like it's 1999. FTP my CSVs, baby.

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is there at least lots of coke?

I remember working my first tech job in 2013 and getting told not to use the ftp servers being they were legacy and being phased out

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>is there at least lots of coke?

Not enough. :marseyrain:

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Even in burger land I remember learning about transatlantic telegraph cables being a game changer and that was 170 years ago

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year

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>and that was 170 years ago

How long have you been alive?! :!donkeykongwtf: :!marseydracula:

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unless you're writing something so simple that performance is irrelevant

@JimieWhales is a woman if you weren't already aware

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Believe me, I'm familiar with moids' self-sabotaging performance anxiety.

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EE grads really try to overthink the theory of RF communications from their schooling.

Ive been doing this longer than you've been alive, doing X just works, don't worry about why because it doesn't matter.

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Just admit you're too dumb to understand the OSI model.


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:marseysmug2: Get a load of this washed up old fossil who doesn't understand that in currentyear+9 you just run everything on top of HTTPS.

Application layer (layer 1)


HTTPS    (layer 0)

If your protocol isn't giant blobs of JSON in HTTPS then you should just :marseykys2: because your packets are never getting through a corporate firewall anyway.

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>muh HTTPS

what a retar—oh it's the “foid” nvm :marseyjerkoffsmile:

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>If I have to think for even a second about memory allocation, it means you wrote a shitty garbage collector.

t. Luser who has never written for the Dreamcast :!sonic: :!chrischad:

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Jimie I love you but plz understand I would never write a garbage collector or support anyone who did


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I won't manage my money, I won't manage my drug habit, and I sure as shit will not manage my memory. I just need another bump, see?

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