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Then we started counting how many female professors in our school that would be considered beautiful. Not just “hot for their age”, no, plain beautiful. We could count at least 20 women. These are medical attendings that are in their 40s and 50s, majority of them had children too. They show up to work with clean, styled hair. They wear make up and ironed clothes, they're bubbly and full of life.

And then we started talking about our male attendings and we could only name ONE “attractive” professor. Most of them do not work out, they have let go of their appearances. They go outside with greasy hair, dirty clothes. Oh, and they're so unhappy with their work, their marriages, and their life altogether. All they do is frown and be unpleasant.

Oh look, the women are all queens and the men are all slobs.

Peak femcel energy.

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>whine about societal issues women face

>claim women are better for doing so to perpetuate and reinforce them

Waaah doesn't it suck women have to be beautiful and happy all the time? Anyways, I just noticed how much better all the women professors are because they always have their hair done up and never talk about their problems like the moid professors.

:!#marseymanysuchcases: :!#marseymanysuchcases: :!#marseymanysuchcases:

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They show up to work with clean, styled hair. They wear make up and ironed clothes, they're bubbly and full of life.

It's always funny to hear what women think makes other women attractive to men. They might as well say they're well educated and confident.

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Sure they're fat ugly raisins with droopy tits but the confidence!

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well-ironed clothes are making my heart race

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Young adult kitty eats up your life force.

That pillow talk alone costs you 3 months of your life.

No wonder male teachers age up faster.

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It's :marseysourgrapes: all the way down.

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They are talking about professors. Only gross fat nerds go into that field. I need a moids opinion on the 20 attractive female professors.

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you're not understanding. Men can age WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE. why do you think there's so many anti-aging creams, firming creams, age-reversing surgical procedures, etc. marketed and sold to and for women?

Because women will buy anything?

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In my glorious country. They did test on those face creams. Winner? Cheep generic store brand. It was also cheepest by widemargin.

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If I go to a foids house and see cheap generic brands in her bathroom I will put a ring on her

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Bait idea: Man sees his girlfriends skincare routine and how cheap it is and gets the ick

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Man sees his girlfriends skincare routine and how cheap it is and gets the ick proposes on the spot


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I think even Reddit will call out that man as a homosexual.

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*cheap *cheapest

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Why do men age better?


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They're literally angry at women for being attracted to older men lol, like where do they think this comes from?

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Women's discourse on men is very reminiscent of pick-up artists trying to lower a woman's self-esteem.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Pick-me mentality

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Most people want kids. Most men hold onto their fertility way longer than women and have more resources as they age. This is something femcels can't wrap their heads around.

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Foids legit age worse. Testosterone age men skin better and make it thicker. Smoking and drinking hurts skin a lot now as to if foids thin skin and you end up foids looking like shit by mid 20.

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Sunbathing and "undisclosed formula" face creams don't help either...

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But trying to uplift 40+ year old foids will help because men love confident women like women love confident men

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Massive cope, especially if this is a white woman

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She is most likely wypipo. She is 24 year old. Smoker. Her bf cheated on her and left.


She is probably really self conscious about her looks and hits down on inocent Kings

She plays sims 4. Deffinetly wypipo.

Strong femcel energy

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She plays sims 4. Deffinetly wypipo


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Hopefully she kills herself and there will be one less worthless white woman in the world


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Arabcels are hopeless lol

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Western arabs are the most entitled people in the world

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Wealthy Gulf Arab men are the single most useless demographic on Earth. They're incapable of anything but extreme sadism.

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That's not very kind of you.

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White women dying is a kindness to the world


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There :marseycheerup: are a lot of BIPOC :marseymarfan: who play sims. It's the ultimate female :marseywomanmoment2: game

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Women will pretend to ‘not get' why someone they don't like is considered pretty and will insist ugly, nonthreatening women they personally like are pretty in the belief that men will change their tastes.

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Women :marseyharpooner: constantly marry :marseycupid: men they can't stand in the belief that they can change them after marriage.

Women are desperate :marseyattentionseeker: and stupid.

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Can you explain to me this weird phenomenon:

why do "I will only settle for a smart, determined man"-foids settle for a futureless junkie with gambling problems?

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My neurodivergent :marseyautism: reading on the whole dynamic goes thusly:

Everyone knows that a man who has traits like wealth :marseymoney:, power :marseykissinger:, and confidence :marseybuff: are attractive, but I don't think that's really the most basal description of what's going on. To me, it seems that women are genetically hard-wired to be attracted to men who display agency - they display the ability (or can convince the woman otherwise) to affect change to the world around them. This means in the physical sense :marseybeefcake: (men who are fit can physically do things that a thin guy cannot), in the mental sense :marseybigbrain: (they have the persistence to keep working on something), or the societal sense :marseytrump: (men who have status can use that status to change what other people are doing, in a way that benefits his mate).

Most people aren't thinking in terms of our monkey :marseykong: brains though - only the most giga-sperg woman would say "omg his demonstration of agency is so hot" - thus the shorthand of saying they want a man who is smart/determined/rich/ripped :marseymespecial: etc. (and to be clear, I think this is generally fine - people don't always need to be technically as long as both parties involved understand the rules of the game).

For all the (justified) pooping on said futureless junkie :marseyjunkie:, there are many facets in which a man can demonstrate agency, especially if both the man and woman have a low bar (i.e. they are poor). There's the old joke "a crackhead :marseybowl: wakes up each morning with nothing in his pockets, and yet he'll still manage every day to make enough to get his fix". Despite how pathetic his life seems/is, he does prove that he has the tenacity to make things happen.

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Because they said they were pretty

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Women are always saying that all men are hideous and all women are beautiful yet most of them only frick men and never women, so maybe they're full of shit

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>The amount of 25 year old men looking like 45 is too darn high.

Wasn't this a thing, zoomers are aging rapidly and look older than millenials?

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Covid hit the zoomer community harder than most, all day inside, no exercising, loss of important time for learning how to present and socialize yourself.

I'm forever grateful I met my wife before Covid and I imagine most millenials who are married feel the same way

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I'm dating a 21 year old right now. I really think the COVID shit fried kid's brains.

She and her girlfriends are all infantilized. They have some phone tracking app for family and friends to see where they are. This is a chick who's a senior in college...

I'm 28, so not that much older. Nobody would have had that on their phone when we were 21, lmao.

They all use therapy talk, opine about how much they hate work, and this girl (with incredibly wealthy parents) is always whining about her parents to me.

She was in her last year of high school when mandated lockdowns happened, that lack of development really fricked the current 20-22 year old zoomers up bad.

It's to the point I get pissed off whenever she's texting about whatever innane nonsense sje wants to ramble about. She doesn't like going out, wants to just come over to my place and frick.

That would be fine, but she legitimately doesn't seem to get that people work? I usually get up at 6:30 to lift weights then be at the office by 8:30.

Got up at 7:30 the last tome she stayed over and she asked why I was getting up "at the crack of dawn."

She also loves her dog way too much. It's a female dog, so not the normal white woman meme. It is ancient, she'll be devasted when it dies. She insists the dog acts just like her and attributes its quiet nature to her and other nonsense. She has the fricking dog's name tattooed above her chest. She calls the dog her baby, and it's such a turnoff.

Shit like that just kills your peepee. Going to break up with her as soon as I've got a better one who's presentable to family.

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It's quite vexxing, you cute twink.

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Sounds like you are just dating a 21 year old

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They have some phone tracking app for family and friends to see where they are. This is a chick who's a senior in college...

I have that with my parents, and they're both old and retired. It's just nice to know where your loved ones are at, (you stinky incel). :marseyembrace:

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They lost a year (in some places more) of social events, weddings, prom, engagement parties, ect that are all important places to learn how to act

Everyone needs to show up to a country club wedding a Jose a bank 3-1 suit that doesn't fit when they are 24. That embarrassment is key

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The zoomer identity is defined by having your formative years(school or start of career) interrupted by the lockdowns and plandemic. Everyone lost a neighbor to the psyops, came in fine came out fricked.

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Covid vax tax

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Nah zoomers in their early 20s all look 18

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One of the commenters recommended /r/oldhagfashion ... jesus christ that sub is delusional, I can't look away from the wreckage though.

It also seems to be getting infested with :marseytrain2:

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Top 4 posts of all time:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17171686812824302.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1717168681381787.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1717168681603768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17171686818000822.webp

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Holy shit! Its michale jackson!


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You will see this in your nightmares.


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yup that's a woman. absolutely

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Dressed like a gypo. Don't leave your bike near it.

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The reality is a lot of men get fat, never get a decent career, dress like shit, and go bald.

If you can avoid at least 2 of those you rise to top 20% of men in your 30s, all 4 and you're top 10%… provided you're over 5'8”

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Honestly all you have to do is be funny and not be a complete r-slur. That works for about half of foids as much as they claim otherwise.

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Isn't this cope easily contradicted by literally every study showing a distribution of attractiveness ratings vs. age, grouped by gender?

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Those studies are rigged by men

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This is the copiest cope of the cope dopes, holy smokes whattacope

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This b-word is tripping. I'm aging into a silver fox :marseygigachad:

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honestly men actually do age better but only because makeup drys the skin a lot

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Nah. Its their bodies too. Girls are hitting puberty at age of 8. That set their bodies to grow old earlier and ealier.

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women :marseyblops2chadcel2: who hate men think :marseyphilosoraptor: women :marseyhearnoevil: are better :marseysaulgoodman: than men

this is unprecedented

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