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I hate this fricked up world and I hate all of you. None of you are useful you give no advice and tell me to drink water when of course everyone drinks fricking water. I hate YOU ALL. All you do is gaslamp me like I'm nasty and don't take care of myself. OF COURSE I DRINK FRICKING WATER.


You guys will protest on the streets to have more abortions and s*x with men that reinfect you over and over but won't protest TO GET US HELP with BV and infections. ABORTION IS USELESS TO ME.


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She would :marseymid: make excellent :marseycertified: school :marseygrad: shooter :marseysamhyde:

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Lmao, that subhuman blob is actually fuming :!marseyfrozenrage:

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Pot calling kettlw tbh.

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Me and who: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17182635271835713.webp

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Amazing meme

Trans lives matter

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my hands look like this

so her marsey can look like this

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Imagine the smell

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Sometimes I hate being black. My own race treats me like shit and I just wanna get away from them all, and the ghetto ness. I can't take it anymore. They are impatient and they always care about what they need, and I always have to be the one who suffers the most. That's why I don't even care about Black :marseymarfan: Lives :marseyslm: Matter :marseypinkname: and all that other shit. They help who they wanna help and care for who they wanna care for. Everyone :marseynorm: cares about materialistic things and money. Why can't we just enjoy life without doing stupid :marseystroke: stuff. I like to sit in silence and listen :marseyhearnoevil: to music :marseybongo: or just dance :marseypartyzoom: around to instrumentals. No one likes the things I like and they just wanna do what they want like drinking :marseymodelo: and smoking. I hate being black.

I know this sounds offensive but this is my truth.

She is black!

Waffle House :marseyvampiremerchant: is so good delicious :marseyturkeyhappy: I really :marseythinkorino2: love them. I wish they delivered but it's okay. Still 5 star food


I started a new job and my supervisor was training me. He's really :marseythinkorino2: good looking, handsome. I'm now obsessing and daydreaming, like I do with anyone who gives me attention. I keep thinking :marseycontemplate: of scenarios. I am so pathetic :marseycryingclown: disgusting :marseybreastcancer: and embarrassing. I'm stupid :marseyindignantretard: so he had to keep helping me throughout the day, and kept saying my name? I don't know why he kept saying my name. Maybe because I'm stupid. Doesn't matter :marseykneel: won't be showing :marseypoint2: up tomorrow anyways. I know he'll be happy :marseyklenny2: about that. Why do I keep daydreaming about men how can it stop or maybe this is just my life now.

From forever :marseymoidmoment: alone :marseyitsdangerous: foids :marseyblops2chadcel2:

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Foids can't even take 1/100th of what men have to endure yet are always the first to call men fragile :marseylaughpoundfist:

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I was just reading :marseyhijab: forever :marseymoidmoment: alone :marseyitsdangerous: foids.


This is short :marseyprincesszeldatotk: guy post from woman. And she is shattered becouse someone called her midget.

Women fragility and cope is major :marseygaygeneral: issue nowdays.

Edit: that user is full blown crazy :marseykingkrazy: person. She is stalking someone. Has been in looney bin. Is suffering :marseypain: from somekinda paranoia strong :marseybuffbipoc: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to post on scitaofrenia sub.

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You found frocho's reddit account i think

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I don't think :marseyquestion: mine is conventionally attractive. He is definitely not ugly, just looks kind of interesting :marseylaying: I guess. I think :marseyhyperthonk: he looks unique, like one of a kind.

I think :marseynoooticer: that fuels my obsession :marseybardfinnrefresh: because it makes him seem more approachable (though realistically speaking :marseyhearnoevil: he is not really :marseythinkorino2: reachable , especially considering that I myself :marseycyanide: am not attractive at all). He also happens to be almost 25 years my senior and also lives :marseyslm: on the other side of the continent.

But most of my previous LOs looked kind of similar to the current one, but not all. Some were women :marseydarkfoidretard: and some looked like the exact opposite of my LO.


You dont say

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WTF is this shit?

Limerence is a state of mind which results from a romantic attraction to another person and typically includes obsessive thoughts and fantasies and a desire to form or maintain a relationship with the object of love and have one's feelings reciprocated.

Neighbor that's called infatuation. :marseyemojirofl: Foids love inventing new labels for old shit.

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>I like to sit in silence and listen to music or just dance around to instrumentals


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Her post history is insane. Somebody gift her an assault rifle she's probably gonna audrey hale


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imagine killing :marseymegalodon: yourself :marseykys: because you have a smelly :marseyshitlover: kitty

@peepeehands love sucking peepee

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This is a great find!

Since it's effecting your spirit so much have you ever considered/tried finding someone to talk to who can talk through the overwhelming feelings this causes? Therapists, hotlines, church officials or spiritual guides, that kind of thing?

Completely unironically, I would rather kill myself than tell my priest anything about my genitals :marseyyikes:

stand in front of a fan after showering, with you leg up. Get her nice and dry

Holy shit, do women really :marseyemojirofl:

don't put soap on or in you vulva/vagina RINSE+WASH WITH WARM WATER ONLY

I think not using soap is how she got in this state in the first place :marseysmug2:

Air her out as often as possible. Stop wearing undies to beddddd

Yeah get infected smelly kitty juices all over your sheets :marseysick:

ice packs help so much with itching!!

If everything else fails just shove some ice cubes down there :marseyfreezepeach:

If it's BV you're struggling with, do the following: * take a probiotic DAILY that's 50 billion strains or more * take extra strength cranberry extract (500mg) daily * drink as much water as you can make sure your pee is as light as possible* use coconut oil as a natural lube since it is an anti fungal * BORIC ACID ESPECIALLY WHILE TAKING BV MEDS TO HAVE BEST EFFECTS * could use chunks of coconut oil as a natural vaginal flusher/cleaner after sexual intercourse * no tight underwear, go comando while you sleep it's the best

This is exclusively new age natural medicine shit :marseywitch3:

Hey there, love. This is a safe space and we all want to help you. We all do our best to help each other here. I know it sucks and feels like it's the end of the world, but I promise it's not. What kinds of things have you caught to combat it? Any underlying medical issues that may contribute? Could you give us a little more information besides the smell? Maybe somebody here may know something that can help. Do. Not. Give. Up. On yourself or others. Nobody is “Going to Heck”. You're frustrated. There are still people out here who care and want you to be alright. Relax with caps and please just talk to us. Everybody is here trying to help.

This sounds like :marseytrain2: trying to imitate a :marseykween: speech pattern

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Imagine going :marseysal2: to church :marseystainedglass: and talk to priest :marseyorthodoxsmug: how your vagina smells so bad you want to keep yourself safe :marseykys:

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That poor priest doesn't deserve this

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Maybe he doesn't deserve it. But needs :marseyspecial: it

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Brother will offer an entire rosary as thanks for his vow of celibacy after that :fatpriest:

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Oh wow look at all those Facebook Doctors with their right-wing science-denying home remedies

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But doctors don't care about women health! That's why they have to invent all these weird diseases and cures :taylorlorenzcrying:

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That's not the good kind of :marseysniff: trust me

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:marseyindignant: maybe don't yuck peoples yum

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I will if their yum is yuck

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Dying won't make it smell any better.

I mean probably.

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