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That's a happy coincidence of women not always being fertile. You can't deny that fertility is a core aspect of Catholicism. It is of all Abrahamic religions really, but they are on top with some sects of Islam and Orthodox Jews. Mormons are even allowed to use contraceptives for frick sakes.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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It's not a coincidence, it's nature. No !Christians (Mormons don't count lol sorry @TracingWoodgrains ) allowed contraception prior to the Anglican Lambeth Conference in the 20th century. It's historically anachronistic to assume that modern sexual ethics are good or desirable social norms. It gives me some comfort to know that my progeny will outlive the modern lib positions. :marseygiftboxmarsey: But have fun getting old with no legacy to speak of, relying on !Pinoypride nurses to ease you into your lonely death. :marseymaid:


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how do you deal with your sexual desires in a healthy way?

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Get married. It also gets easier when you break bad habits... but for many/most it's one of the harder things to deal with as a Christian.

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Get married and only have s*x with your wife for reproductive purposes? I'd assume that would only be like three to five times, ever, right?

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What? Learn about the menstrual cycle :marseytampon: there's about 7-10 days a month on average that a woman can get pregnant. If you're determined to avoid children, you have s*x in the other 2/3-3/4 of the month and your chances are very low. Catholic belief is that it has to be open to life in the sense that you don't engage in sodomy, not that every single instance has to occur with the goal of producing a child. The unitive properties of s*x are important too.

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I'm so high test I'm unable to have normal sexual intercourse without impregnating someone :marseygiveup:

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Work on reducing the coomerisms and it does get easier man. I recovered from opiate/alcohol addiction and :marseyitneverbegan: until I started to exercise a routine of basic self control. You are strong enough. You are capable. You are worth it.

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I actually talked with my pastor about my pornography addiction on Wednesday. He recommended me some resources to follow up on but just talking with someone and praying has already had dividends.

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Already have my spawn. Good luck virgin.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I'm married, though I do wish I had saved myself in my youth. :scaryasianwife:

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Lmao and you don't have kids yet? Need my help?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Why are you being so combative? :marseysad: I moved to the Philippines to help take care of my wife's mom after her father passed away within the first couple years of marriage. We chose to wait a while due to figuring out how to handle the logistics. It's been a difficult transition for everyone involved.

The plan currently is to begin actively trying :arousedpizzashill: in the next few months when a real estate dispute here is resolved.

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Having to try to have a kid when you aren't using contraceptives


:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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!fellas are you magging up with magnesium for high test performance??? :marseyharrierdubois:


It was also found in vivo that magnesium increases the sperm motility, while the sperm production inreases up to 80%

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You're a meanie. :marseyindignant:

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