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Top comment on /r/divorce from an Angry Man

Well, a divorce is a huge life event and can cause people to re-evaluate. Not so much that he wasn't trying for you, but that now his life is upside down he finally understands how important it is.

But also, it's not like he changed that much, he might have a nice job, but he's still awful with money if he's buying a girlfriend a house.

Top comment on TwoX from Heckin Valid Women (male)

This is something I haven't admitted out loud as someone who recently divorced (aside for therapy). Since we have little ones, I do hope he steps up for them and gets his shit together. On the other hand, I don't want him to because that means there is something wrong with me. Why didn't he support me? Why didn't he step up? Why did I have to do all the heavy lifting?

My therapist said something along the lines of "if he changes it wasn't because you weren't good enough. Its because you are not longer managing his feelings and life so he HAS to step up to the plate. You had an overgrown child not a partner. A true partner would at least meet halfway where it counts. If he does step up after you leave him it's because you showed him how to step up. He didn't step up not because of something you did wrong."

He probably was taking advantage of you, whether or not he realized it. I doubt he has actually changed, he just got a new job and a new lady. It's ok to be scared. You will be ok being alone. Date yourself and stop giving him anymore of your energy...you already gave him 12 years of it.

Did we all marry the same man?


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@Ninjjer did

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Well Xie Xir Xo Xum Ninjjer lied to ya

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Wrong, you are Pakistani.

@tempest don't be taken in by @Fresh_Start and her (trans) lying

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Don't worry, I form opinions based on the first thing someone tells me about a subject and then refuse to change with new information.

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Good. Just remember - whenever you see @Fresh_Start or the latest trans Pakistani alt, you remind everyone that @gigachad_brony / @timmy_blueballs / @Nice_man is a Pakistani man who is a trans egg yet to be cracked. It's true and it's important that the average dramatard is informed of this as often as possible.

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