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Foids Posting Ls :marseyl:





Top comment on /r/divorce from an Angry Man

Well, a divorce is a huge life event and can cause people to re-evaluate. Not so much that he wasn't trying for you, but that now his life is upside down he finally understands how important it is.

But also, it's not like he changed that much, he might have a nice job, but he's still awful with money if he's buying a girlfriend a house.

Top comment on TwoX from Heckin Valid Women (male)

This is something I haven't admitted out loud as someone who recently divorced (aside for therapy). Since we have little ones, I do hope he steps up for them and gets his shit together. On the other hand, I don't want him to because that means there is something wrong with me. Why didn't he support me? Why didn't he step up? Why did I have to do all the heavy lifting?

My therapist said something along the lines of "if he changes it wasn't because you weren't good enough. Its because you are not longer managing his feelings and life so he HAS to step up to the plate. You had an overgrown child not a partner. A true partner would at least meet halfway where it counts. If he does step up after you leave him it's because you showed him how to step up. He didn't step up not because of something you did wrong."

He probably was taking advantage of you, whether or not he realized it. I doubt he has actually changed, he just got a new job and a new lady. It's ok to be scared. You will be ok being alone. Date yourself and stop giving him anymore of your energy...you already gave him 12 years of it.

Did we all marry the same man?


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I posted this in /r/divorce, but too many angry men responded. So I'm exclusively asking women: Why did he change for her?

>I'm trying to understand the behavior of a divorced man. Unfortunately, divorced men answered my question.

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>Coincidentally all of us have shitty EXs that didn't work hard enough that found huge success without us in their lives.

That's crazy, let's all give each other advice.

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Wow what was holding them back

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this happens with fb groups too...just circle jerking about how it's everyone elses fault that they arent happy...

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I'm in the same boat as you and here's what I do to ensure NOTHING changes (50k upmarseys)

Every fricking time lmao

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I mean you shouldn't ask a foid for advice on how to attract a foid.

People most often lie to themselves about what they are. Observe what they do not what they say. take what they say into account as additional information to be fit unto the dataset of what they do.

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>you shouldn't ask a foid for advice


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I did this once (as a curiousity) it was so embarassingly over before it began

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"Oh no a man gave me perfectly reasonable, straightforward response but it doesn't placate me enough. Women help reassure my feelings instead of actuslly helping me!"

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:marseyfoidretard: do not complain about their problems for solutions or explanation. They do it exclusively for validation. This is why therapy "works" (i.e. soothes their ego) for them but not men.

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I'm certain foids just say yes if any moid pops the question without any thinking.

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New 'cel strategy, cold approach with a ring

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@FrozenChosen marry me?

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22mins ago

>no reply


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:#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal: sessions get pretty intensive and time consuming

Please be patient :#marseyclock:

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This is exactly why love is blind is so fricking good

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Doesn't hurt that they're all models

I wish they'd have some proper uglies on there

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Its so true. The desperados are so down for anyone these days it's unreal!

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as a man who isn't a total loser, you'd have to be r-slurred to get married. it's a promise by the government to reward her with half your shit whenever she decides to take it.

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A smart woman divorces you. A tard woman stays.

The trick is to find a woman smart enough to know she can get away with half your shit while being a successful enough moid that she knows she is better off staying with you in her life.

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you can try to marry a good woman who loves you and treat her right. but people change. and the totality of modern culture is working against your marriage working out.

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Lol good one. I grew up on the internet. I have watched too much p*rn to be ever capable of unconditionally loving a single foid even if she is a good soul.

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@islam_for_trans_rights looks like the p*rn menace has reached pakistan :marseycrying:

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This is so depressing. @Fresh_Start do you ever get worried about being caught by the morality police?

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Neighbor who told you I am from Pakistan?

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You're a fricking idiot giving idiot men life ruining advice. Women don't operate with logic, they operate on emotions. It doesn't matter how much of a "successful enough" moid you are when it takes one bad argument for a foid's eyes to start wondering. Like a cow, they will always contemplate greener grass.

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Sounds like failed divorcee sneed.

I am sorry that you conflate you not noticing a problem the first 100 times with there being no problem the first 100 times.

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I'm not r-slurred enough to sign such an r-slured contract in this modern era. Marriage was only viable for men back when the "patriarchy" kept foids in check, it is actively detrimental to men in a post-feminist world.

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:marseynotes: this is a good idea!

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You obviously havent seen all the cringey youtube :marseymetokur: videos where :marseydrama: public proposals fail

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Well those were just simply delusional beta orbiters who thought they were in relationships with their oneitis :marseyindignantgook:

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Jesus fricking Christ you couldn't torture this information out of me and she's publicly posting it for everyone to see and expecting sympathy.

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Sympathy is more important than dignity to women

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Bonus holes posess no dignity in the first place

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"too many angry men responded" = "they were right, but I didn't want to hear it"

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My therapist said something along the lines of "if he changes it wasn't because you weren't good enough. Its because you are not longer managing his feelings and life so he HAS to step up to the plate. You had an overgrown child not a partner. A true partner would at least meet halfway where it counts. If he does step up after you leave him its because you showed him how to step up. He didn't step up not because of something you did wrong."

foids never realise that they're the ones insisting on micromanaging everything that he does and then get all annoyed that suddenly they feel like his mother

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I had to have a long talk about that with my wife when we first moved in together. She didnt change until she started going through therapy on her own and sorting her own shit. I dont think women understand that theyre just as fricked up as men.

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Don't read into an ex new relationship. 9 out of 10 times it's all a front.

Live life and have popcorn near by for when karma strikes.

Not bitter at all!

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any day now his new life where he's happy is going to blow up


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Better stalk his social media twice a day, wouldn't want to miss it :marseywomanmoment2:

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>He didn't change for her. If he did indeed change, and I doubt that he did, he did it for himself. The issue with him was not you, it was always him.

whats the LD50 on copium? they might find it. :marseycope:

Edit: the thread from /r/divorce is wayyy tastier tbh. She gets in a bunch of bitter fights with commenters. https://old.reddit.com/r/Divorce/comments/1fhdnra/why_did_he_change_for_her/

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Imagine just living the rest of your life knowing you were dead weight in the relationship.

>Stuck in a downard spiral for a while.

And bless the king that escaped that vortex.

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>My therapist said something along the lines of "if he changes it wasn't because you weren't good enough. Its because you are not longer managing his feelings and life so he HAS to step up to the plate. You had an overgrown child not a partner. A true partner would at least meet halfway where it counts. If he does step up after you leave him it's because you showed him how to step up. He didn't step up not because of something you did wrong."

Death to all therapists

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Not to invalidate your reasonable response, but there's also a chance the therapist said one thing and the reddit foid heard what she wanted to hear instead.

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My therapist said something along the lines of

>something along the lines of

"My therapist said and meant something completely different, but here's the version I prefer"

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>"I didn't like the answers I got so now I'm going to post on a female centric sub who will validate me"


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>My wife threw me away after 20 years


>go to profile, last posts is on a man who says his wife can't feel him during s*x; pictures of him getting gastric bypass before and after

Brutal, his wife couldn't even find it but not once did he every think of buying some kale and lettuce,better get surgery.

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a man who says his wife can't feel him during s*x

:#marseyyikes: i think I'd legit kill myself if that happened to me

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!r-slurs !nonchuds !chuds

>That sucks dude! I went through something almost exactly the same before my separation and soon to be divorce, so I feel like I know what you're going through.

>STBXW lost her job during COVID. Luckily, I'm in a field where I could thrive during lockdowns and worked my butt off to grow my career to where I am now. During this time, I paid for everything, supported our family of 5 without asking anybody to give up anything, and encouraged her to go after her old employer for an appropriate severance package. I mean, who tf just kicks a 20 year employee to the curb without a second thought? Frick that, they owed her big time, and I told her I'd support her in forcing them to make it right. But even on my rapidly increasing salary, I still ended up blowing through all my savings and accruing an additional $32k in debt over those 3 years she wasn't working. Didn't ask her for any of the $40k severance she received. Supported her while she half assed her job search without pushing because she had gone through a lot, not just with losing her career.

>After nearly a year of searching. she finally found a job she enjoyed that she is really, really good at, even if it's not in her field, and it's not full time. 30 some-odd hours a week though, with excellent benefits, so close enough. I was just happy she was happy again, and hoped that things would finally start getting back to normal. Instead, now that she was on her feet again, she started having an affair and decided our marriage no longer made her happy.

>To me, I'm getting treated the way her old employer treated her...nearly 20 years without a second thought. No concern for supporting our kids...I make more than her so I can just continue to pay for everything while she moves on and leaves the kids with me.

>You're 100% right dude...it's hard to not feel used in situations like this, and I too felt like such an idiot. And some days. I think to myself how I'd love to see karma catch up to her, just so she'd understand how completely shitty a person she is and how brutal her behaviour was.

Imagine going through all this and also getting divorce r*ped by losing half or more of all your investments + house + child support for the next decade and maybe even alimony meanwhile she's being funded by another man. I'm genuinely shocked more and more zoomers like myself aren't swearing off marriage completely. I will personally never put a ring on a hoe's finger, just do what basketball Americans do and keep her as a baby mama ffs

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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