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More likely she got fat and can't believe that would make it stop

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Reading through this account almost seems like a performance art piece depicting the slow decline into lolcowceldom.

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I mentioned going to the gym. A guy I met on the job made a snide remark saying "oh really? Where are the results then".


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She will get on the tred mill one day. Baby steps.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Women will drive to the gym just so they can walk on a treadmill.

I assume half of them are only trying to frick a gym bro.

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I only dress like this for myself not for The Male Gaze!!!



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Definitely not for the male gays


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Then get a 3000 cal Starbucks as a reward

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she is one of those people that goes there to sit on the machines and scroll instagram and get in peoples way

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you're triggering me rn, hoes do this in the squat racks

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Wow, the rare body dysmorphia where you actually think you look better than everyone else thinks! Not delusional in the slightest

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There was reddit post from some crazy foid that said she is as fit as olympian. And you could see her abs. And bmi is myth.

She even posted pic of her mid section. She was overweight

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no one in her examples even called her fat. her first :marseywinner: sentence is "Well, they don't directly call me fat because that would :marseymid: be rude, but".

the first :marseywinner: guy is doubting her claim that he goes to the gym.

the 2nd guy suggested they eat something :marseysmugface: healthy :marseybroccoli: on a date which she interpreted as him calling her fat. i like salads but some guy suggesting we eat salads on a date completely ruined :marseygraze: my night. she could have just said she wants to eat something :marseysmugface: else?

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Hi I'm a foid I like going to the gym, eating healthily and worrying about my weight.

Oh hi, maybe you'd like to go to the salad bar for our date then?

HOW DARE YOU! :marseyfrozenrage:

Why do men get blamed for misogyny again?

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Oh good I came to make the comment he made and he already did and you already proved it correct


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She needs an effort post

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That is written by a man

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Most female businesses fail because the owner didn't have a good enough business plan and wasn't pretty enough to keep it afloat any longer.

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I just asked. I'll likely receive a ban shortly.

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Lmao her post history :mars#eylaugh:

Why do I want to have s*x with someone I hate?


How to deal with being th "dumb" sibling?


Anyone else not overweight but people still call you fat?


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Why do I want to have s*x with someone I hate?

Every woman, everywhere

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>go out with a girl
>really into her
>treat her nicely because I like her
>that turns her off and she dumps me

>go out with a girl
>don't really like her that much
>treat her kind of badly for that reason
>she becomes obsessively into me


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Being a romantic is suffering.

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It ain't easy being a sensitive young man :marseydepressed:

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It's called negging sweaty 💅

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New b8 post

"I negged my girlfriend through a plate glass table"

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I negged her egg :#marseydab:

I say this as a feminist ally !fellas

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go out with a girl

don't really like her that much

treat her kind of badly for that reason

she becomes obsessively into me

holy frick real

Big part of why I hate women

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Spend two years being the wrong guy then switch up like they fixed you. Easy W

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This proves that moids teasing foids is actually instinctual rizz

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I put a girl in a headlock and would lightly physically smack her around because I saw her as one of the boys because I thought she was a crypto-lesbian so I didn't see the need to treat her as a girl.

She loved it.

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Not only catcalled but the amount of 40 years old fat bald guys hitting on teenagers is insane.

This is my experience too. As a teen I was specifically targeted by middle aged men and it didn't matter at all to them that I looked 12 until I was 17

It started for me at 7. I'll never forget how my mom was so angry. A man came up to her asking her not to let me wear shorts

lol foids trying to one up each other

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Wait is that last one just "yo b-word stop letting your daughter dress like a ho"?

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I'm guessing some well meaning but clumsy advice

>there are some bad guys out there, you should be careful dressing her like that in case it gets their attention

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wish 40 year old fat bald guys would hit on me

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>It's not just AFAB people, pretty much everyone I know who's been seen by men as a women gets harassment. I was still getting harassment in my 30s as well (though I do look younger than I am).


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All foids are bastards :marseylibleft:

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Stealing :marseywatermark: that

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look at me what a hot slut I've become; men lust over me!


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"Men looking in my general direction is harassment"

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>:marseytrain: pointing out s*x pests

Takes one to know one lmao

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You only have to look at how most teenagers dress to explain this.

Yes, I am a victim blamer.

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This woman is :marseycrazy:


Now i want to read her book


If you said this shirt is rdrama bait. I would belive it


Abortion wife beater. Not message i want to send.

Is this really what happenes to woman when chad dosent haras anymore

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Sorry to say I'm in my 40's and legit get catcalled every day. Maybe it's just where you live? Idk

God I love how passive agressive women can get :marseygiggle:

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if you want to lose weight and you're not losing weight at the current diet, just eat less. simple. eat salad to fill up.

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Not overweight :marseychubbbase: but I suspect she's lying :marseydeception:

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She must look like underage girl. No wonder men dont want her

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The problem herein lies with the lack of accountability for onself if you can't even respect yourself enough :marseykrazykarate: and be accountable for your OWN actions :carpkisaragi: which have led to your decline :marseybeanpensive: and now you just sit on Reddit :soysnoo: and complain :marseykaren: than point fingers at men (who don't even know you exisit) for not finding your fruppa attractive... :taylorlorenzcrying:


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That's quite the posting history

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strag problems, not my problem :#marseynails:

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My sweet darling... I do miss you darling one and I want to feel your soft cool face coming out of that mass of kitty fur like I did last night.



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I blame the Jews.

Thanks to modern porn, 28 and under is now "teenager"


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