Most masculine moid booktuber falsely accused of r*pe by most mentally stable booktuber foid

Here's her dog shit nonpology

Other book tubers are now posting apologies.

One of her unlisted videos:

Thanks @QuadNarca for posting the mega thread.

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Also she was trying to milk people with her PayPal, while they were believing her.

Is it true that her videos are monetized and she is collecting money through Paypal?


Yep. And many of the booktubers who came out in support of her shared the donation link and encouraged others to donate.

Edit: Also thread about it on another subreddit:

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>creates megathread

>locks it


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Their pronouns are they/them. Not she/her. They/them. The misgendering in these comments is running rampant.

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:marseyconfused: i get it when the gender goblins :poonerangry: go they/them cause at least the fattys get pretty ambiguous :marseysquint::marseychonker: but why's this basic b-word book foid saying she's they/them :marseyconfused:

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Normal women lie all the time, but she only lies sometimes, hence the apology video and non-binary status

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Math checks out.

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Astounding audacity I have to say.

Not sure if it's less or more respectable that she did it all for cold hard cash, rather than just to destroy the guy.

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Apparently she was the side chick. He cheated on his then-girlfriend now-wife with her, he dumped her and she got jealous because he didn't chose her, so she did this as a revenge as well.

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I don't think so, I can't think of a single other example of such case. At the end of the day these insane b-words who falsely accuse guys of SA is still a small minority. I don't want this thread to be full of women hate.

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Too bad :marseyshrug:

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At the end of the day these insane b-words who falsely accuse guys of SA is still a small minority

a minority of what?

  • in the US about 5% of r*pe reports to the police are proven true. 2% are proven false. 93% might be false or true.

  • it's well-established that the majority of r*pes aren't reported to the police.

  • it's likely that the majority of false r*pe accusations aren't reported to the police either.

in college towns 70% of the accusations are bullshit, chicks who cheated on their bf and want an official certificate saying it doesn't count.

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watertight :marseythumbsup:

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Whoa, what a shitshow.

Dramatic stuff one can say.

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Most masculine moid booktuber

to be fair I genuinely assumed he was gay the first times I watched his videos. My gaydar was off.

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he said he was bi in the vid, not too far off queen

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is 2025, gay guys frick women now

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Why do people ever believe these foids? That was the worst fake crying I have ever seen.

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Because she might put out :marseyshrug:?

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The women who get most offended that a moid doesn't leave their foid for her often give the most mediocre vagina-ing.

If her grippy was any good, he would have left his wife for her.

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I wonder why women who go and do false accusations dont immediately become loot goblins for male feminists.

Like put on a ski mask and fairy wings from whatever dogshit teenage fantasy book she likes and go to town. Who the frick is going to believe her now?

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Who the frick is going to believe her now?

95% of the people who did the first time.

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Because her vagene is inherently so mediocre she had to resort to false accusations. :marseyindignant:

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should've done anal if she wanted results

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Well then you lie to her and say you believe her, you don't actually have to believe.

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>professional youtuber

Lol why would any sane man stick his peepee in that? At that point you deserve to get falsely accused of r*pe

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>sane man


Nice try, buddy.

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Ok I was wrong and look like a jackass but I could have been right. And doesn't the fact that I could have been right truly say something about men and society? Besides me of course because I'm one of the good ones. Please may I have a crumb?


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To be fair, the man is a book tuber. His audience is probably 95% women, so he has to be like that to secure his bag. Only new books sponsor videos and only women read new books. And it's usually the craziest ones at that.

Sadly, the only way to get male viewers as a book tuber is to talk about one of the big 4 franchises (Dune, LotR, ASoIaF, the Bible) every single day for a decade.

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What kind of books do these booktubers cover anyway? Is it all YA and fantasy slop? I genuinely have no idea !bookworms help me out

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I don't think we have enough female gooners on that ping group to help you out

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Mostly progressive slop.

There was a gay interracial romance book set during the Kosovo genocide that got cancelled prior to release. Pretty hilarious, but it's pretty standard in terms of what most of these books are.

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YA and fantasy slop

Sometimes it's both. Reminder: Brandon Sandersoon books are YA, they always have at least 50% teenage protagonists.

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Afaik some of them have been getting into manga and it explodes their sub counts :marseyshrug:

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How can you be a male in 2025 and still believe women by default? :marseybang:

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No !gay man would ever say believing a woman was the correct course of action. :marseyhomosupremacist:

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oh thank god there is a summary

Been losing my mind watching the reactions to this drama and not being able to reply cause comments get locked, so getting here early.

First she makes a SA accusation in the video but she defines SA in a completely incorrect way. Huge red flag already. But whatever for some reason people ignore this. Okay fine.

Then there's people who kept saying "at worst he is a male feminist, at best a cheater" but at the same time they take Naomis side and pretend shes an angel. Like tf. It takes 2 people to cheat.

Then there have been people saying "Why would someone lie about this? There's no gain?" Blackmail is a big reason in my books. How about jealousy as another?Or just being a pitiful person wanting to ruin someone's career?

And finally after the latest developments I now see people taking Daniels side in this. As if he was the victim here. Absolutely crazy to me.

Both these people absolutely suck. These 2 knowingly cheated on their friend and gf.

Out of the threads I have read only a very few of them mention the only real victim here. The fiancée. Her bf cheated on her and is a serial cheater. And Naomi knowingly cheated on the fiancée of one of her friends? That's fricked up. I feel bad for the fiancée and only her. If anyone should take a side its should be hers.

!fellas !commenters

but then there is this !truthnuke

Wonder how many redditors will actually learn to take innocent until proven guilty seriously now, and how many will hide behind "well, he is an butthole anyway, I don't care anymore, whatever", hilarious to see unfold in real time.

Remember when you're wrong, never admit it. Always be on the winning team.

Yeah, already got some downmarseys and saw plenty of comments like "Well, maybe he didnt SA but lets think about the real victim of this whole thing, Daniel's fiance, she didn't deserve anything and Im gonna explain why Daniel is a pos anyway blah blah", they are allergic to taking accountability.

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Then there have been people saying "Why would someone lie about this? There's no gain?"

Everytime I read this shit I want to :marseyi#wannachokeyou: whoever's writing it

:smugjak: "Uhmm based on the information I have that action would be irrational, when did a human ever act irrationally?"

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And there literally is gain. Some people are attention whores. For example, munchies. What gets you more sympathy and attention than being an SA survivor?

In this case, i think the chick was just broken hearted. Maybe I'm projecting but i'm guessing in her distress she basically did feel like he comitted a crime, though she did everything but say it because there was a small part of her brain that knew it wasn't true. Guessing this got so much bigger than she (unconciously) planned and when she was exposed, all she could do was pull the rip cord.

People are dumbshits in the affairs of the heart. Doesn't excuse their actions, and they should be penalized, but it makes sense where it comes from.

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Right, and I paraphrased the comment, but gain is a wrong word to use, there's a reason in legal setting, nobody's talking about gain but motive/motivation

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/u/ugh-wetlanders the real victim here is actual SA victims. The backlash smdh

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Every time a woman poisons her husband to get his estate, I feel dread worrying about the backlash against all the women this would create.

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Then there have been people saying "Why would someone lie about this? There's no gain?"

These "people" unironically need to be killed. Painfully.

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pinned because I hate women

also that's the worst acting I've ever seen, wtf is wrong with her

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I hate the men who immediately join the bandwagon against the guy and then make half-hearted apology videos more ngl

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You do not, I repeat, you do not hate women enough.

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I don't like to comment about liberals, progressives and such, there is enough chuddery here. But booktube or wahteverthehell it's called being as liberal as it is, I'm not surprised that they turned on him like snakes in an instant.

Guilty until proven innocent, I hate this kind of shit so much.

Yet he knew what kind of people he surrounds himself with (on top of cheating on his girlfriend).

I don't feel sorry for him at all.

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Hilarious how most of his booktuber "friends" apparently turned on him in an instant


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I guess you waited till the truth came out, that they are two shit people.

Low key would

Dont mistake her for this Naomi King who is Stephen King's daughter and till now would be most popular result if you just searched for Naomi King

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!bookworms why are there no booktubers for nonfiction? I want someone discussing David Stahel's " Retreat from Moscow: A New History of Germany's Winter Campaign, 1941-1942" or Scott Shane's " Objective Troy: A Terrorist, a President, and the Rise of the Drone"

Instead it's just thinly veiled latent homosexual books

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Thats just channels of middle aged men with poor camera setups talking about history and war

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:marseyautis#mdisconcerting: :marseychad#neuro: :mars#!eyneat:

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Those strags only talk about self help books or how to be an intelligent investor type bullshit

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Because they're stupid


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Retreat from Moscow: A New History of Germany's Winter Campaign, 1941-1942

How is this one?

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Very good from the operations point of view.

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She did make this video which is pretty sweet

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That sounds like a garage band demo built from free VSTs

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:marseyindignant: Contra did sitting in a bathtub better

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I'm not taking Philosophy Tube's sloppy seconds

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She's definitely a :marseywould: in my book.

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Would you even risk getting falsely accused of sexual assault? Is your :marseywould: that strong?

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Who's gonna believe her now?

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Good point.

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:#marseybigbrain: :#marseykneel:

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The more i look at her, the more i dislike her.

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See that's part of the appeal for me.

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That guy is VERY straggy and i hope this situation redpills him a little. I've been following him for a while because i was curious about his Berserk reviews and of course he was bitching about muh r*pe and sexual assault shit, but in the end he loved it and put it as his top 5 works of fiction.

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of course he was bitching about muh r*pe and sexual assault shit

>material portrays r*pe and sexual assault as bad things

>soys still soy out :soyjakbounce:


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material portrays r*pe and sexual assault as bad things

soys still soy out

It's literally because it offends foids' sensibilities and makes it harder for them to self-insert. If the work depicts foids being r*ped or sexually assaulted, that'll just reinforce the idea that foids irl deserve to be r*ped or sexually assaulted! Because foids and minorities need to be shown experiencing good outcomes in order to empower them irl as if these works were modern-day morality plays.

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the first r*pe shown is of the MC, when he's a little boy.

I think that's the one kind of r*pe foids don't masturbate to

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Incorrect. Foid-centred media portrays ✨good faith✨ male feminism all the time, and foids schlick to it.

The problem isn't the existence of consent accidents, it's that it's portrayed as a horrific ordeal for the victims.

Reminds me of a review I read of the gor book where the plot is about the MC woman being kidnapped and made into a intercourse slave, and the reviewer had a big issue with that. Not with it happening, mind. The real problem was that the story didn't focus on the feelings of the MC enough (the review also didn't seem to understand that as a slave, the MC's feelings were irrelevant to her masters).

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The problem isn't the existence of consent accidents, it's that it's portrayed as a horrific ordeal for the victims.

Nah, if that was the case they wouldn't get mad at moid-centric depictions of foid s*x in a positive context then, which they do.

But you are right about the emphasis on the foid perspective, which goes back to the self-insert problem. As a general rule, moids fantasize as if they were the fictional character while foids insert themselves into the fictional world. A lack of foid perspective makes it hard to self-insert, especially when it's coming from an icky moid perspective.

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Okay but

1. he cheated on his wife

2. he had s*x with someone who clearly is incapable of informed consent. (just look at 'em)

Verdict: Daniel :marseyclapping2: Green :marseyclapping2: is :marseyclapping2: a :marseyclapping2: sexpest :marseyclapping2:


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Looks like this guys vids don't even hit 100k. How does this guy have a big enough following for this kind of drama.

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Idk neighbor, I'm just here for the drama not the analytics.

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Imagine the backlash

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For people who like to read they sure are r-slurred :marseydisabled: and jumped the gun.

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They don't like to read tho. If they did they'd be reading, not watching youtube videos about reading. They have fallen into the hyperreality and mistaken a symbol of the thing for the thing itself

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um...what? women don't make up r*pe accusations. that's something men only pretend happens.

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That's ok, Naomi is a they/them, not a woman :marseywholesome:

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oh. then it was a made up r*pe accusation!

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Everyone is using they/them for this lady. She's not even trying to look like an androgynous ugly blob.

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She is very r*peable so I can understand this

!male feminists

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I love this shit, going back and telling everyone who believe her r-slurs is life fuel

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Everyone involved deserve to die

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I feel bad for bookbros weasel

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What do guys think is going to happen when you get involved with a woman like that

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She's nonbinary tyvm

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Is nonbinary. yeah that's what I just said

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hmm should i say sorry to the victim of a false allegation or should i apologize to people who are now theoretically less likely to be believed because of my own actions hnmmmm

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:marseywise: scribble-skin? don't stick it in.

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is she a they?

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She's a whore

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Edit: Guys this post made it to some weird site where men are talking about crushing our skulls because of this post.

Sigh "not all men"



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