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  • rDramaHistorian : Race - BIPOC , Geography - Plantations
  • Stoicpeace : I have already made any chud suggestions redundant with my troll species :). So no point chuddies.

Rdrama worldbuilding thread number 1- races and geography

Yesterday I made a post about collaborative rdrama worldbuilding and today is the first post. We will be creating the races and geography of this world today.


You may notice that besides @Modern_Major_General's great inland lake there isn't much detail in this world. That's because you're going to add it.

Any addition is acceptable as long as you're not making a joke out of it. Check the pinned comment for a good example of how to add races, but you don't have to do it in that way.

To change georgaphy just tell me an area you wan't to change and I will. I can add mountains and change the biome and such.

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Species: Arslurians

Range: that one tiny island in the very bottom right corner

Description: Close cousins of humans, though generally shorter with stockier builds and fat faces. Exiled from the human lands long ago, they have adopted intense isolationism despite their small population. Generally regarded as grotesque in both appearance and demeanor, equally in part due to their lack of hygiene, ignorance of etiquette, and high frequency of red hair. They make poor fighters and worse laborers due to their immobile limbs and poor coordination. However, some of them do become expert craftsmen or scholars in one particular area each.

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They make poor fighters and worse laborers due to their immobile limbs and poor coordination.

Despite this they can occasionally produce incredible feats of athletic prowess, seemingly without understanding their own ability to, and now all similar incidents of going beyond what should normally be possible for a mortal are known as "arslurian strength"

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Edited my race sheet. Here is the information about the island in the bottom right corner.

The Arslurians refer to their homeland as Arrland. It is a rocky, windswept island, lacking in trees but abundant in verdant fields and jagged cliffs. Due the cold temperatures and frequent gales, most family homes are dug into the side of hills or otherwise partially underground, making them sort of basement like dwellings. Arslurians are a solitary people, most choosing to live and work remotely, gathering only once a week to discuss magic and other interests they may share. The capital, Downsshire, is the only settlement of note, about the size of a large human village. It is home to the only deepwater port on the island, though few ships are allowed to dock there, and fewer choose to do so. Kemonomimi species seem to hold most of these positions as special friends and honored guests.

The soil quality is universally poor and as such the only crop grown there in any serious quantity is the potato. The finest local delicacy is made of the tender pectoral muscles of the migratory birds that yearly make the island home. Almost all meals are fried in the copious fats of the baby seals which sleep upon the southern shores, caught and killed with bare hands so as to ensure purity. Herds of goats are kept for their milk, solely drank fresh as cheese is widely considered to be yucky. Fishing is, by all accounts, beyond their capabilities.

Local governance works differently, yet similarly to many human kingdoms. Nobility is decided not by family but by ability. The most capable of mind are appointed as magistrates in an organization known as the Ranglors. The more capable the Ranglor is, the more Arslurians they oversee. The highest position in the organization, the Master Ranglor, holds power equivalent to a monarch. In essence though, all of these positions serve the same purposes: to mediate conflicts between citizens, dishing out punishments if necessary; ensure work is done correctly, and in a timely manner; and to identify and rectify safety hazards. Despite this stratification of their society, material wealth is similarly low among all classes.

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The arslurians of arrama :marseythumbsup:

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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