
R-slurred Safeguarding Bong Doctor Hillary Cass suggests SSRIs, which have an FDA black box warning for increased suicidality in minors, may be more effective than puberty blockers in treating gender dysphoria


Needless to say, there is no evidence that SSRIs treat gender dysphoria in minors. But if you watch the video, she calls these treatments "evidenced-based".

:marseyhmmm: so what did she mean by this?

Presumably, she means there is evidence they treat depression. Which would only be relevant if one believed gender dysphoria was not a real diagnosis. :marseyreverse:

Any credibility she or the NHS may have had on the international stage after releasing the embarrassing Cass report is completely shot. :marseydunce:

Of course, that won't stop the Bongs from torturing their own kind for amusement, a Bongish pastime that they never grow tired of. What silly rules and regulations will they think of next? :marseybong:

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Seems pretty straght forward, you treat the little pooners or cute twinks for deppression and anxiety and you see whats left after those symptoms are better.

Puberty blockers is doesnt seem too do much for dysphoria in terms of improved mental state.

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The point of puberty blockers is to prevent dysphoria from worsening as puberty develops. As per the Mayo Clinic, anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, substance misuse and other problems are symptoms downstream of dysphoria. It's like taking Tyenol and refusing to get chemo for your brain tumor until your headaches go away :marseydead:

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We don't want kids to grow up with brittle bones and a micro-peen. Also, why did doctors almost completely stop using puberty blockers on girls with precocious puberty?

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>Also, why did doctors almost completely stop using puberty blockers on girls with precocious puberty?

They didn't lol, theyre still in common use

While puberty blockers have been scrutinized by some due to their use in caring for transgender children, these drugs have been in use since the 1980s and are overwhelmingly safe if used appropriately. Side effects such as bone health risks typically only occur with prolonged use past the age of puberty.

A pediatrician can use these medications to slow down physical maturity to a healthier pace, protect bone growth and help young patients adjust as needed. Experts suggest discontinuing the treatments around age 12.


>brittle bones

Caused by refusing to give trans teens estrogen/testosterone and forcing them to wait years on puberty blockers. Easily avoidable and WPATH no longer recommends making trans people wait until 16 to start real HRT.


Imagine trying to stop someone from getting healthcare because you're concerned about trans girl gock size. Seek help unironically

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Where's it say they're in common use? I said they were used less than they were. As for them being safe through the age of puberty, the idea being pushed is that they can delay puberty until they make a decision. So it becomes an issue all the same. We're making them wait so they don't make a decision that ruins their lives.

Besides, think about how doctors getting kickbacks pushed Ritalin. It makes people suicidal, too, and long-term. Every kid who had the attention span of a child was given it for years. Look at the opioid crisis, or Ozempic right now. Transitioning is expensive, so why wouldn't you doubt the people suddenly saying we should do this to kids as soon as social conditions make it easier to get away with?

Also, gock size is important. If they get older and decide to transition, they'll wind up like Jazz-- with a micropeepee that can't be inserted due to size, so they'll put part b of their intestine in there, which will permanently ooze fluid that reeks like butt and causes infections. Also, most people get over their gender issues around high school age, so you'll have somebody who can never have a s*x life (unless they're a bottom). You're upsetting the course of people's lives by not concerning yourself with this.

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>Where's it say they're in common use? I said they were used less than they were.

I believe this is false as well, precocious puberty referrals increased during covid so unless youre talking about something very recent you're likely incorrect.

>think about how doctors getting kickbacks pushed Ritalin. It makes people suicidal, too, and long-term. Every kid who had the attention span of a child was given it for years

So are you just making up narratives in your head? Just because chuds stopped screeching about ADHD 20 years ago doesn't mean doctors stopped prescribing meds for it to minors. I know people who took adderall as minors and they all turned out fine, felt blessed to have the stuff. They're lucky the internet panic machine wasnt as prevelent when it was a point of controversy

>transitioning is expensive

HRT is dirt cheap and taking it as a minor reduces the likelihood of expensive procedures like FFS, BA, hair removal, mastectomy. If theres a spooky conspiracy its to deny dysphoric teens their meds so that the medical system can make $100,000 off of follow up surgeries

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You're deliberately missing my point again. There's a difference between prescribing something for a legit medical issue and handing it out like candy. At no point did I claim they stopped prescribing it, same with puberty blockers. Isn't it odd that overprescribing it was a genuine mistake as soon as there was actual pushback?

I thought the Science recommended surgeries to help with dysphoria. Now it's not about helping them delay puberty until they can make a decision, but to keep them from developing icky bodies.

If I said women should be given puberty blockers so their bodies don't age past early puberty at the latest, you'd see something suspicious in that, wouldn't you?

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>Now it's not about helping them delay puberty until they can make a decision, but too keep them from developing icky bodies

Those are the same thing r-slur. Is chudded so not going too elaborate further. Literally the worst poster in this entire thread smh, even as @MeowMixed stand with israel

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I mean, what's wrong with them becoming an ugly chick later? Why do they need the sexy traits?

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Good job bobby, here's a star

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This is a medium post, rimjobber

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!transphobes in shambles after having no comeback for our trans queen's brilliance :marseytransflag2:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17081894962856162.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1708151776476707.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1708189854511398.webp :#marseyslurpfast:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17048220219664645.webp :#marseyslurpfast: :#marseycumplosion:

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The logic is circular. It's predicated on gender dysphoria and transgender identity being valid diagnoses. I don't think puberty blockers are necessary because :!marseytrain:s are simply attention seeking cute twinks and perverts, and the entire notion that people can be born with opposite gendered souls in need of medical intervention is r-slurred.

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Preach queen! :#tayclap:

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Have you considered that the diagnostic process has nothing too do with 'souls'? @MeowMixed stand with israel because @MeowMixed is soulless

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No actually the model is dependent on the treatment providing improvements in quality of life that alternatives can't match. In addition, the failure of conversion therapy too improve quality of life. Thats the empirical evidence, and the frequent chud deviations itt into ywnbaw posting betrays that you are motivated by seethe over the fact that you're fellow cis people are typically nice too :!marseytrain:s and gender us correctly regardless of what they truly believe, and that they often dont look kindly upon bullies. You're philosphical beef is not relevant too what the best treatment is for these kids or trans people in general. Its about as relevant as the fact that @MeowMixed stand with israel

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Can't match according to what data, exactly?


You're describing non-invasive therapeutic measures as "conversion therapy", so I have a very, very important question for you to answer:

To pathologize, or not to pathologize?

Is "being trans" a part of a disease process or isn't it?


Again, where is this empirical evidence in support of blocking puberty/starting HRT first and asking questions later? The only studies which point in that direction are full of holes, and the only decent studies point in the opposite direction, which is why the trend has been moving away from the affirmation first model among the countries which first adopted it.


Do you want your friends to tell you only the things they think you want to hear? If they indulge you in this desire, are they actually your friends?


My "philosophical beef" that medical science shouldn't be directed by a metaphysics which rests on a foundation of unverifiable assumptions?

That's not relevant?

What, exactly, is relevant?

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>The only studies which point in that direction are full of holes, and the only decent studies point in the opposite direction

Lol. Every year chuds come out with a study and every year they stop referencing it when they realize the methodology is some completely indefensible claptrap like interviewing parents on a transphobe forum :marseyskull:

>What, exactly, is relevant?

The treatment improves :marseytrain: quality of life. Chud alternatives like shipping them off to bible camp decrease quality of life. It's that simple

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The point of puberty blockers is that :!marseytrain:s look at themselves in the mirror and hate how ugly they are. To stop dwelling on the fact they've ruined their lives and are more miserable than before, they fantasise about how they'd be sexy if they looked more like kids, because they are p-dophiles. They then live vicariously through pushing children to take pills which the trans women imagine will make them more childish, which excites them, but the pills themselves are useless and do nothing but damage the kids for life

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Puberty blockers are a compromise to placate cis people r-slur, if it were up to :!marseytrain:s they'd get HRT straight away

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yeah if it was up to :!marseytrain:s they'd do a lot of things to kids

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Namely, protect them from child-kidnapping tradcon freaks

:marseyreichcry: :marseytransaxe: :marseytransplushie:

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It's rare form for transphobes to be so open with where their minds wander :marseyclapping:

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:marseynotes: intriguing, intriguing… tell me more about your relationship with your father

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if I post about him molesting me in EVERY comment people will start to find me predictable

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oh okey, I wasnt aware that globohomo was saying otherwise.

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Reported by:
  • EvilUbie : As are the low standards of having gender dysphoria.
  • MeowMixed : Diagnostic criteria is not a thought terminating cliche

Thought terminating cliche

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well im gonna expect american globohomo socety to just point the arrow of causality whatever way best serve their agenda, I hardly believe they can prove causality that way.

You seen in other instances where they argue why certain things are correct, well thats because of the "super official" guidelines, and why are the guidelines correct? Because they are

super official guidelines.

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This is really rich in a thread full of chuds claiming an unreviewed NHS report designed to back up a decision the government had already made should be the gold standard in trans medicine

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It's hilarious that internet troids think they know better than the person who led the biggest systematic review.

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"The biggest systematic review" what does that even mean. She's a government lackey who published an essay for the government because it couldn't pass peer review and no reputable journal would publish it

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what does that even mean.

Look at this dumb BIPOC. You have all this time to look up random trans shit, but won't even Google what a systematic review is.

A systematic review, compared to the usual meta-analysis which is just cherry picking studies by :marseytrain2:s, requires them to prespecify their search terms and evaluation criteria.

I bet you repeated the lie that she rejected 98% of studies because they weren't RCTs.

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Any government can shit out a propaganda piece labeled "systematic review", but the cass report did not meet the criteria to be published in a peer reviewed reputable journal. The NHS had already stopped giving out HRT to minors, this was a decision they made independent of the state of the industry and then fabricated a report to justify the conclusion they had already come to after the fact.

Thats why the person who wrote this trash is now embarrassing herself in interviews, because she's never worked in trans medicine in her life and the very first account followed on her Twitter account is an anti-trans NGO. Keep slurping up that bong slop i guess :marseyslurpfast:

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the cass report did not meet the criteria to be published in a peer reviewed reputable journal.

You keep repeating this completely unsubstantiated lie.

The NHS had already stopped giving out HRT to minors, this was a decision they made independent of the state of the industry and then fabricated a report to justify the conclusion they had already come to after the fact.

Did completely ignore the fallout over Tavistock's extremely questionable practices?

Thats why the person who wrote this trash is now embarrassing herself in interviews,

Only you think she's embarrassing herself. It was actually smart to hire somebody not involved in trans medicine, because that seems to be an ideologically captured field.

Everything you wrote is an easily refutable lie, just like the lie that you are a woman. The only one being embarrassed is you when you use the changing facilities.

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>You keep repeating this completely unsubstantiated lie.

Go ahead and prove me wrong then r-slur. They didnt publish it in a journal, they just set up a website and self-published it :marseybrainletclapping:

>Did completely ignore the fallout over Tavistock's extremely questionable practices?

Pearl clutching Bongs claimed that being made to wait years for treatment is actually being rushed through the system or some shit :marseyshrug: Maybe by bong standards, but not relevant to determining best practices in medicine, the NHS is a garbage system.

>It was actually smart to hire somebody not involved in trans medicine, because that seems to be an ideologically captured field.

So what youre saying is everyone reputable disagrees with the NHS so the NHS made a decision from the outset to hire someone who would come to a different conclusion. Thanks for agreeing with me

>Everything you wrote is an easily refutable lie, just like the lie that you are a woman. The only one being embarrassed is you when you use the changing facilities.

Garden variety transmisia that indicates your motivation here is not the well-being of the teenagers in question. Sadistic thinking :chudtantrum:

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Go ahead and prove me wrong then r-slur.


I can't substantiate my claims so I will set an impossible bar for you.


Why would they need to publish? It's a government report.

Pearl clutching Bongs claimed that being made to wait years for treatment is actually being rushed through the system or some shit :marseyshrug:

And you completely misrepresented how Tavistock was being run as an experimental treatment while not actually keeping good records or reviewing the evidence.

Thanks for agreeing with me

Given how the to Tavistock was run, is clear those people shouldn't be reputable.

Garden variety transmisia that indicates your motivation here is not the well-being of the teenagers in question. Sadistic thinking

Actually, my sadism wants you :marseytrain2:s to speed run your transitions to then 41% :marseytranstheyreright:. Because you've been lying about so much, such as the supposed reversability of puberty blockers. I'm eager to see the hairy former pooners with low bone density and mastectomies and the fat castratos with tits showing up to the support meetings.

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>siding with the British

Obviously in the wrong here, sorry

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It's like taking Tyenol and refusing to get chemo for your brain tumor until your headaches go away

This implies that gender dysphoria is a definite diagnosis while it should be a diagnosis of exclusion. Puberty is a rough time for girls as they suddenly become the target of lustful male attention. People who she once thought were friends suddenly want to penetrate her. Transwomen will NEVER understand these moments

How do you know this is not body dysmorphia secondary to social stressors? Gender dysphoria should be a diagnosis of exclusion

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There is no reason to propose a diagnosis of exclusion when detransition rates are incredibly low. If medical science uncovers actual determinants for regret and/or misdiagnosis in the future, then it would be proper to screen for those things before providing treatment. As is, it's proposing putting the overwhelming majority of patients last because of what-ifs and the hypothetical detransition/regret wave that has been coming any day now for the past decade

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>detransition rates are incredibly low

That's because they just rope instead.

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Our ancestors would smack dysphoric people silly and that would solve the problem

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