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Y'know back in my days, hermits would isolate themselves from the world and all temporal concerns and ponder the mysteries of the divine in solitude, not go on fricking Groomercord apparently. !oldstrags

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Give a man enough time and internet alone and he will discover the prostate orgasm. It's all downhill from there

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This hermit lived in a goon cave.

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I was seeing young :marseytedkaczynski: trans :marseytomoko: people take their own lives :marseykneel: because they felt rejected :marseyabandoned: by their communities

How? I mean literally :marseyme: how can you see them? Aren't you alone :marseymoidmoment: in a desert :marseyzeldagerudolink: or forest?

To support himself :marseytedbackstab: financially, he works at a theater :marseyprojection: in the afternoon.

A crowded place :marseychtorrr: with all kinds of spectacle both sight :marseyblind: and sound. OMG you could not pick a worse place :marseymap2: to be a hermit.

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are all Catholic churches actually affiliated with Rome? or is this one of them off brand shits?

!christians !catholics

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Others suggested that because a hermit's life is characterized by “stricter separation from the world,” according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and “hidden from the eyes of men,” a public statement of any kind was inconsistent with Matson's form of consecrated life.

The use of specific religious titles correlated to gender is not explicitly addressed in the Church's canon law, nor is the admission to religious life of Catholics who identify as transgender.

But the decision of Lexington's Bishop John Stowe to admit Matson as a hermit, with the officially decreed religious title “Brother,” and with Stowe's decision to use masculine pronouns in reference to Matson, who is biologically female, have prompted criticism from many Catholics.

They're part of the formal Church. Bishop Stowe seems to be leaving it up to the Canon lawyers/Holy See to determine. Other than the "Hermit" being on socmed posting stuff that will obviously bring controversy to the Church it's a grey area. https://www.pillarcatholic.com/p/bishops-request-usccb-study-after

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Interesting. Maybe this will be a Vatican II moment or better yet a full blown Schism depending on how the fake Pope they have in there now reacts

Canon lawyers

There is something so funny about this phrase, as if the legitimacy of God's word is dependent on the arguments of a fricking lawyer :marseyxd:

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This neighbor is a Catholic nun and as long as whatever they is remains celibate i dont see a problem

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I mean it goes back at least ~1700 years to when the Romans adopted Christianity even if you want to pretend the Council of Jerusalem in Acts is somehow different (it's not).

Eastern Orthodox and high church Protestants all have these governing bodies as well.

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The Romans persecuted the OG Christians and murdered them en masse until a shrewd emperor called Constantine (a brutal dictator and murderer, killed his own wife and son) saw the value in the growing religion and established it as the state religion of Rome.

Even Jesus pointed out the distinction between the world and it's rulers and ruler of Heaven; give unto caeser and all that. That being said I don't think a hierarchical political organization is exactly what he had in mind when he described his Church.

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I'm not sure there's a reason to be so skeptical of his conversion given his mom St. Helena had become a Christian prior to his own profession of faith and for years he had favored monotheistic cults. Plus his reign was successful after adopting Christianity, which would probably confirm in his own mind that he had aligned with the true God.

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Constantine adopted Christianity for the same reason Biden has adopted LGBT.

It's a sizeable and growing movement, and they want the political advantages.

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Oh please, he put his own wife and son to death well after his supposed conversion, his life story is not an example of a true born again Christian who was evil and had a change of heart. guy was bad all the way to his core

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That was pretty normal for the culture of the day though :marseyshrug:

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Have you heard the story of Samson?

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This one appears to be a Benedictine in communion in Rome.

To answer :marseyconfuseddead: your question :marseyconfuseddead: though there :marseycheerup: are many Catholic :marseybegoneprot: Churches that are not in communion with Rome.

Catholic means universal. There's Roman :marseylegion: Catholic :marseypope2: and its associated eastern :marseyrussianmutt: rites/liturgy.

You also have the orthodox :marseybegoneprot: which are actually :marseynerd3: called the Orthodox :marseybegoneprot: Catholic :marseyluthercringe: Church :marseystainedglass: are not in mutual communion with Rome. There :marseycheerup: are also many orthodox :marseybegoneprot: Catholic :marseyluthersoy: Churches that aren't in communion with each other.

Another one is schismatic :marseyorthodoxsmug: groups that present :marseybow: themselves as Catholic :marseypope2: but do not commune with Rome.

You also have the Anglican :marseyluthercringe: Catholic :marseypope2: Church :marseyklennycross: and other Protestants that call themselves catholic.

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ok fair enough but this one is legit connected to the "Holy See?" As in this dude answers to an bishop or archbishop or some such? I know the general meaning of the term but I'm asking is this one under the hierarchy of the See of Rome?

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It's appears that he is. Approved :marseyvampireapprove: by the bishop of the diocese of Lexington and all. I'm curious :marseysuspicious: to see if he'll be removed from the vocation or not.

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Depends, and there :marseycheerup: are different :marseyvenn3: levels of communion with the Holy See.

My church :marseyklennycross: (Maronite) is in full communion but we're a different :marseyvenn3: right :marseytransmisiaaward: with different :marseyvenn3: privileges (our priest :marseyorthodoxsmug: can be married :marseybride: for instance).

There's a Latin :marseydayofthedead: (not Latinx) society :marseyevilgrin: that recently had some of its privileges restored but is not in full communion.

There are also heretical churches that share no communion with the Holy See, but call themselves Catholic :marseycrusader2: anyways. Usually your diocese will tell you which church :marseyklennycross: is which if you ask.

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Most are, the vast majority, but a few are not especially out in rural areas. These rural churches are often ministered by a community elder or even a lay priest of Catholic tradition. But pretty much any church within the dioceses of a Bishop will have a Ordained Priest, in fact the previously mentioned rural churches only really happen in South America, Southern Slavic regions, and the American Midwest.

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8 comments and not a single child molestation joke :marseyspit:

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it's a pooner so it's a given that xhe was molested

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honestly I think I'd be more traumatised today if my priest had shown me a transgina instead of just his peepee

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“I was seeing young :marseytedkaczynski: trans :marseynotesbardfinn: people take their own lives :marseyblm: because they felt rejected :marseyabandoned: by their communities, including their religious :marseyjesus2: communities,” Matson said. “I could no longer sit in the safety :marseywood: of being stealth :marseysamfisher: and not raise :marseysuspicious: my voice :marseyhelium: to say, ‘This is wrong.'”

Holy shit this is literally :marseyme: the same epiphany I had a couple :marsey2commies: of months ago when I came out.

Living life stealth :marseyinvisible: and non-politically is great, but at what cost? I'm an atheist :marseyhitchens: but I literally :marseyme: woke up one day with a complete change of mind. You can see how theistic people might interpret that as an intervention :marseystopposting: from a god.

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It seems weird to me that we have a trans man on here.

How did you end up on rdrama

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Long story :marseyslime: short, I've always enjoyed trolling. I clocked :marseyclock: onto a big r-slur :marseydramautist: on Reddit :marseydownvote: (BelleAriel), found :marseymissing2: out that she lived only 12 miles :marseyspiderman: away from me which was interesting, discovered she'd attracted an international army of other trolls which I joined. Many of them posted on /r/drama so I started posting :marseycomplain: there :marseycheerup: too.

Then came here. Think :marseynoooticer: there's a couple :marseycupid: of other FtMs here but no one's totally honest about it.

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do you feel incharge pinning your posts?


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be a better dramanaught and disable pins


@cyberdick love sucking peepee apparently

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@cyberdick love sucking peepee

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From a child, I wanted to be a ‘knight for Christ‘

Well, being a NEET for Christ is the next best thing I suppose.

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