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New Study: Most German Youth Outgrow Gender Identity Diagnoses


Update 6/15/24: In response to questions about their recent study on whether young people in Germany maintain their gender-related diagnoses throughout the transitioning process, the study authors were contacted for more information.

They confirmed that in Germany, individuals typically keep their medical diagnosis for an extended period as they navigate transitioning. This may include lifelong hormone treatments and other ongoing healthcare services such as speech therapy. They also shared new insights, noting that while changing one's gender marker on identification documents is a common step during transitioning, the study found that less than 0.5% of those diagnosed with gender identity disorders actually changed their marker during the time they were studied.

Additionally, the authors mentioned that surgeries for children and teenagers, tracked by a specific German coding system (OPS code), are quite rare. They observed that the stability of these diagnoses varies by age and s*x, with older individuals generally having more stable diagnoses compared to adolescent girls.

The authors were confident in their interpretation of the data, emphasizing that their study findings align with past desistance research: “The proportion of unstable diagnoses is within the range of previously published international figures, which makes our results plausible.”

The results of this study are a significant finding—there is very little desistance data on the newer cohort of young people under the gender-affirming model of care, and this study adds to growing evidence that for many young people, a trans-identity can be a temporary phase.

A new long-term study from Germany suggests that the majority of young people diagnosed with gender identity disorders do not continue to identify as such over time. The study examined insurance data over five years, revealing that more than half of young people aged 5-24 across every age subgroup diagnosed with "gender identity disorder" no longer had the diagnosis after five years. Specifically, the desistance rate was 72.7% in 15- to 19-year-old females and 50.3% in 20- to 24-year-old males. Among the whole group of 5- to 24-year-olds, only about 36.4% of those diagnosed in 2017 still had the diagnosis five years later, indicating that more than 63% desisted.

One of the strengths of this study is its comprehensive collection of outpatient billing data for all legally insured persons in Germany, providing a large and representative sample. Additionally, the long observation period from 2013 to 2022 offers valuable insights into long-term trends and changes in diagnosis rates.

The research also noted a dramatic rise in the number of young people being diagnosed with gender identity disorders. In 2013, there were 22.5 cases per 100,000 insured young people, but by 2022, this had increased to 175.7 cases per 100,000, representing an increase of nearly 681%. The study highlighted that, in almost all years, the highest prevalence of gender identity disorder diagnoses was found in 15- to 19-year-old females. In 2022, this age group had a prevalence rate of 452.6 cases per 100,000.


“W 15-19 J.” (females aged 15-19) represents the highest overall rate of increase

The study also found that a large majority of those diagnosed with gender identity disorders had other mental health conditions. In 2022, 72.4% of individuals with a gender identity disorder diagnosis had at least one other psychiatric diagnosis. The most common co-occurring mental health issues included depressive disorders (affecting about 57.5% of females and 49.3% of males), anxiety disorders (34% of females and 23.5% of males), and borderline personality disorders (17.6% of females and 12.1% of males). Other frequent conditions were attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The researchers highlighted the "fluid" nature of gender identity during childhood and adolescence as a likely reason for the high desistance rates. Citing the U.K.'s Cass Review, the authors suggested the need for a comprehensive, standardized diagnostic procedure for youth experiencing gender-related distress.

The study suggests that many young people might resolve their gender incongruence without needing long-term medical treatment. The authors recommend that diagnostic stability and the high prevalence of concurrent mental disorders be considered when starting “gender-adjusting therapy” in adolescence.

They call for more research into cases of "low persistent diagnosis," confirming that “the diagnostic persistence of less than 50% in all age groups in the 5-year follow-up corresponds to the literature.” This supports a growing body of research showing that gender dissatisfaction during adolescence is often temporary and tends to decline with age. This study aligns with recent findings from a long-term Dutch study, which found that most adolescents who expressed a desire to be the opposite s*x no longer felt that way in adulthood.

I guess that means that they were born the wrong gender at first, but, somehow, their brains magically transformed into the right gender. :marseysmugface:


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Presumably if the study authors had access  to insurance bills for the entire country they could have simply checked to see if hormone perscriptions were stopping. Even with DIY dropouts, were the numbers too low for them to sensationalize? :marseyhmm:

The diagnostic code used in the study, F64, does not necessarily correspond with a desire for hormones, it includes crossdressers and other non-binary types who typically do not pursue any medical treatments at all besides therapy.

While i wouldn't be surprised if they/thems were more likely to stop identifying as trans, declaring that their feelings resolved simply because they haven't had F64 come up on their insurance bill in a few years is a stretch to say the least. Regardless, what crossdressers and non-medically transitioning non-binaries do has no bearing on the use of hormones to treat transsexual  people.

One of the other studies is behind a paywall but doesnt mention desistance in the abstract at all, of the 2 that remain one is an old study that uses outdated criteria that considered flamboyant boys to be automatically trans, and the dutch  study  makes up a completely new criteria called "gender non-contentedness" which cuts out most of the diagnostic criteria to actually  get diagnosed with dysphoria under  the DSM

also fun to see how this study does wikipedia-style citations of all the actual research mentioned and then just dumps the cass link in the paper  because it's not actual medical research :marseysmug2:

In short it's just another smoke and mirrors chudfest that falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. For a bunch who are so convinced they are right they really have nothing to show for it

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Funny how every single study that doesn't 100% validate the trans agenda is false and made by chuds, isn't it? In this case, the study was made by those well-known far-right extremists - *checks notes* - the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance in Germany. :marseyhitler:

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>ignores substance of criticism to whine about me calling the authors chuds

Try again r-slur

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Fwom the article itself:

This suppworts a gwowing bwody of research shwowing that gender :marseypassftm: dissatisfaction during adwowalscence is often tempworary and tends two declinye with age. This study :marseyreading: aligns with recent fwindings fwom a wong-term Dutch :marseycheemsdog: study, which fwound that mwost adwowalscents whwo expwessed a desire two be the oppwosite s*x nyo wonger felt that way in adulthwood.

Wow. Surewy, nyo onye cwould have pwedicted this. Pity abwout aww of the kids whwo've been sterilised, had unnyecessary surgery, and been on wwong-s*x hwormwonyes fwor years. Pity abwout aww of the families tworn apart :marseyvenn6: because the parents wouldn't validate the cwazinyess that dwoctwors were sewwing two their kids.

With regard two the damage dwonye two kids, it isn't even just the medicwl cwomplications that they wiww be enduring. It's the fact that they invested swo much intwo a cult, and studies shwow that, the mwore u invest :marseywallst: intwo swomething, the harder it is two admit that u made a mistake. A wot of these kids wiww be pwofwoundwy unhappy :marseychonkerindignant: adults, but they won't even be able two admit two themselves why, and they'ww stay buried in this cwap, separated fwom the peopwal whwo twied two stwop them making these mistakes.

And what study :marseyweeb: is behind :marseynotes2: a paywaww?

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The main crux of the criticism is that most of the people in the study aren't engaged in any medicalization at all and likely are non-binaries who never wanted HRT or surgery. The doublethink in your post to simultaneously proclaim that its a cult and nobody can admit their secret detransition desires while also proclaiming that everyone is detransitioning because a bunch of NBs in therapy had diagnostic code stop showing up on insurance forms. Pick a narrative to shill lol

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>likewy are nyon-binyaries?

Says whwo? U? U're just making assumptions and gwasping at stwaws two twy two twansplain away any study :marseyreading: that dwoesn't cwompwetewy affwirm twans identities as 100% heckin' cute and valid.

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There's no gasping at straws, surveys have repeatedly shown that non-binaries and non-medical transgenders greatly outnumber transsexuals. And the study authors by their own words likely had access to more relevant metrics (like persistence of hormone prescriptions), so a reasonable conclusion would be that they chose this metric on purpose to paint a false narrative of hormone regret even though hormone usage isn't being measured here.

For a study that actually deals with these issues in a serious manner, see this study, which combed through intimate therapy notes to see if minors who had a mastectomy ever voiced regret to their doctors or to a therapist :marseyblob: https://rdrama.net/h/transgender/post/251799/genderaffirming-mastectomy-trends-and-surgical-outcomes

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If the dwoctwors knyow hwow two cworrectwy select peopwal (and particularwy childwen) whwo won't regwet being twans fwor twansition, then hwow dwoes that cwompwort with the "gender affwirmation" diagnyostic pwocedure? Swo-cawwed "gender affwirmation" has led two a wot of mistakes - unnyecessary mistakes, if the kid had been advised two keep their options :marseystocksdown: open and twied a therapist. They can fwind a gwood onye at Genspect.

Many medicwl asswociations aww owor the world :marseyww1american2: have pweceded the UK in minyimizing "gender twansition". The mwost nyotable exception is Iran, where :marseydrama: sexuwl "twansition" awwows hwomwosexuals two stay out of pwiswon or be executed.

The other exceptions are the US and Canyada.

Nyobwody has a "gender identity" because it simpwy dwoes nyot exist. A male whwo "feels like" he's female :marseywall: is suffering :marseypain: fwom a deeper pwoblem which actuawwy dwoes exist - autwogynyephilia, autism, depwession, pworn addiction. These men remain male because s*x is binyary and immutable. There :marseycheerup: is nyo speciwl categwory fwor thwose whwo refuse :marseyredflag2: the reality of their sexed bwodies. This is untweated mentwl iwwnyess, nyot a reality. It shwouldn't be "affwirmed" because it's delusion. Nyothing mwore.

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s*x is binary and immutable

changes my endocrinology (a primary s*x characteristic) to dab on you :marseydab:

>If the dwoctwors knyow hwow two cworrectwy select peopwal (and particularwy childwen) whwo won't regwet being twans fwor twansition

They don't have any reliable methods to screen out people who would otherwise regret transitioning, it's just that the % of detransitioners is so low that gender medicine has lower regret rates than common procedures like knee replacement and LASIK surgery.

>nooo just trust this bongtard lobbying group that says :!marseytrain:s need conversion therapy even though none of these freaks have worked with trans people in their entire lives

I dont think i will

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No study is going to be perfect and it's valid criticism of the study. Even to the point of saying how it could be stronger.

Funny how every single study that doesn't 100% validate the trans agenda is false ...

Anything that disagrees with your side is cope? The projection is strong in you :marseylaugh:

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Of cwourse nyo study :marseyweeb: is gwoing two be perfect, but dismissing the study :marseyweeb: (and aww other studies that have fwound the same things) as a "smwoke and mirwors chudfest" with zewo evidence is mwost defwinyitewy twansplainying cwope.

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with zero evidence ...

They laid out their evidence. You just didn't like it. :marseyshrug:

smoke and mirrors chudfest ...

Where did they say that?

:marseydetective: Looking at your logic, I think you've missed your calling as a woke journo :marseylaugh:

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He literawwy said "smwoke and mirwors chudfest". Did u nyot even wead his pwost?

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:marseydetective: You're right, I missed that at the end.

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one thing you didn't mention is that people who were gatekept would be counted as “desisters” and germany does a lot more of that than the US. you can still force your way past it if you really want to, but a lot of people are ambivalent and don't need much of a nudge from the therapist to be persuaded to find some other outlet (whereas in the US they'd be doing the same thing but on HRT).

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Presumably if the study authors had access to insurance bills for the entire country they could have simply checked to see if hormone perscriptions were stopping. Even with DIY dropouts, were the numbers too low for them to sensationalize? :marseyhmm:

You don't need to be on HRT to be trans. Nor have the desire to be on it. Wouldn't HRT thus be a shitty indicator for being trans? Or are you true scum?

One of the other studies is behind a paywall but doesnt mention desistance in the abstract at all, of the 2 that remain one is an old study that uses outdated criteria that considered flamboyant boys to be automatically trans, and the dutch study

This shows that you didn't read the study.

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I'm mildly truscummy but let's face facts, nobody but the chuddiest of chuds cares about the societal consequences of someone temporarily changing their pronouns or name for a few years. The core of the debate is around a tiny minority of teenagers who want the right to induce a cross-s*x puberty instead of a cis one.

And yeah i didn't pay $50 to read a referenced study that someone linked that doesnt even mention the topic at hand in the abstract, sue me. It's not like any other studies they reference have merit

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And yeah i didn't pay $50 to read a referenced study that someone linked that doesnt even mention the topic at hand in the abstract, sue me. It's not like any other studies they reference have merit

Are you r-slurred or what? I meant the German study. Not a single reference is behind a paywall and it doesn't reference the Dutch study.

You talk about the English article, not the study.

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I criticized the article's references and the study itself. Do you have an actual criticism of what i said or are you just going to engage about vague handwaving about how I'm missing some hidden truth in the study because i also shit on the article linking the study

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Your critique was "why not measure hormone prescriptions", which only holds for true scum pov, thus is not a valid method in general.

Your critique was also "can't access study X" and "refers to dutch study" which the study doesn't do, so your critique is void again.

Apart from your feelings you provided only wrong arguments why the study is bad.

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So you're saying that we should judge the efficacy of a drug based on people who never wanted or used it in the first place because of how european medical codes are organized? :marseyconfused:

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FOLLOw The TRAIL OF... C*m.... 10,000 MILES.........TO, SIssySlut HQ (RAMSTEIN AIRBASE, Germany) """TRANS-FAPPING"""" Sissy Hypnosis, Govt PsyOp -- #1 Cause Gander Dysphorica. @David PATENT Zero #NeverStopSTroking #Greatful #Patriot Thx;

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are you saying being trans is a phase?! BAD FAITH STRAWMAN STUDY DONE BY NAZI TERFS. :hysterical:

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Whoever published this study has the blood of a thousand trans kids on their hands

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17278347330109043.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282249849557173.webp

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That's actually a completely reasonable statement compared to what real :marseytrain2: activists will say unironically about anyone/anything that doesn't fully validate their delusional ideology. :transtantrum:

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Are these activists in the room with you right now?


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:#boomermonster: Told you it's just a phase, kiddo.
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70% of pooners de transition? You don't say

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Hmm, surely the sudden spike in kids identifying as trans couldn't have anything to do with it being trendy to the point where even adults pressure them to do so?

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The clockiest trans women I have ever seen were having a fricking fantastic time dressing like uwu femboy sluts and making out in hallways and I realized that I'm fricking making myself miserable for no reason by being "self aware" or whatever bullshit you fricks have convinced me to be.

"Oh I have to dress modest and look like my peers and appear respectable at all times or else a 48 year old British woman might post about me on Mumsnet." Okay, two stubbly trans girls dressed as otters are giving each other hickeys in their hotel rooms and walking around with huge smiles like Jesus Christ himself appeared before them.

Literal stripey socked catgirls everywhere. And all of them looked happier than me. None of them were self conscious about their lack of voice training. None of them seemed like they had even considered their shoulder-to-waist ratio. None of them looked like they even knew what an "AGP Ogrehon" even is.

And you know what? The stripey socked stubbly catgirls never got misgendered by anyone there. You know who did the entire time? This fricking :marseytrain: who thought it would make me look more like a "real girl" to dress in a girl-cut tee shirt and demin shorts.

Why the frick did I let you freaks turn me into this?

I have got to get dumber. I have got to get cringier. I have got to become a reddit-pilled uwu hornyposting hon. I have got to unironically own a blahaj. If you never see me again, it's because I became a mod of egg_irl.

You're all so hecking valid. I hope you all remember to apply your boygels and eat your titty skittles or whatever.




Cass Review:



Dutch study:

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