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  • Klenn_and_Back_Again : 34.4% weren't followed up LOL
  • STAN_ARTMS : Debunked
  • Chudlite : No actual systemic follow up occurred, just “chart review”lol
  • MeowMixed : They reviewed therapist's notes. More likely to talk about it there than anywhere else

Gender-Affirming Mastectomy Trends and Surgical Outcomes in Adolescents :marseypassftm:

I ripped the chunks of the paper that I figured would be of most interest, but you can check out the full study here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9555285/ :marseylongpost:

Tl;dr: Documented regret rate for FTM top surgery on minors is under 1%

Gender-affirming mastectomies performed from January 1, 2013 - July 31, 2020 in adolescents 12-17 years of age at the time of referral were identified...


...Of the 209 patients who underwent surgery, the median age at referral was 16 years (range 12-17) and the most common technique was double-incision (85%). For patients with greater than 1-year follow-up (n=137, 65.6%), at least one complication was found in 7.3% (n=10), which included hematoma (3.6%), infection (2.9%), hypertrophic scars requiring steroid injection (2.9%), seroma (0.7%), and suture granuloma (0.7%); 10.9 % underwent revision (n=15). There were no statistically significant differences in patient demographics and clinical characteristics between those with and without complications (p>0.05). Two patients (0.95%) had documented postoperative regret but neither underwent reversal surgery at follow-up of 3 and 7 years postoperatively.


....For the entire cohort of 209 patients, manual chart review was performed to search for satisfaction versus regret/dissatisfaction within both postoperative surgical and mental health provider records....After review of notes, an additional search function of key words within the chart was completed to identify notes that may express patient regret not captured with initial review of notes. The key words used were “regret” and multiple synonyms captured by the EHR including “dissatisfaction,” “dissatisfied,” “unsatisfied,” “unhappy”; versus “satisfaction,” “satisfied,” and “happy.” Outcomes were then categorized as satisfaction, regret, or not documented.

It's nice that they looked through mental health provider records. I think a regret case is highly likely to mention dissatisfaction offhand to a therapist, as listening to people complain about their lives is much of what therapists do. :marseytherapist:

Demographic data:

...Had a median post-operative follow-up length of 2.1 years (IQR 1.69). Most patients were Caucasian (68%) followed by Latinx/Latinx (15%), Asian/Pacific Islander (5%), Black (3%), and other (8%). Twelve percent (n=23) had MediCal insurance. The majority of patients identified as male (87%) and the remaining were nonbinary (10%) or other/questioning (3%)...

Yes chud, 12 year olds can get their teats yeeted in Cali :marseypearlclutch:


Let's take a deeper dive into the reports of regret:

After a median follow-up of 2.1 years, no adolescents underwent a reversal operation within our system, but two adolescents (0.95%) expressed regret. One adolescent identified as nonbinary, and underwent surgery at age 16. Seven months postoperatively, the patient questioned the timing of their surgery, and expressed regret at 1.5 years throughout a follow-up period of 3.7 years. Postoperatively, the patient was in an un-affirming and unsupportive home and social environment. The second adolescent identified as nonbinary, and underwent surgery at age 16. The patient mentioned regret 11 months after surgery and expressed interest for reversal with the mental health provider but ultimately did not pursue reversal surgery (i.e., breast reconstruction) throughout a follow-up period of 6.5 years within our system. Both patients had normal BMI, well-managed psychiatric anxiety and depression, underwent the double-incision technique, and neither had a complication or desire for revision.

I found it interesting that both regret cases occurred within 1 year, as usually the chud cope to these kinds of studies are to assert that in 2 more weeks a huge wave of regret will come. Yet it appears that in this case those who had second thoughts had them in a relatively short timeframe despite some patients having had many years to voice regret.

The authors summarize other existing literature:

gender surgeons report that “regret after gender-affirming surgery is considered a rare outcome.”52 Danker et al. utilized an anonymous survey to plastic surgeons to study how frequently they were confronted with patients seeking reversal surgery. Of an estimated number of 22,725 patients, they reported 62 patients who expressed regret or sought de-transition care, with the most common reason being a change in gender identity. In a survey of 68 patients aged 13-25 years who underwent gender-affirming mastectomy with a median follow-up of 2 years, Olson-Kennedy et al. reported a regret rate of 1.5% (n=1) in which one patient answered “sometimes” to the survey statement, “It was a good decision to undergo chest reconstruction.”34 Dhejne et al. examined the incidence and prevalence of all requests for adult surgical s*x reassignment in Sweden from 1960-2010.53 They defined a regret rate as the number of s*x reassigned individuals that later applied for reversal to the original s*x. In 681 patients, they found five female-to-male individuals corresponding to an overall regret rate of 2%.53 Van de Grift et al. assessed satisfaction after any gender-affirming surgery with standardized questionnaires in 201 adult patients. They found that postoperative satisfaction was high, ranging from 94-100%, and that only 6% reported dissatisfaction or regret after 5 years from the first gender clinic contact.54 In our cohort, two patients (0.95%) expressed regret; one inquired about reversal surgery, but neither had undergone reversal surgery within follow-up periods of 3.7 years and 6.5 years. Amongst adult transgender patients, common reasons identified for regret were reported as a change in gender identity, rejection or alienation from support system, or difficulty in romantic relationships.


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To sum up the criticisms of this paper

>34% excluded

This 34% was only excluded from questions about surgical complications. All 209 participants were included in the regret figure

>they only reviewed the chart

They reviewed mental health provider records, which are therapist notes. Here is an example:


>The regret is being kept secret

Therapists exist for people to spill their deepest secrets to without judgement. Cope

>2 more weeks until everyone finally notices they regret the surgery

The only regret cases in the study occured within 1 year despite some people being on record for as many as 7 years.


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Yeah weird somehow nobody wants too go back for more after mengela gets too play with them

Trans lives matter

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Least therapyphobic chud

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@collectijism think making sure 5 male family members have too have witnessed the r*pe is a good Islamic law. Makes sure they have almost zero r*pes

Trans lives matter

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Brace for cope


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utilized an anonymous survey to plastic surgeons to study how frequently they were confronted with patients seeking reversal surgery.

Asking the group that profits from surgeries instead of the patients, no way for bias to sneak in at all.

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Yeah its interesting how the studies that asked the patients had a regret rate of 0.95%-2.0% and the one that only asked the surgeons had a regret rate of 0.27%. The important thing is that all the studies show a very low regret rate :marseyteehee:

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it was never really about regret at all, chuds just want to meddle in people's s*x lives because of their own sexual repression

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>"meddle in people's s*x lives"

>Entire thread is about minors getting their pubescent tits removed


Please explain to the class :marseythinkorino:

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in America you can do what you want with your body

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Except refuse an experimental gene therapy drug

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Accept smoke crack while pregnant

Trans lives matter

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except refuse the gock

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I feel like the sunk cost fallacy plays a significant role here. Also, as with any other cult, it's not so simple to leave or even express regret.

I imagine if you were to poll one thousand active cult members you would have a similarly very low regret number. Once they escape the cult and you were to poll them again you will see different results.

This isn't even getting into the fact that scientists and researchers are paid off.

I say this as an ally of the transgender community.

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Why do people act like :!marseytrain:s are a big social club? Ive met a single digit number of :!marseytrain:s in my entire life

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It's the internet. Subreddits, groomercord servers, etc.

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Every trans groomercord server ive ever been on is totally welcoming to cis people. In fact you often become somewhat of a celebrity because you're one of like 5 people on chat who isnt a :marseytrain2:, and half the server is jonesing for a cis bf/gf

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When did I say they aren't welcoming to cis people?

Half the server is jonesing for an egg to crack and pull into their cult.

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Do you know this from experience? :marseychudegg:

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you realize you're on a hobbyist transthropology forum right? we're like third in line behind kiwifarms and ovarit

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Every trans groomercord server ive ever been on is totally welcoming to cis people.

cis people who don't participate in all your "emperor's new clothes" games?

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Emperor's old clothes albeit

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it's probably some bullshit anyway like they only ask patients who are still going to gender clinics.

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I cant speak for all the studies but the main one is based on their medical records, so basically if you have electronic medical record with a therapist and signed the release they could access your complaints in the therapist's notes. Surely theres another cope you could come up with though :marseyhmm:

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Maybe they should do follow up instead of asking pooner children immediatelyafter they made an irreversible decision

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The study encompases years of follow up and the only regret cases occured less than one year after surgery, so you'll have to find another cope chuddy

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No, they didn't follow up. They did a chart review. Very different, sorry you're still a man, albeit a very dumb and mentally ill one

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>noooo there are countless regret cases who didnt mention anything to their therapist even though literally all people do is complain to therapists


Yeah I'm thinking this is some quality grade cope


Really showing your concern for the kids by revealing your hobby of misgendering :!marseytrain:s. Definitely not engaged in ideologically motivated reasoning there buddy

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Therapists don't post in a medical chart you r-slur. You really have no familiarity with the med system, despite obviously having seen many shrinks and being on multiple meds. Weird

Motivated reasoning? Lmao that's the whole reason your posting about this, to validate you becoming a pathetic eunuch

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>For the entire cohort of 209 patients, manual chart review was performed to search for satisfaction versus regret/dissatisfaction within both postoperative surgical and mental health provider records.

Mental health provider records are literally just therapist notes, often with some check boxes attached. See this example, and then keep coping


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I wholeheartedly support foids throwing away their innate easy mode foid life to become an androgynous "man"let :marseytransflag2:

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most redpilled man i ever met was born a woman

i will say no more on the issue

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>he thinks being a foid is easy


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I know I'm just being a nostalgiastrag but i hate these new designs so much. When did James get the calarts bean mouth

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Oh dont worry I hate them too. I've been considering rewatching Pokemon just so that I can clip more gifs from the old designs so I'm not stuck with these shitty designs anymore.


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Because it is, affirmative action all your life: guys doing anything you want for you, never having to keep up appearances besides not being a fatty. Not having to work hard at anything and being rewarding for basically anything

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Ask any woman irl -- they will tell you that just isn't true.


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Of course they'll deny the kitty pass. Accountability is never their strongest suit

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Transmisic is jelly of women. Really makes you think


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>Of the 209 patients who underwent surgery...For patients with greater than 1-year follow-up (n=137, 65.6%

So 35% weren't polled :marseyhmm:


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To clarify, that only applies to the complications section since that clinic typically did not do any revisions until 1 year.

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Sorry but this is fake news.

I was told that minors don't receive trans surgeries and that the whole thing was a rightoid nothing burger.

Or are we at that stage of “actually it happens and it's a good thing” stage of the discourse now?

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It's not recommended but it's only outright illegal in the rightoid states

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Also illegal in Sweden Denmark Norway Finland UK and Canada

Trans lives matter

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It's recommended and in fact is encouraged by any medical professional a pooner encounters

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As a trans-inclusionary radical misogynist, I think this makes perfect sense. Why would you ever regret transitioning to the superior s*x?

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Bussysingal will bussyblast this faster than it takes doctor teetyeet to amputate a physically healthy minor.

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It's an old enough study if he blasted it he probably did it already

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Probably, filing this one in "already bussyblasted".

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Someone please link the BARpod episode on this study so I can form an opinion


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1% huh? I'm not a statistician but I'm pretty sure something is amiss.

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Yeah it seems a little high, with 1.5 million :!marseytrain:s in the US alone you'd think there'd be more than a dozen detransitioners on twitter

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tens of thousands of subs to /r/detrans

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/r/Detrans is a cis circlejerk


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Looks like at least 50 percent :marseytrain2:s, sorry look like a frick ton of detrans are unreported. Not surprising since any study that found it would result in the researchers being kicked out of academia

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(38+14)/237= 21.9% lol

In addition one would expect detrans people to spend more time on the sub/be more likely to answer the poll, so the number is likely a fraction of that

How much of a cope is it to say the entire body of scientific research is illegitimate (except when a chud study comes out then its based but the rest is still illegitimate somehow) and then turn around and say someone is a detransitioner because they subbed to the only place on reddit you're allowed to talk bad on :!marseytrain:s?


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I doesn't matter if the trans are happy, Jesus is sad.


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Being trans is like Among Us. Everyone thinks that you're sus but really you were just in medbay doing tasks



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of course everything mentioned here is a worst case hypothetical because it never happens.

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imagine getting hit with community notes on rdrama lmao

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