For anyone confused, why "this person" is transphobic

Yeah don't say "this person". We've got pronouns. Pronoun avoidance is misgendering.


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this person is a massive cute twink

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*this person is a degenerate :marseytrain: cute twink

why can't you understand simple rules set by trains!?

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Transphobes can't read :marseysigh:

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Transphobes can't read :marseysigh:

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:smugtranstwitter#: :transtantrum#:

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You don't heff to be med :smh:

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You really just can't tolerate trans people, you have to obey them on literally everything, comply with each and every demand, and love them more than your own family and friends.

Stuff like this makes it seem like every trans person (trans woman in particular) have a strong authoritarian tendency. It makes them really easy to hate if you are not ready to dedicate your one and only life to their cause.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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It makes them really easy to hate if you are not ready to dedicate your one and only life to their cause.

Switch "trans person" for "Jew" and see if this sentence is remotely acceptable.

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It becomes even more acceptable :marseyhitler2:

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>be progressive

>come off as having a strong authoritarian tendency


It's not so much their :marseytrain:ness but their political ideology.

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>their ideology

It's everyone. I'd know, I've been seething about it almost my entire life.

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The trick is to to surround yourself with normal people so you have a degree of separation from those r-slurs.

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It's worse for trains since, for a lot of them, their AGP is an expression of their underlying narcissistic personality disorder

Goodbye train hole!

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what are you supposed to say, "they person"?

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As the diagram clearly shows you are supposed to say "degenerate :marseytrain: cute twink"

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He or she. It's about pronoun avoidance.

Using the right pronoun sticks in transphobes' throat, so to avoid looking like a complete bigot they'll often say "this person" instead, which is no better than misgendering.

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I just say "no," which is a complete sentence

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:#based: :#gigachad2:

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which is no better than misgendering.


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they'll often say "this person" instead, which is no better than misgendering.

So, perfectly acceptable as well? I never gender people, I s*x them.

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I s*x them.

I doubt that sweaty since that's the specific act of inspecting, usually an animal's, genitals in order to determine whether to send them off to become dog food or keep them for future milking and breeding.

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Thorough medical inspection :marseysoylentgrin:

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What if you don't know the pronouns

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No excuse. Look at their bio.

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Ofc, all :marseytrain: interactions are online :#mjlol:

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Online, look at their profile

IRL, look at their profile


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Sorry jesus you fricking mong would it not be completely obvious by the way they present, in real life?

Oh wow I don't know what pronouns to use for this feminine presenting woman standing right in front of me what do I do what do I do


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meow :#marseytrans:

Here kitty kitty kitty :#marseywhirlyhat:

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If it's a they/them or a "on Tuesdays I'm he/him, on every second Wednesday that's a full moon I'm agender" type, then using "she/her" is going to be massively upsetting, how dare I misgender them, how dare I presume they were on the gender binary, how dare I presume their gender in the first place?

"This person" is more polite than "crazy narcissist".

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Sweaty you are describing a situation which only exists in your imagination in order to justify your hatred of an entire demographic.

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So if I see an AFAB in pants, that's a dude, right?

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You can't be this confused and blame that on trans people.

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Men wear pants, woman wear dresses. I don't make the rules

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What are your thoughts on folx that use it/it's pronouns?

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No thoughts their pronouns are their pronouns. See how easy it is?

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Same reason unpronounceable neopronouns became a thing for a while. Unusable in speech, usable in text on tumblr.

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What are you talking about I fkin love using the right pronoun

Apparently I have to get out there and use the right pronoun more often so they don't think the people they call transphobes say This Person

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im antinoun

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Ther person

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This is blatantly better than just misgendering them, I feel like if your enemies start obeying your rules and going out of their way to comply with the standards you set it's a bit churlish to act like you haven't won a victory there

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slapping your wife is blatantly better than just punching her

Kind of sweaty but I believe in you. Go further.

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slapping your wife is blatantly better than just punching her


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that's progress right there, if you get a man to change once you can do it again

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It really depends on her behavior. If she's acting like a dude, ima treat xer like a dude and punch him

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Psychologically healthy people, I suspect, are happy when you tell them that they have won the war that they have been fighting.

Extremist ideologues, on the other hand, sometimes are not. War for them is the very nature of their being, their psychology has somehow become based on being at war. Perhaps it is some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder, something about heightened cortisol levels, I don't know. They constantly need to wage war and if they win they must find a new battle. Even if they actually pretty much won the war years ago, still they must find new enemies, and if those do not exist anywhere in their vicinity, they must invent them.

I am somewhere in between those two extremes, so I feel like I can sort of understand both of them.

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Perhaps it is some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder, something about heightened cortisol levels, I don't know. They constantly need to wage war and if they win they must find a new battle

Perhaps it's because they're put in a privileged position by the activism, and they don't want to give that up and join the faceless masses of normal people.

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muh both sides

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Yeah baby, I see in stereo. Wingucks exist in a lower-dimensional space than me, so I can observe both their insides and their outsides at the same time.

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Yeah honestly don't know what you guys have against

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What's this person's problem?

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Since :!marseytrain:s are not gay men it is extremely cancelpilled for them to have used "cute twink" in this meme

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I'd be happy to do it for ftm

Not many people know that my transphobia is really just an intense misandry

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If you're !cuteandvalid and you haven't given cash to trans people are you really Cute and Valid??!

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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This guy is r-slurred.

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this person is transphobic

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Agree :marseyyesandno:

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Don't worry Sage, I'll misgender you with the hard R. :marseychonkertrainpat:

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I will use "they" and they can correct me. If they have a hissy fit that's not my problem.

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everything is transphobic

nothing is transphobic

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Is that a white hand holding a gun with an extended mag?

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There was a :marseytrain: in our unit and I would just say their last name instead of their pronouns.

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This guy

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I would tell tbem to grow a pair but they paid the doctor to cut them off.

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I knew you would accuse me of projecting because thats all you can do. But my post history and your post history are both easily accessible, pathetic worm. Everyone who cares to look can see youre a porn obsessed, extremely online, spiteful little incel. You think you are unique for pooping on :!marseytrain:s or me on this website? Far from it. But few have the stink of failure that emanates from your posts. Even though @me is online all day too, at least she(?) will put together coherent posts to try to prove a point, show moments of human warmth to others, and so on. You stand alone in not only being extremely online and hateful to cope, but also in being thoughtless, insecure of yourself, and devoid of any higher political ideals. The lowest of the low. You will congratulate yourself because i wrote a sincere long post (something you are incapable of), but at the end of the day you have to live with your pitiful self and i will remind you every time i see you that you will never have s*x or purpose in this life unless you change your ways. See you soon!

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