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Moan post

Feeling sad today after a few weeks of feeling on top of the world.

Not even sure what's happened since there's no major event I can pinpoint that's made my mood pivot so completely.

Last week I was dealing with crisis after crisis in work, getting credited by the CTO for managing to get a bunch of DBAs, developers and architects on a call from different companies to resolve a severe issue despite different timezones etc. (I knew them all from various contracting jobs so was able to cut out organisational bullshit). And it literally saved the company from losing a week's work of data.

This week has been the hangover. Just totally deflated.

And one of my peers, another senior manager, comes in on Monday having been invisible the week before saying "We need to have a debrief and lessons learned on the issue. I think comms could use some improvements."

You fricking b-word I was busy saving the day, why didn't you handle comms last week during the crisis?

Anyway that really pissed me off because I did a fricking great job and he did nothing.

And that's when I start pulling at the gender thread ...

FFS. Rationally I am sure that he would have behaved in the exact same way had I been a cis moid, a woman or whatever but I can't help dwelling on what I'm dwelling on.

Anyway. It's the evening. Time to drink a lot and black out and feel better because ITS THE WEEKEND!

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I can't believe this hole is unblockable now. Time to shit all over it :marsey57:

How's that massive dump going, Marse? :marseyderp:



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ooooh did they choose the unblockable but no exiles route? How will they :marseytransattentionseeker: if we can block them?

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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