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As a trans :marseymaymarigold: woman, where :marseydrama: do I fit in here?




I don't really :marseythinkorino2: come here at all, but I've always heard :marseyjacksparrow: from fellow redditors :marseysoypoint2: that this place :marseychtorrr: is perfectly accepting, it's even on the right :marseyveryworriedtrans: side of the page that transphobia isn't tolerated.

But what's with the name, then? It seems to play on the "real woman" argument :marseystrawman: that I can never :marseyitsover: be a "true" woman :marseypassftm: because of my chromosomes, which really :marseythinkorino2: is transphobic in itself. I only hear endless praise about this being a great :marseythumbsup2: place :marseymap2: for women :marseyblackfeminismdenied: on reddit. But I, a woman, get here and see the name "Two X Chromosomes" and think :marseymischevious: "Well, that isn't me".

I'm not trying to stir shit or be hateful, just wondering what place :marseywinner: I even have here.


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Not trying to stir shit. Just wondering why women want to maintain any kind of illusion of having any degree of separation from me. You stupid bitches. I finally found you.

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