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I'm constipated. :marseygiveup:

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violated by TSA

This happened earlier today, but I had to wait to post it till now because of a ban award.

Was at the airport for thanksgiving travels, going thru security. Our story centers with the millimeter wave (MW) machine. That's the machine where you walk in, put your hands up, and the thing spins around you. When you step in, the minimum wage TSA worker hits a red button for female and a blue button for male. When I went in they hit the female button, it scanned me and then it beeped. On the screen, it put a box around my crotch. Fricking great.

The poor TSA agent then had to very invasively frisk me. I'll spare you the details. For whatever reason they're really into the frisking at O'hare, compared to other airports where they'll often just give it a single pat or wave me thru. I don't understand why these things have to be so sensitive; they've also detected one of my friend's pads too and she had to get the whole pat down. They're an egregious violation of privacy.

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How to get testosterone online?

I remember guides being available on /lgbt/. How does one acquire testosterone and does anyone know where to find a guide for using testosterone?

body hair sucks [vent post]

it's like some sort of cosmic joke that i manage to grow massive amounts of hair on my stomach that i have to shave constantly but yet my facial hair barely grows at all if i neglect it for ages

legit grow a beard on my gut that i'm nairing once a week and shaving daily yet my facial hair never grows in. what causes these genes?



Very few works survive in this age of constant iconoclasm via creative over-saturation. Of those that do, which is to say, those works of the written word which are still worth reading a few days after they have been published, most of them share these characteristics:

  • Published on their own domain

  • Generally by an anonymous person or committee of persons

  • Leaning whole-heartedly into the dense complex wordplay of the literate.

That's just the game as it is played these days.

So this is the Xenofeminist Manifesto, written by queers in 2015. Politically this situates the manifesto after the dissolution of Occupy Wall Street, in which the disaffected movers and shakers of that generation connected online to try and make sense of the cybernetic world which still seemed to have some of the promise of the early Internet. I connect the 'early Internet' to the dawn of Wikipedia, a time when it seemed like the Internet might bring waves of liberation to a corporatized and commodified world.

It didn't turn out that way.

But this is your legacy.

Laboria Cuboniks, I toast your effort! I toast your sacrifice! I suck your peepee and your clit! QUEER THE BOUNDARIES.





bras are great :marseyhappytears:

Comfortable, shaping, and provide an extra pocket for small items (important: only the ones YOU touch, do not put money in there, that's gross)

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is this legit?
dont read severe mental illness

i say this dead serious. my phantom kitty issues have gotten a lot worse recently. what the heck do i do? this is really deranged but it's like I know what it feels like to get peepeeed down and I absolutely need that rn. i started crying while making out with my fwb because i could feel her peepee rubbing up against my crotch and i just really wanted to put it into a hole that i dont have. im just wayyy to close to ending my life over this shit.

the horny is getting overwhelming. i'm nervous that all of the men in my life are going to notice that ive been checking them out. wtf do i do !cuteandvalid

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  • X : :fetish:
What is the connection between sexual arousal and gender euphoria anyway?

Obviously there's some correlation. Chuds think they have it figured out but their answers just don't seem realistic.

Personally, I think sexuality becomes a cope/outlet for identity distress and that's why euphoria and sexual response ends up triggering over similar things.

@X I dunno that seems pretty far cooled to me

@AuntyAbortion Hate Thread :marseystitch:

I hate that motherlover so much its unreal !cuteandvalid !nonchuds

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