Why did you haven ruin it Rowling? And why won't you please just stop? : rant
When men play as female characters - YouTube
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I am a girl

!chuds I'm going to commit suicide unless everyone tells me I'm a girl


stoppppp i might actually


Needless to say, there is no evidence that SSRIs treat gender dysphoria in minors. But if you watch the video, she calls these treatments "evidenced-based".

:marseyhmmm: so what did she mean by this?

Presumably, she means there is evidence they treat depression. Which would only be relevant if one believed gender dysphoria was not a real diagnosis. :marseyreverse:

Any credibility she or the NHS may have had on the international stage after releasing the embarrassing Cass report is completely shot. :marseydunce:

Of course, that won't stop the Bongs from torturing their own kind for amusement, a Bongish pastime that they never grow tired of. What silly rules and regulations will they think of next? :marseybong:

how to type liek a womyn!!!
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i think my cat has gender dysphoria

i've had Luna since she was a tiny ball of fluff and i've always thought she was a girl, but lately, i've been noticing some things that have me wondering if she might be struggling with gender dysphoria.

first of all, let me tell you that Luna has always been a bit of a tomboy. she loves to play with my dog's toys and chase after balls of paper like they're prey. the thing that really got me thinking was when i caught her trying to pee standing up. like, i know cats are flexible and all, but this was different. she was really trying to do it like a boy cat would, and it broke my heart cuz i knew she was struggling.

i've been thinking about it and i think maybe Luna is feeling like she's been misgendered her whole life. i mean, we've always called her a girl and given her girl toys and collars, but what if she's been feeling like a boy the whole time? i feel so guilty for not realizing this sooner.

so, i'm reaching out to see if anyone has any experience with this. has anyone else's cat ever shown signs of gender dysphoria? how did you handle it? i want to do what's best for Luna, but i have no idea where to start.

thanks in advance for any help or advice you can offer. i just want my kitty to be happy and comfortable in her own fur

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