Anyone else have this problem?
Cass report cope from corbyn crony club
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does this mean i pass (story inside)

the sun is finally out and the weather is nice. i was playing ultimate frisbee with a group of mostly guys i didn't really know (friend's frat), i suck at sportsball but i was trying my best. sidenote, it was shirts v skins and all of the frat boys were really hot, like they were all perfect bods (twunks) and they didnt have their shirts on (soo hot!!). anyways i was trying to catch the frisbee and some guy on the opposing team slapped it down right before i was going to catch it. but then he started apologizing to me that he was being too rough and tried to had the frisbee back to me and i was like wtf??? does this mean i pass since he was trying to coddle me like a cis woman?

Fundraiser for !JKRowling

!chuds dig deep like this

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J.K. Rowling misunderstands female reproductive biology

She seems to be under the impression that women produce eggs over the course of their lifetime

Also her definition is circular as frick

>everyone who belongs to the s*x class is in the s*x class



Originywl text:

My skin is wery dwy and itchy nyow and I reawwy want two shwower but I cannyot stand seeing or especiawwy feeling myself. Im barewy able two change cwothes, wen I dwo I have two dwo it with my eyes cwosed and twy two put them on withwout twouching my bwody. I've settled fwor just wiping my reawwy sweaty parts with baby wipes but its obviouswy nyot working that weww and nyow its summer and last summer it didnt matter because I didn't leave the hwouse but nyow I have a jwob and I dwon't want the peopwal awound mwe two smeww mwe 😭

He has a fairwy cwonvincing pwost histwory, too. Check it befwore cawwing bait.


and since u want the fuww fwucking stwory i stwopped being able two shwower the day thwose parents ywour talking abwout held mwe dwown and stwipped mwe nyaked and twowld mwe i was twoo mentawwy unweww two be able two decide my own gender


I reawwy hwope this is fake nyow.

welp i just found out FFS can cost up to $150k

someone kill me

Female Husbands
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how to jack off without crying?

sometimes i get hworny, but like all sexual material just makes me sad, i see the woman in it and i get extremely jealous, i legit have started crying with my dck out. today i just opened up /d/ and started browsing and in the catalog is a thread about "womb massage", not sure if its a real thing but it just made me really sad that i will never have a womb for a man to massage :( anyone relate? how do u cope?

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