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Astrologers discuss why it was obvious that Trump was going to win and why they weren't able to predict it beforehand.





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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Most astrologers are left leaning and it's human nature to see what you want to see. I think that's why so many got it wrong.

thats it for sure

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A reminder that astrology is based on the arbitrary position of stars and planets as they existed when astrology was first created. They have all moved since then.

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Except they didn't know about Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. Also they still count Pluto as a planet.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Also, they are not now where they appear to be

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:!marseyfacepalm: So that's why my predictions aren't working, I forgot to adjust for that.

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It's easy to predict... in hindsight lol. The truth is that a lot of professionals got it wrong. Some got it right! And some had balanced approaches, which is always the right thing to do.

sounds like they all just took a stab wildly in the dark :marseythonk:

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TBF There was some foid who "predicted" Biden will drop out and the exact day he'd do so like 3 weeks before he did. She also predicted a Trump win and that plus the previous had the foid astrology "community" despairing for like a month after.

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It was all white foid :marseysick: confirmation bias.

One of the top posts on the tarot reddit had a single card draw :marseypuke: Queen of swords and was like "Ye, that is totes Kamala" :marseyclueless:

I did two four-card tarot pulls just for the heck of it, and both times I got conservative cardsโ€”Reversed Fool, Four of Pentacles, etc. I figured that both parties are conservative from my point of view, so I ignored it. :marseyshrug:

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Chuds needs to realize that white women have doomed the white race with their wickedness and that the only way to change this is to lead them by example and transition



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