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TEKKENCELS, SHOW YOURSELVES :marseypunching: I am planning an h/kappa TEKKEN 8 WEEK 1 TOURNAMENT :!soyjackwow:

I am pretty excited for Tekken 8 :marseyteehee: For those not in the know, T8 releases on January 26th :marseyletsgo: and it is looking FEATURE RICH :marseyyayyy:

I have seen many people over the past year mentioning that they play Tekken (why aren't you neighbors signing up for the monthly /h/kappa tourney? :marseythinkorino:)

Consider this me putting out the feelers for this (potential) tourney; T8 will have crossplay, so platform is not an issue.

If you are planning to pick up T8 on release, even casually, please make yourselves heard in the comments :marseybegging:

/h/kappa didn't exist yet when SF6 came out AFAIK, so this could be our FIRST HUGE TOURNEY FOR A BRAND NEW, MASSIVE RELEASE :marseysoylentgrin:

I don't have details for the tourney yet, again I'm putting out the feelers, but if a decent amount of people are down, I will start planning the bracket (and collecting prizepool donations :marseyteehee:)

The tourney would be a week after release, so somewhere around February 2-4

IT'LL BE FUN GUYS, COME ON :marseypleading2:

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:redlight: SPECIAL TOURNAMENT ALERT :redlight:

>why aren't you neighbors signing up for the monthly /h/kappa tourney

Tekkenstrags are scared of real games, this is a FACT. @rdramamademegay confirm.


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I haven't played Tekken since I was a kid. I used to make people seethe with Eddie Gordo. :marseywhirlyhat:

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I remember @King-Krazy mentioning that he was practicing Kaz combos in a random weekly "what did you play" thread, idk what their main account is though and they've been MIA :marseycry:

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we need the king back


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Do you think he died?

:marseykingkrazy: that would unironically be pretty krazy :marseykingkrazy:

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Yeah I killed him. :!marseyshooting: :marseykingkrazy:

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also why not post this is /h/kappa?

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Because I didn't want to spend DC on a ping :marseyteehee:

Also just assumed that with such a big series as Tekken, there's probably casuals who aren't subbed to /h/kappa, so more reach in the vidya hole :marseypastor:

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If I learn :marseymoreyouknow: other fighting :marseypunching: games :marseylegioncommander: I'll get worse at Tekken and I can't afford that

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... does this mean YOU'RE IN? :marseyexcited:

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Oh shit I didn't even see that it's a Tekken tourney frick yes I'm in

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:#marseyletsfuckinggo2: :#marseyletsgo: :#marseyexcitedgif:

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No you won't, kitty butt negro. IF you get much worse at tekken, you weren't good in the first place. :marseyindignant:

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I'm not

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fighting game strags get the wall. host a tournament of an actually fun genre

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Neighbor you play runescape and WoW :marseyxd: Play a real game.

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runescape is less embarrassing than whatever the frick fighting game you strags play

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:marseysurejan: Sit in your room while we go out and play with the hoes.

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BIPOC fighting game "hoes" all have peepeees

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Yes, and it's sexy


!downmarseyrs NeoFoidmisia

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>$70 for a fighting game

unless it gets a crack with online play you aren't gonna get many people

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I won't be buying it. :shyyt: Just like I didn't buy MKONE, but i'm still going to promote for my friend @SaiyanEnjoyer :marseyembrace:

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Mentioning MORON KOMBAT in a thread about Tekken is disgraceful and blasphemous :marseyindignant:

Both are shitty series in their own cute ways, but Tekken is still a super complex and respected FG, even if the community is maybe the most r-slurred out of the entire FGC :marseyteehee:

Seriously though, I skipped MK1 as well, and I don't blame anyone for not picking up a 70€ game, but Tekken is super popular so I figured I'd ask :marseysulk:

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Killer Instinct :marseytroublemaker:

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Xiaoyu is definitely a character :marseymononoke: that can cheese :marseypizzaslice: out victories against button :marseyextinction: mashers! You can do it!!

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Don't doubt yourself, Queen! :marseykneel:

We at /h/kappa are not god g*mers, the only one you really gotta worry about is @NeurodivergentOnTheStreets for obvious reasons :marseyautism:

Also you gotta post that Ling cosplay, think of all the DC you'll earn :marseycoomer2: :marseymerchant:

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git gud scrub

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BTFO'd by a Dane :marseyitsover: :marseyrope:

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:marseygiveup: Can we please ft3 in 3rd strikee? I promise my internet is good now.

Destoryerd :marseysmu

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ggs lets play 3S more often :marseyexcited:

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found the incel

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Yes. :marseyembrace:

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get back on then nerd I just saw you in the lobby :marseypunching:

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Thanks for the games!

On 4rd strike... It was originally a joke mod released as a parody of the actual mod 4th strike, due to it's beta being notorious for being ridiculous with it's changes. Both were announced around the time of online edition was revealede. 2010 there about. Development of 4th strike ended early, as the guy gave up on it, and instead 4rd strike tried to become a serious mod. That's how 4rd strike arranged edition came to be.

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Neighbor you are only ever winning anything because you have 3rd world internet :marseyindignant: :marseysmug2:

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Go on FC rn and prove me wrong, 3rd strike ft3

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This mf got the receipts :marseysweating:

Forreal though you have definitely won a few matches due to Danish internet, our set in Vsav being a prime example :marseyindignant:

And no I'm not about to play FC 2 beers deep right before bed :marseyteehee:

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Yes but that was only bcuz I was streaming :marseytearsofblood: thankfully this issue will be rectified for our next tourney :marseythumbsup:

Now please, go on fightcade, I wanna destroy you in 3rd strike :marseyhmmhips: or do you wanna try 4rd strike?

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Wow, I thought 4rd Strike was a joke, I had no idea it was a legit hack on FightCade :marseycheckem2:

You have given me something cool to watch videos about as I fall asleep :marseygoodnight:

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Goodnight, I should sleep too. :marseysleep:

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We usually play on fightcade (see the recent tourney thread on /h/kappa from @Geralt_of_Android16), it's all free and you make an account on fightcade.

For T8, we would obviously need to use our steam/playstation accounts though, but that's not too bad of a doxx is it? :marseyteehee:

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Snappy, how did you know that @KangThaConqueror played in the last /h/kappa tourney? :marseyteehee:

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Snappy chose who to cheer for. are you smarter than a robot? the algorithm decided that i will win.


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Costs too much for a game im not sure i can even run :#marseypoor:

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can't you try one of those "can you run it" sites to see if you can play it? :marseybegging:

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All butt my cpu is below there minimums :#marseytears:

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sorry i dont play new games


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:marseygiveup: :marseysulk: :marseysob:

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why aren't you neighbors signing up for the monthly /h/kappa tourney


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We don't even play Tekken in the /h/kappa tourneys, we play random old 2D games on fightcade :marseyfluffyannoyed:

In December we played 3rd Strike, it was SOOOO fun :marseyfluffy:

The vast majority of players in the /h/kappa tourneys are dog water at FGs as well, we just wanna have fun and bring the coomunity together! :marseyembrace:

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I like Tekken a lot hands down one of my favourite games as I've played it since Tekken 2 but I don't play it much not even unlocked all the characters on Tekken 7.

Kazuya Devil Heaven's Door best move ever.

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I have literally never played a match against another human being in Tekken, I only have about 5ish hours in T7 purely fricking around in training mode :marseyteehee:

All skill levels are welcome! It's a week 1 tourney so almost everyone will be butt anyways, I literally just want to know if there's interest in a tourney like this :marseysulk:

Also, Kazuya is looking VERY strong in T8, people have already found some disgusting tech in the demo :marseycheckem2:

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Wtf people play Tekken on there own :marseymindblown: I've only ever played VS mode and some story on the earlier ones I wasn't aware it was even a thing.

I don't watch trailers it's just the best bits really rather just see the general consensus or try it myself.

All the best though hopefully the tourney works out

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I looked it up and it looks like this is one of those dumb fighting games? Do they ever improve on them or is it the same "mash buttons and watch your guy punch the other guy" thing from decades ago?

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Join the next /h/kappa tourney strag, we'll see if button mashing works (spoiler: it won't) :marseypunching: :marseyteehee:

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Of all the vidya tourneys I could possibly join, fighting games are at the literal bottom of the barrel. An animal crossing tourney would be more interesting imo

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Okay then gtfo :#marseyfuckyou:

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post in ur /h/kappa containment hole next time bb :marseyblowkiss:

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Again, boring ragebait

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:marseyxd: If you only mash no wonder you're shit.

bad ragebait :marseykys2:

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>bad ragebait

dunno autobot gave me 95 DC for it

anyways unironically fighting games are boring slop for neurodivergents which is also why fighting tournaments are the smelliest of all vidya tourneys

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You confuse FGC for smash :marseyxd: Smash is boring and never shower, FGC is the hypest shit around. Now get out old man, I bet you only play single player too :marseydarkxd:

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:marseyakshually: i mostly play co-op shooters these days bc I just wanna chill w/ the bros and shoot some zombies or bugs or something

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>he calls fighters boring while playing this trash


Anyway, a common trend among people who think fighting games are boring is that they suck at them, git gud scrub, don't just mald about it being boring (because you lost).

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Why would I ever want to spend hour after hour after hour trying to perfect the timing on a combo of a video game? Literally pointless. I unironically have better shit to do with my time, as does just about everybody, including losers who care about being competitive in fighting games of all slop lmao.

imagine literally practicing a video game. not something that will actually help you in life or that's interesting. you're just REALLY good at pressing 2 directions and an attack button or something.

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>he thinks combos are what matter


Also, fighting games are literally inherently competitive...? What do you mean trying to be..

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The only good way to play fighting games is when everyone involved is drunk and you're just fricking around. They're inherently unfun when you get competitive because there isn't anything interesting about them. They're okay at being background but nothing else.

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I liked playing as the little farting dinosaur in Tekken 3. This is the extent of my Tekken knowledge

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