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It's no been officially 9 years since a Real-Time-pause RPG last came :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3: the cuckening will continue until morale improves - death to gaymers :marseytabletired: :marseytabletired: :marseytabletired:



Some TB vs RTwP drama - douchbags with very strong opinions

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17047880023437588.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17047880026653776.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17047880029184737.webp





Owlcat literally ditched Real-Time-pause in order to cater to BG3 cute twinks, it's literally over forever

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If every decision matters and a misplay means failure, turn based

If your APM should determine how good you are, real time

Pausing real time makes people think they're doing both but it's just an extremely straggy variation of turn based

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:marseykys2: :marseykys2: :marseykys2:

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Sorry about how close to death you are but your favorite things were never good

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:#marseykys2: :#marseykys2: :#marseykys2: :#marseykys2: :#marseykys2: :#marseykys2:

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you are a dork

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Ginme more coins you old cute twink

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turn keyed



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Real time with pause is just better because the pace is entirely in your control :marseythumbsup:

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Its only better because in 90% of fights you can?just send your team in, wait 15 seconds, and be dont with that's shit. Turn based fights take forever even if there's no challenge.

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Any game is a real-time-pause game if you press escape

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Back when I was on GAF or ERA or whatever :marseyjerkofffrown: I'd post in the Dark Souls :marseyvictoria: (and shit by the same devs like Bloodborne) that I'd pause by clicking the top bar and people would :marseywould: sneed :marseymarge: so bad.

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wow so cool of you to pause the console exclusive game bloodborne that wont run on emulators by clicking the top bar, please tell us more

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Imagine not having a computer :marseyhacker2: that can run PS Now off your neighbor's PS4 and the technical know-how to play it with a mouse :marseycursor: and keyboard :marseytyping: and otherwise identical :marseyvenn4: to a PC game.

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a) holy based answer

b) this nibba plays souls games on wasd :marseylaugh:

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>he doesn't play souls games on wasd

NGMI, actual walking soyjak

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Anyone who plays the emo legend zelda games is a soyjak

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welcome to Dark Souls, b-word!

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what's the input lag like on psnow?

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Well bros, we still have Icewind Dale and Torment. Any minute now and they'll re-ignite cRPGs as they were meant to be played.


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ooh i haven't seen this marsey before

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Total War is RTWP on the battlefield :#capygigabrain:

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Although it's actually a good version of RTWP because you don't really need to pause

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Because the "WP" aspect shows that the game devs completely failed to make a system that could be played as intended without being a complete sperg and mashing space/pause

It's a shit system lol, just go RT or turn based, quit being a centrist cuckold

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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I miss Chrono Trigger too bro

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Same here though.

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You cant pause in Square ATB games unless im not understanding what rtwp is lol i dont play crpgs so i just know how ff7,9, 10, and chrono play

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lol idk i just wanted to join in the conversation :marseybrainlet:

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Dw i did the same thing too because i like jrpgs before they became weeb slop

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wtf is real time with pause? Like pressing esc mid fight? Is that now a new and innovative feature to zoomers that needs its own category?

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Like kotor, the fights are real time but you can pause during them to queue up attacks or items

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lol is that how accountants play games :marseynerd2:

Dragon Age had that feature but i never used it

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Lmfao wtf

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Yeah it's been around since Baldur's Gate at the latest

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As always, it's a balancing act between :marseyzeldalinkpast: accessibility :marseycolorblind: and depth of play, and RTwP is absolutely brutal :marseywindmill: compared to turn-based. Who's surprised :marseysurprisedpikachu: it's less successful?

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Hey why is CODslop more successful than Boomer Shooters right! Good FPS shouldn't have the right to exist ! :marseyfluffy: :marseyfluffy: :marseyfluffy: :marseyfluffy:






..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')





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Boomer shooters don't have the feature of yelling slurs at people on vc, that's the birth of their failure in the market.

Tbf newer CODslop doesn't have that feature either which is why the original's better

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:marseykys2: :marseykys2: :marseykys2:

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:soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum:

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If you want the next boomer shooter to succeed you need to let the player yell BIPOC at the demons/zombies/aliens they're shooting at, but this'll never happen because they've been infested with the T menace

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Unity is dogshit, hope it dies :marseygravedance:

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Getting things to even work poorly on 20 platforms was and is really ambitious, but to be fair so much open source shit for everything is getting better and better the last 20 years.

Like give it 10 years and I could see godot just doing everything better, but until godot runs on every phone and console and browser under the sun with less seams, I feel like it's not the best idea to bet on having 1/5th the potential audience for your game or having to pay or do a bunch of research and testing for how to port it.

Especially if Nintendo or Sony go out of their way to offer support for that kind of thing. It'd help game devs a ton too.

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>Diablocels mad that their mindless clicking simulators are niche

Don't worry. I'm sure EA are working on a new Mass Effect :marseylaugh:

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Diablo is actually worse than clicker heroes, because it thinks it's better.

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if you really just want to drag a box around some guys and mindlessly mash them into obstacles then maybe you just don't actually like crpg combat

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I can't read all of that but

Owlcat literally ditched Real-Time-pause in order to cater to BG3 cute twinks, it's literally over forever

Baldur's gate 3 early access wasn't even out when kingmaker was rereleased with baked in turn-based mode, which was just a polished very popular mod. And their real time pause was really clunky and criticized from the get go because it was this weird psuedo-turn based dressed up with real time pause. If they've fully killed it for their next games, it was already destiny, not as much BG3.

Don't worry. Before AI does absolutely awful things to gaming, there's going to be a short Renaissance where all these niche game types get AI dev buffed, so some spergs will be able to make a few AAA esque real time pause RPGs just for you and 100 other people.

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Fallout/2 did it well. The option to speed up movement animations makes the battles flow so much better.

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Until you decide to kill a whole town


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RTWP is bad. Its only use is when you fight trash mobs where you don't need to think of a strategy.

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It's also good for finishing a fight.

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Which makes its great.

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ATB chads where you at??


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Was the last one dragon age inquisition? I liked that game. Though originstrags still whined endlessly as always.

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10years :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3: :marseydeadinside3:

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Oh look it's (((you))) again. It's incredible that out of the sheer volume of shit I've seen spew out of your keyboard you have never even stumbled on a crumb of intelligent thought, even by chance. You don't even have the grace to be moronic in an entertaining way, it's just non-stop forgettable drivel.


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Real-time-cels absolutely seething :marseyseethe: at turn chads.

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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:soycry: :soycry: :soycry: not fair! :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

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Turn-based makes sense for Rogue Trader since it's basically just XCOM, mechanically.

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Are they still bitching about this? Just mod in RTWP you fricking r-slurred cute twinks.

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