This is Minthara

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She looks like she fricks Human paladins. !nooticers

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She fricked my half orc paladin :marseyletsgo:

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:marseythinkorino: did you play as a man?

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:marseyagree: I usually prefer to play dudes in rpgs.

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AAP :marseyeggirl: !neomoids

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as does my lesbian friend :donkeythonk:

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:marseyxd: For me the reason I usually play dudes is because in lots of games the female romance options are gender locked so if I want to romance women I gotta play a dude. Another reason is that often armor looks different on male vs female characters and I usually like the look of the male armor better (like in Monster Hunter)

Look at this shit lol:

Also sometimes the female character option just looks r-slurred (like in Fire Emblem Three Houses, female Byleth's tights are so ugly :marseycringe: ) Also I like to play martial characters generally and sometimes it just looks more believable with a game's male character model, lots of games make the female character model way too tiny for me to think they could swing a great hammer around. (Skyrim)

However, in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I did choose to play as the female mc. Kassandra rocks, can be gay, and looks believable as a fighter. :marseyembrace: I love her sm.

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!nwahs another blow for gender equality :marseyletsgo:

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!besties still waiting for the Dres expansion. :marseygiveup:

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Slavers have never looked so FRICKING COOL :#marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey


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I liked it :marseyindignant: I did use a save editor tho so I didn't have to grind for materials lol.

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Didn't Ubisoft try to sell shit like that as microtransactions? They literally made the campaign grindier so they could sell shortcuts.

Good on you for not caving :marseythumbsup: (unless you did? :marseysuspicious:)

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lotta words to say


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What's wrong :marseynoooticer: with you? This is awesome...

Well done for knowing Kassandra is the best AC character*. I liked the way someone who had read 'The Last of the Wine' by Mary Renault accurately gave her arm scars :marseyfemalecorpse: like what real hoplites apparently had.

*except for that Welsh pirate :marseyzeldatetra: one

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Ugly :marseydisagree: but I respect ur opinion :marseyxoxo:

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They're finally making a lot of the male outfits wearable on female characters in FFXIV :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

Legalize tomboy drip

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kek I'm the opposite :marseypinkk:

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:marseycrystal: She SA'd my Paladin twink :marseystreaky:

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How the frick you manage to look at your ugly butt self?

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The default human faces all look too much like underwear models imo. I like to look a little scrunkly. Also half-orcs have great racial traits.

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I'm a half-orc dark urge so I can be as menacing as possible (I am picking all the good options but I'm being very intimidating while doing so. :marsey:)

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>I am picking all the good options but I'm being very intimidating while doing so.

SAME BESTIE :marseyjam: He's a Durge too. He's also a vengeance paladin and I love all the scary dialogue choices you can use as that class lol.

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I dont know how far your in the game, but if you durge you can accidently guck up the game and cut out massive amounts of content. Evil or good, everyone else is dead in our playthrough and act 3 is a ghost town.

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Yeah dw this is like my 3rd playthrough edit: (not even including multiplayer lol) so I don't mind too much about missing content. I did all the tiefling stuff in my first playthrough. (I even got the achievement for keeping every tiefling alive in that one) Thanks for the advice though :marseyfluffy:

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We killed Orin and gortash immediately in act 3, and then we were really confused.

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Half Orc is basically objectively the best for any Melee class, but I can't stand to look at them for that long.

But I am the dude who makes generic male human fighter and has a good time so idk

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Fair enough. :marseyxd:

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Uggo :marseypuke:

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I like to look scary and fricked up :marseywholesome:

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She will frick anyone as long as you slaughter a bunch of shitty Tiefling children and some shitty hypocritical druid hippies..

She is a paladin, so being a double paladin combo is actually kind of bad.

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I didn't kill any tieflings. I just stole the idol from the druids and let them kill the tieflings. Then I teamed up with Minthara to wipe those child murdering druids out.

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Killing those shitty pick pocketing kids was the best part other than her sitting on your face

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Lmao if I do a full murder hobo Dark Urge run then I'll try killing them.

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I like to start out as an evil fricker, and then kind of chill out as time goes by.

Mostly because I fricking hate those little tiefling shits, and I don't want to kill the lesbian priest lady because she is nice.

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I really didn't like many of the tieflings other than Karlach and Zevlor lol. Also agreed I liked Isobel too. I feel like one of the only people who didn't care for Dame Aylin but they are cute together ig.

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Lowkey same actually, I really like Isobel, Dame Aylin felt really shallow in comparison TBH.

Also Ketheric was easily the most engaging of the villains and the plot suffers IMO once you move to act three because the other two are kind of a joke compared to him.

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Right?? It was sort of funny how pathetic Gort and Orin were in comparison but it definitely made Act 3 less pressing. Act 2 has such a killer introduction to Ketheric and it really made you feel like it's urgent that you kill this immortal fricker ASAP.

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i want to do a playthru where i don't cheat on her with laezel but i know my butt is never doing a non evil run. that line where she's like "yeah i was under their control which made me do all that fricked up shit, but what's your excuse for doing all of it with me?" "wanted you to like me :marseypleading2:" "haha i've done worse for kitty i guess" :marseyxd:

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Maybe it's women who enjoy evil runs :marseythonk: !g*mers

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i remember trying to do them in mass effect but i felt too guilty, but since you get to massacre a bunch of entitled, crime ridden migrants as your first evil act in bg3 it seemed like a no brainer !chuds embrace the degen strag game

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Literally the first group of them you talk to (the ones just outside the traders stall) made me want to murder all of them. Entitled twats the lot of them

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Zevlor is cool :marseysad:

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tbh I got sick of endless dice rolls taking me out of the action and breaking any immersion so I quit playing before talking to him

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Lmao that's like 15 whole minutes of gameplay :marseyxd: :marseyretardchad:

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Is that the game where the gay furrys have s*x with bears?

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found the incel

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!edgelords do too. Every time I hear a sob story from another technicolor demon woman who I know was a writer self-insert, my desire to kill grows.

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Okay but Karlach is cool

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:marseyagreefast: I love her

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If you aren't murderchadding to lootMaxx in vidya :marseyzeldalinkbotw: what are you even doing with your life

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Murderhobo isn't the same as evil.

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Playing as a power hungry but practical fricker actually gives you a lot of options. I'm almost done with a multiplayer playthrough w/ my friend as a power hungry Gale Origin (my ultimate goal is to become a god) and it's really fun! I played as a goody two shoes Gale for my first ever playthrough and I'm excited to see how different the ending is as a god. Just murdering everyone wouldn't have been as much fun.

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Me keeping the evil BDSM elf on my ship in Rogue Trader

:marseyhearts: :marseybabykiller:

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Copied my above comment:

I didn't kill any tieflings. I just stole the idol from the druids and let them kill the tieflings. Then I teamed up with Minthara to wipe those child murdering druids out.

If you do it this way she doesn't even ask you the question about why you killed tieflings, at least it never triggered for me.

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Don't you miss the s*x scene if you do it that way?

Or is that only if u just go to the mountain pass and let her murder them?

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Nope you don't miss it since you still go with her to the grove. You just meet her in the shattered sanctum and then you start the goblin party.

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I did one ignore Grove run and one slaughter Grove/Last Light run. Minthara is the only good thing about an evil playthrough. One can potentially miss out on 4 or 5 companions on an evil run. I had to kill Isobel before I killed the Night Song, just so I wouldn't miss out on Jaheira and Minsc, too.

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I didn't know she was recruitable. In my first playthrough I stacked a bunch of oil barrels and laid explosive traps before luring her (and that other boss in the room next to her) into them. Only took one fireball spell to blow everything to shit--easiest loot ever

>mfw no qt drow gf fml ishygddt tbqhwyf


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I just knocked her into the abyss in my first playthrough :marseyitsover: missed out on the loot.

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her voice is sooo sexy :marseynut:

i killed her on this run :marseyitsover: i did it on purpose because missing out on her content will motivate me to replay the game a different way sometime, since i almost never replay games and feel like i should. also i'm busy fricking Lae'zel.

this game is severely lacking in husbandos. wyll, the black guy, is somehow the best looking but also the most boring. but then he grows horns and they look like shit lol so he doesn't even look good any more

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AGREED. :marseyjamming: I could listen to her voice lines all day.

They also updated her recently to add more dialogue if you romance her and it's great.

Also yeah most of the male options are so bad. I'll never romance any of them but I feel bad for the strag women/gays. My friend who plays BG3 with me only romances Astarion every time lol.

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i'm a strag but i'm being a lesbian in the game because that's how dire it is. my durge is Astarion's straghag, and he's probably the most interesting man in the game, but you could never in 1,000 years convince me that that guy wants to frick kitty.

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Lmao Astarion does have dialogue flirting with Shadowheart if you have them both in your party. But yeah :marseyxd: he's very straggy.

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Tell me more

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She sits on your face

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i kill her

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nooo how could you kill her she's so sexy aha

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With a hammer neighbor and Id get a gore mod to make her head explode too if modders made anything other than porn in BG3

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most mods I've seen have been cometic stuff like more armor and hair options

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