It's weird how i considered the ps2 graphics to be amazing at the time

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I remember when half life came out and shit changed forever. Then Deus Ex with the same kino polygon aesthetic. Much simpler times.

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This was legitimately mind boggling to run at 30fps in that era

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:marseyxd: I keep seeing this image on /v/ and it cracks me up.

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It was at a sweet spot where 3D models could actually look like something but photorealism was still a total no-go, so stylization was king.

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Modern games:

Helldivers 2

Monster hunter

Baldur's Gate 3

I scroll through the Steam store and I want to kill myself it's so bland

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There's a push to make things look more like ps2 era now in gaming, and tbh I think it's cool

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>make things look more like ps2 era

zoomers entering their 'millennial pixelshit' arc JEWISH LIVES MATTER

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still the case tbh, they're always careful to make everything a little bit cartoony or it gets into uncanny valley territory

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Remember that comic book FPS XIII

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PS2 graphics were incredible compared to ps1. Some of those games still look fairly OK even today.

The sheer amount of JRPGs and backwards compatibility with ps1 and online play made it the best console of the time.

The CPU was even called the Emotion Engine. Neato.

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The amount of effort put into some PS2 games is still impressive even if the graphics are pixely.

In MGS2 you have shit like spilled ice melting over time :capypunished:

In Ace Combat you have the white air on your wings from hard turns and your planes will sonic boom. :marseyjetfighter:

Final Fantasy X wasn't bad. Still passable. :marseycactuar:

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Lots of bangers fr fr

Idk if it's true or not but I feel like ps2 was what really popularized JRPGs and got weebery to be more accepted.

PS1 had a few mainstream jap titles but the ps2 library was weeb paradise

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I feel like the PS2 was more like the swan song of JRPGs in the west. The SNES and PS1 libraries were already chock full of JRPGs and there was a lot of talk about them, even in mainstream publications of the time (like in early Penny Arcade comics). Come the 360 and PS3, people were finding other games to play and Western RPGs were beginning to come to consoles. JRPGs became a lot more niche, and the butt of jokes. This lasted until the Switch came out and Nintendo turned on the localization faucet.

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That's an interesting take tbh. I could be conflating the ps2 and the release of Naruto and online piracy, so the ps2's release was coincidental to the popularization of anime.

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JRPGs were still really big throughout the PS2s lifespan, but the gen after that you hit a wall. Suddenly Final Fantasy was a disappointment, Persona was still getting released on the previous gen console and Japanese devs had a lot of trouble adjusting to HD and breaking with stagnant RPG design. FFX sold consoles, but the 360 and PS3 never really got a system seller JRPG.

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Ps3 and 360 era make me think of AAA online shooters

PS2 is just ingrained with weebshit for me probably cos of Megatokyo

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Big Sony plays the long game :#marseyjapanese:

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Oh man i just remembered being completely floored when I played ps2 the first time and realizes the buttons were touch sensitive and not just on/off

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Oh yeah, my first console was ps1 so i get why it was such a big change to me. Still crazy tho

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FFXII was absolutely stunning for a PS2 game, couldn't believe that console was capable of it. Looks more like a low end PS3 game.

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I always love seeing the first and last games on each console.

FF7 was basically an SNES tier game with some blocky 3D and early SNES was just NES with more colors and animation. Late SNES was almost bordering on 3D, and late PS1 games like Chrono Cross were most indistinguishable from PS2.

Chrono Cross and ff7 dont even look like they belong on the same system, and the late ps1 racing games were really pushing the system to its limits, the draw distances barely keeping up

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I think the old CRT's helped a bit too. I'm not some CRT weirdo, they're super obsolete but LCD's just don't look very good at those low resolutions and bit depths, the softness and texture of CRT's helped break up plain textures, smooth out aliasing and get rid of a chunky pixel look you might have on LCD's.

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The games were designed to take advantage of CRTs and if you play them on LCDs with no CRT filters all the art looks weird

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This is true of DVDs too.

DVDs are worse than you remember (though later encodes certainly look better) but they're essentially "Digital VHS" quality.

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Many of the digital transitions were like that honestly, digital cameras, possibly early CD's too, their big selling point early on was convenience. The resolution/bitrate/bitdepth had to get high enough to overcome the downside of the digital nature.

You could probably extend this to a lot of other technology too tbh.

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Anyone else remember how insane the prerelease hype for this thing was? I remember seeing news reports saying that Saddam Hussein was going to buy a bunch to help his missiles with targeting. :marseycruisemissilepat:

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Afaik that's partially true, some of the internal components violate some weird weapons embargo. The graphics chips or smth iirc

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I still have mine. My dad bought me it for xmas and it was the start of my true console addiction. I thought the graphics were amazing too.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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But it kept overheating and shutting down at one point and i didn't know what was going on beyond it shutting off so i told my dad and when i got home from school the next day it was in a million pieces on the kitchen table with my dad messing with it and i was mortified that he killed it for good. Turned out it just was full of built up dust and the tiny compartment i had it shoved it in didn't help. Worked perfectly ever since after he put it back together

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You wrote JRPG BL fanfics didn't you

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lol no was never into that but was neurodivergent enough to spend a good 18 hours a day on weekends in front of that thing. My dad refused to let me do that too much and would kick me outside and tell me to play outside with friends. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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The ps2 was incredible no shame in liking such a beautiful beast. I have my dads old ps2 fat

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This you ?

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Unironically it has been but it wasn't my parents that were fighting

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Still have a working PS2 hooked up. I'm not one of these console/game hoarding spazzes, just still have it from ages ago. Sits under a red-ringed 360. Have a nostalgia craving for NFS:Underground 2 sometimes.

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Isn't the switch it like 150

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The good old days

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There's NOTHING that I've ever found appealing about Tex Butt...NOTHING. Now that it's become ground Zero in the decades-long fight against giving women the right over their own bodies I'll never set foot in that God forsaken shi* hole again. I'll do my best not to support any business that's based or supports the American version of the Taliban. If they want to fight they got it because I'll dedicate all my resources to fighting for women's rights, human rights, gay rights, people of color rights, and doing what's right. They've pushed us too far. We always play nice and want to find compromises. They don't understand compromise, they understand smashmouth football and don't respect you on the field if your only game is flag football. Time to put our money where our mouth is and get out there and fight them in every election from local school board to local zoning commissioner to local dog catcher up to the governor's office and eventually up to the Congress and presidency because they're turning this into another Saudi Arabia where the slim minority dictates to the majority how they're going to live their lives...


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