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More drama in Dragon's Dogma 2 with one mechanic ruining play throughs :marseyrage:


With recent drama from @Losercel, DD2 continues to cause issues.

One such issue is with a mechanic called dragon plague, that makes any pawn in you party capable of killing all npcs in a town.

Only way of checking is if the pawn has pulsating red eyes, disobeys your orders, or and an idle animation :marseyxd:

Now g*mers are getting paranoid and killing their pawns to be sure.


Video of the aftermath of a dragonplague pawn

!g*mers is this what Itsuno meant for his Vision of Dragon's Dogma?

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If this mechanic was present in a game that came out in late ‘90s or early 2000s, you would have people today calling it incredibly profound and awesome for having a huge impact on your game world if you are careless and don't pay attention

The fact that there is only one save available, which means this fricks over your whole game that you paid $70+ dollars (and tip) for, is what makes this even more hilarious

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might be fun in an ironman run :#idontknow:

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Will probably never play it, but it sounds like a pretty cool mechanic to me :marseycool:

:soyjaktantrum: Things happened in my bideo game that I couldn't directly control!!!!!

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Spoiler: all the NPC shit doesn't matter because all the npcs die off anyways when the world starts to end in game.

Fricking lmao.

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LMAO filtered

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If this mechanic was present in a game that came out in late ‘90s or early 2000s, you would have people today calling it incredibly profound and awesome for having a huge impact on your game world if you are careless and don't pay attention

Something something old good, new bad, and all that jazz.

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>old thing


BTW we don't have the neutral soyjak? HOW COME?


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Is it true that you cant even start a new game until you finish your current one? If yes then thats hilarious.

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From what I saw yes you even get banned from playing at all by the anti cheat if you delete the existing save data manually. At least from what I have heard.

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yeah its the sort of thing people would :marseywood: be saying was genius :marseyslab: game design we never :marseyitsover: get any more if it was in morrowind. but god forbid a modern :marseymajorgeneral3: g*mer :marseycrystalmaiden: ever have to do anything :marseycoleporter: but check :marseyelonpaypig: off a list of boxes

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This is merely an optimization tool due to NPCs in cities making the game run poorly. Very immersive.

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This is what happens when someone wants to make a game like Dark Souls but doesn't know that the mechanics should also be fair...

The g*mers that bought this trash deserve everything they get.

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Dragons dogma isn't trying to be dark souls play another game :marseysolaire: "erm is this game Tough but FAIR like dark souls the hardest game ever?"

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The concept of NPCs (one's that can give quests) being killable, and making decisions that lead to them dying is pretty Dark Souls like. I'm not saying this is a Dark Souls clone, but they certainly took lessons (the wrong ones) from the series.

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That was a thing in Oblivion, I remember getting a mod to prevent it. To level up your skills at certain points you need trainers, and to become a master there was only one NPC in the world that could help per skill. More than one of them could be killed in the world before you even encountered them, same as with some quest givers.

So it's been a problem in games for longer than Dark Souls. :marseyagreesuperspeed:

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You know, I thought Demon Souls was older than Oblivion. No idea why.

Yeah, NPCs should prob not be killable without a respawn system in most games.

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At the very least not the ones who provide a unique function before you've even found them. The master trainers were generally out of the way, so you could have been near them without knowing, so a monster can have killed them loooong before you even knew you needed to find them. Which also means you could be left scouring the entire game world because they're not where you thought the clues said they were, no matter how long you waited, so the player could keep looking forever for an NPC that died because an Oblivion Gate opened near their location and the demons killed them months ago, in game time.

The Elder Scrolls games are seriously janked up. I can't imagine playing them without mods to take out the worst issues.

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Yeah, seems like this game has some Bethesda dna with this bullshit lol.

Thank god Morrowind warns you when someone important dies.

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Bro you could do that shit in a lot of old crpgs

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Yeah, but they usually didn't get themselves killed (outside of scripted quest events). Also those games had save files. Dark Souls is the biggest example of being unable to reload after an NPCs death.

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Like in Ultima you could just kill story important NPCs lol

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Didn't that game have save files? Could always revert if you fricked up. Meanwhile if you get an NPC killed here you're screwed (if you don't revive them in 3 in-game days).

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Permadeath for NPCs has been around since the 80's you fricking r-slur

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The way the system works is pretty reminiscent of how FromSoftware handles it.

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There is a literal tutorial when you get your first infected pawn, r-slur.

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I wouldn't know, I didn't buy this pos. Also that doesn't excuse how braindead of a system this is...

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:marseys#oycry: :marseysoypoint:

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Only way of checking is if the pawn has pulsating red eyes




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Do you usually zoom in on npc faces? probably not. And can't you give your pawn red eyes in character creation?

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Every dead person :marseywall: had a "revive" prompt when you get close :marseynoyouzoom: so what's the big deal?

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That's a micro transaction :marseyxd:

Not even joking

That'll be $2.99 goy :marseymerchant:

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No way lol!

(Also plus tax)

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fake news. you use a consumable to revive :marseyzombierising: people and you can buy exactly 1 ever from the stupid :marseycrayoneater: cash store which isn't going :marseysalmaid: to help.

you're meant to go on a quest to get a mythic item that can revive :marseyzombierising: towns from the dead

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This makes more sense but is less funny.

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Wow I can't believe they put COVID19 in this game.

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Meanwhile Rise of the Ronin is nipjank kino.

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I already played nioh three :marseycerebrus: times I don't particularly see the need to buy it again

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But it's so comfy :marseytoasty:

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It scolds you for letting it happen and you don't even get to see everyone get murdered.


Game was made by a gaggle of cute twinks

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>screen fades to black

>PC wakes up to a bunch of dead NPCs

I like the idea that your PC is sleepmaxxing :marseyneet: :marseytoasty: :marseysleep: then wakes up blindsided by this shit. Its like those incel memes of the dude sleeping with a caption of "me when a roastie is being domestically beaten in the apartment next to mine."

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Just seems like a more spontaneous and player driven version of the sickness subplot from mgsv

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Considering some(?) of the pawns are streamers, preemptively killing them seems the best strategy.

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This fixes the fps in cities. Thanks!

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