Lib Persona fans gloat after triggering chuds with wholesome diversity

"Their diversity is their strength."

So you're saying I should cancel my pre-order, then, because the Western side of Sega is in control now?

try playing a megaten game without having a diverse team you tourist

Sure, and I have. Megaten games have largely been shit for years outside of Persona.

Thanks, you saved me $70.

"Their diversity is their strength.". I can already smell the blue haired DEI shit on the game's heavily altered English translations.

They're referring to the main cast being from different tribes...

I am aware. I am also aware of what they did with the Persona 3 Reload English localization censhorship.

Genuine question to why you think DEI is a bad thing.

There you go, yet another example . But please don't let my comment stop your group therapy session that you have you have with other people in the comments section ....

Great I see the word “diversity”, I skip

Kiryu supports trans rights and diversity…

DEI catch phrase front and center

That's a bold strategy, let's see how that works out for you

The cast literally has a dude with horns, a girl, and a literal rabbit thing. I mean that's pretty f****** diverse lol. You know diverse just means variety, right?

The what now?

Diversity, look it up, it's a good thing.

Strength requires unity. Virtue signaling requires diversity.

Screw DEI. But aside from you guys obviously trying to stir up controversy by using the phrase "diversity is their strength," this doesn't appear to have anything to do with woke DEI nonsense.

Words like diversity being used in a vacuum shouldn't even cause controversy if people like you ever opened a book in your life

I read a ton, but I know a lot of people have the impulse to assume people they disagree with on social issues are illiterate or whatever. The point of my posts here are that the woke version of diversity is r-slurred, but this doesn't appear to be an indication of that type of DEI crap being in the game. They deliberately chose this phrase to stir up this exact controversy, though.

:soyjakdancing: LIBS TAKE OVER :soyjakdancing:

Do you think when the people in the Quotes and Replies saw the word "diversity" in the first sentence, a little blood vessel in their brain popped?

The synonym for Variety is not your enemies guy. You can use it for fruit, fighting styles or even hair color. Please be normal 😭

To be fair, they know what they did with this post. They didn't just use the word diversity. They chose "diversity is their strength," which is not something anyone says aside from using it as a woke mating call.

Why would you be upset at the phrase “diversity is their strength”, is that not true? The characters are all different , they each have different skillsets and different knowledge based on their backgrounds.

Most political slogans are perfectly mundane in other contexts, if not for their existing specific association with that political context

You would not be thinking this if it were an ideology you disagreed with

asking too much of incels

It's literally just a bunch of cishet white characters and y'all still found a way to get offended at the word "diversity"

Just admit you a straight up unfiltered human hater or in other words racist piece of crap

Like what more do y'all even need

Is diversity now bad ?

So close to self-awareness

I preordered an extra copy because people are angry at the word diversity LOL. I hope P6's marketing says "Gay is their bond" or something too, I can't believe people will have this sort of melt down over a word. The game is literally about a diverse group of characters bonding.

sega of america actually took over japan and forced them to include the word. Only white western twitter users can liberate the country from western influence

This, but unironically.

>use one word

Conservatives are crying

Why am I not surprised?

Yeah, look at all these whiny r*pe victims. They should've just accepted diversity is a strength and moved on.

Obsessed with BBC award

You are complaining about a word in a video game and then talking about r*pe... talk about gymnastic

People complaining about diversity like smt isn't the most diverse game out there.

it is. it's just terrible use of the language. you have to stay away from the buzz words. show, don't tell. when you tell you frick it all up. thats all it is. it's like in a movie. show me the action of it don't just say the words.

Bruh the premise is about you forming a party with other races to become King after the old king has died. And uniting all races together.

You clearly haven't paid attention to anything about this game

There has never been a black protagonist in the entire SMT franchise, spin-offs included.

Diverse doesn't mean black inherently bruh 😭 a elf, human, and dog thing is diverse

I don't think that diversity itself is the issue.

The idea is that, if they're having to go out of their way to brag about diversity, then it's likely to be of lower quality, because there tends to be a correlation there.

Culture war freaks pooping their pants over the use of the word "diversity" in any context is so funny

Right wingers when they open a JRPG strategy guide and it starts talking about party diversity

You will never guess why people are mad about this post… 😂

It's crazy because the premise of “their diversity is their strength” is at the very core of every rpg. Healer, attack mage, tank, warrior etc etc the things that make the cast diverse are literally why you use them. Zero critical thought and just “woke buzzword!”

Is this blud serious :marseyskull: by these standards the Nazi army was diverse

How are people getting mad at the word “diversity”😭

Repost this to scare a conservative

Look at all the snowflakes triggered by the big D

Diversity is in fact not a strength. Countries like Norway and Japan have significantly lower crime rates than America precisely due to the lack of diversity.

People pooping themselves over the word "diversity" is hilarious. I hope you enjoy only eating one food, drinking one beverage, watching one show, playing one game, etc. Because having a multitude of those things would be...

Diversity. Crowd gasps


Neighbor literally is the millennial about to be balding phenotype

Also where are those triggered chuds in those replies? Is this like one person out of 10 or some scenario they made up in their head?

Wow I saw like 4 people 😱

Yeah yeah you love diversity so much you want the human race to be the same amorphous blob of culture less race less gender less humans.

Annoying losers spawned on this post

Totally sane people in the replies

This comment thread is why Persona "fans" are fricking losers and why they deserve everything that happens as western marxists slowly suck the soul out of these games. I can't wait for top people to start leaving Atlus in the future. Frick Atlus JP.

You know, As much as we could apply Hanlon's razor to this, I've seen enough games burn down over 11th hour frickery to justify keeping my eyebrow raises. Naw. I'll watch from the sidelines.

The phrasing is inherently political and only used by the left. Even if it means nothing for the actual game, the person behind the account knows what they're doing. It's just another attempt at normalizing their mantras.


🍇 and 🦐 that atlus intern….

Gotta hand it to their marketing team, they sure know how to pander to their new horribly toxic audience


Chuds have a point this time, "diversity is our strength" is a phrase exclusively used by lib politicians, and libds are playing clueless

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I. Factors affecting the wrath of God

1. God has established a limit to the amount of sin He will tolerate before He comes in wrath.

God's Word makes reference to a cut off point, when God's patience and tolerance reaches its end. I Thessalonians 2:16 speaks of people who are always adding to the number of their sins, and wrath has overtaken them completely. Genesis 15:16 talks about why God's wrath is not yet revealed against the Amorites: "the iniquity of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure." Jesus scalded the hypocritical religious leaders of His day with these words, "Fill up, then, the measure of your father's sins!" (Matt. 23:32).

According to Scripture, God has established a legal limit to sin. We do not know exactly where that limit is, nor do we know how close we may be to crossing that limit. When the sin of a nation or a person reaches that limit, God's mercy gives way for wrath.

Understand that when God sets Himself against a person or a nation, His arsenal is vast. He has more devices for confronting us than we have ways of evading Him. His wrath is so great and our countermoves so utterly futile that no one can successfully escape once He is in pursuit. In Ps. 90:7-9, we read about life under the opposing hand of God. 7 For we are consumed by Your anger; we are terrified by Your wrath. 8 You have set our unjust ways before You, our secret sins in the light of Your presence. 9 For all our days ebb away under Your wrath; we end our years like a sigh.

2. Only those who are right with God are prepared for a time of God's judgment.

Listen to the word God sent to Ezekiel: 13 "Son of man, if a land sins against Me by acting faithlessly, and I stretch out My hand against it to cut off its supply of bread, to send famine through it, and to wipe out [both] man and animal from it, 14 even [if] these three men-Noah, Daniel, and Job-were in it, they would deliver [only] themselves by their righteousness." [This is] the declaration of the Lord God. (14:13-14)

Oh, brother and sister hear me this morning: Do not be deceived into thinking that you can hold onto your sinful attitude or gossiping tongue or bitter unforgiveness and still try to claim the righteousness of Christ as your cover. Israel did something similar in the days of Jeremiah. They trusted in the fact that they were called God's people and had the temple of the Lord in their midst. (Jeremiah 7:8-11)

In Jeremiah's day, God brought His judgment on the nation at the hands of a Babylonian king in 586/7 BC. Centuries later, Jesus wept over Jerusalem, prophesying the destruction that would come at the hands of a Roman army in AD 70. And He brought the same accusation against God's people in His day: My house will be a house of prayer," but you have made it a "den of robbers."'"

Do you know when the people of God become a den of robbers? Claude King answers like this: "When they live lives of sin all week long and then come before the Lord and say, ‘We're safe. We're God's people.' They rob God of what He deserves by living and acting like the rest of the lost world all week long and them come to church on Sunday and say, ‘I'm okay. I'm going to heaven when I die. I prayed the prayer. I joined the church.'[1]

As God's people must confess and repent (turn away) from our sin, if we are to receive the cleansing Christ has provided through His own shed blood. Only through repentance can we stand before God clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

3. As God's people, we have a choice.

We can either see the pending danger and return to the Lord before He brings judgment, or we can wait until after the disasters to cry out for mercy and repent.

Throughout Scripture God prescribed Solemn Assemblies, what we're calling a Prayer Summit, as a key element in returning to the Lord. There were two approaches in Scripture to how a Solemn Assembly or Prayer Summit functioned. One function comes before the disaster and the other comes after the disaster.


"Their diversity is their strength.":

Thanks, you saved me $70.:

"Their diversity is their strength.". I can already smell the blue haired DEI shit on the game's heavily altered English translations.:

Great I see the word “diversity”, I skip:

DEI catch phrase front and center:

The what now?:

Strength requires unity. Virtue signaling requires diversity.:

Screw DEI. But aside from you guys obviously trying to stir up controversy by using the phrase "diversity is their strength," this doesn't appear to have anything to do with woke DEI nonsense.:

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