Activision installs political commissars on every dev team

So many slides to say nothing lol. Except they measure every employees sense of belonging with an "inclusion score"? That's some meaningless foid shit.

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Doesn't all this DEI shit disprove the notion that Capitalism is just a ruthless greed-obssessed enterprise run by worshippers of Mammon? If :marseycapitalistmanlet: only cared about making money, why do all these worthless "consultants" get paid to derail game development for no noticeable monetary gain for either the studio or publisher? :marseythinkorino:

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You know the saying 'HR does't exist it protect you, it exists to protect the company'?

DEI Departments exist because when its inevitably revealed that bipocs are underrepresented in any industry that requires mental ability the company can turn to the courts and say 'No no, we're not in violation of anti-discrimination law! We're doing everything you told us to do!'

DEI only exists because of the Civil Rights Act. There are def some true believers, but those emerged later.

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It's the embodiment of "be careful who you pretend to be". The initial foothold in business was legal compliance, but at this point true believers are running the show, and the apathetic majority goes along with them.

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All you have to do to comply with the Civil Rights Act is avoid disparate impact.

But evaluating merit fairly, or recruiting actual qualified minorities is too fricking hard so they just blanket hire midwits from directional state U to stay off the chud radar

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All you have to do to comply with the Civil Rights Act is avoid disparate impact.

You say that like it's not onerous to be told that literally anything that statistically affects demographics differently is a racism unless you prove it's super duper relevant to the work.

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Go to most brokers and you'll see an ESG score on any publicly traded company. This score often determines what is batched into most mutual funds and pension funds. When you put money into your 401k and it goes to your BlackRock 2060 fund, black rock is deciding on what does and doesn't make it in that retirement fund through a variety of methods, one of which is ESG. Getting into one of these funds is vital for lots of publicly traded companies (and private with how popular private equity is now), it essentially guarantees you a steady flow of stock purchases every 2 weeks.

You can improve ESG with lots of bullshit activism and fluff DEI garbage, which is why you see Raytheon talking about how much they love butt s*x. It's worked too, here is the ESG of Raytheon, the company that manufactures missiles that kill brown kids, vs TSLA, the electric vehicle company. The difference is that TSLA doesn't promote DEI and has a controversial CEO, whereas RTX pretends they feel really bad about making WMDs.

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What's BlackRock's incentive though? Why are they investing in qualitatively worse stocks just because of ESG? Wouldn't that be artificially weighing down their returns?

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They are a trillion dollar company and have enough authority and pull that some people call them the 4th branch of government. They are making these decisions for some reason that we can't probably see directly. It's a loss in one area for bigger potential returns somewhere else.

The funny thing is all this hyper "woke" verbage didn't pick up stream until at the end of the occupy wall street protest. So that's one idea.

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There's a few reasons, I'll rank from most to least conspiratard. Least is that it's simply good for companies to look like they're trying; being progressive and socially active is seen as a positive to a lot of the general population and is a good reason for a lot of people to invest in a company. Next is that studies have found higher diversity actually decrease likelihood to unionize and seek a common goal - Amazon has actually done this with certain grocer stores, injecting DEI removed union talks. Third is that Jews just hate mayos and want to remove us. There are of course a million other reason, from federal grants to boycott resistance, but these 3 are my personal favourites.

I think it's mostly a mix of the first two with a dash of the third. People don't like knowing their money is killing the environment and importing thirdies and bluehairs keeps the workplace divided, plus I'm sure there's a non-zero amount of Jews who do hate white people - centennially occurring genocides would do that to anyone.

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0 shekels for guessing who runs the company.

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someone explain ESG scores to this motherlover im too lazy

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It certainly disproves when more mainstream commentators say "These companies are so greedy they ignore the g*mers, it's all about greed and money to them, capitalism is the reason why gaming sucks, remember to only argue about greed and nothing else when criticizing gaming companies" and then companies like Sony made decisions that made a huge portion of their audience unable to play Helldivers (which directly reduces future profit), with the main reason given being that they could ban people more easily.

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You have to look at it from a different angle.

These identity based employee groups and the embracing of DEI are the companies evolving themselves in a way to shield from lawsuits and bad press.

Yea their product declined in quality a little bit but the perception that they are “on the right side of history” is seen as a long term benefit to prevent some stupid lefty tard pr issue from coming up in the future or to be used in court against the next white woman girl boss who tries to sue them for #metoo shit.

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Wokeshit allows capitalism, that's the beauty of it and why corporations are so into it. It allows them to get back pats and cater to schizophrenic delusional r-slurs while being greedier and scummier than ever.

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Companies need money. Rich strags that care about DEI will give them money for putting in strag shit. Company complies puts in strag shit for free money. The game fails. Company needs money to recoup losses. Repeat over and over.

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BIPOC-rich activists have more money than the entire industry produces, and goyslop consumers have so much pocket change they don't even feel a pinch when they spend $70 a month on mediocre remakes.

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BIPOC-rich activists have more money than the entire industry produces

Nah this can't be right

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"Gaming is a huge industry" is cope, it's a jobs program for women and :!marseytrain:s now that literal r-slurs can ship product with Unity

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it's just women are the future of consumers from a long term financial perspective under capitalism and it's obligations to shareholders. women make more money, have fewer kids and are less likely to be married than ever before. married men also make almost double what single men do because why bother doing more than necessary if you don't have a wife and kids to support? see animal crossing or how mobile gaming makes more than pc and console gaming combined for a video game example or how that marketing women blew up bud light in a long term attempt to slowly start shifting the brand to have more appeal to women since men's drinking is trending downward and beer along with it

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Because it pleases the powerful political figures that control the government and economy, effectively making them preferred agents of the uniparty and securing access to resources and protection

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