Unpopular games that you actually like? :marseyblops2chadcel:

!g*mers !tunnelsnakes :marseyfalloutvictim: get in here

Off the top of my head I can think of a few


Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon




3D Oddworld Games


Obligatory Dark Souls II mention


And good old Spore

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 is rightfully hated for the scummy loot box stuff it launched with, which is too bad because all that stuff got fixed within 2 weeks of launch and that game was GREAT. Probably the last great large-scale FPS game made before the genre was destroyed with aggressive skill-based matchmaking and MMR.

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>the genre was destroyed with aggressive skill-based matchmaking and MMR

holy crap, actual, real life scrubquotes on my rdrama? :marseylaughpoundfist:

@DeforesterCarpathian @Horned_waifus_shill @CamNewton look at the absolute state of FPScels :marseysmug2:

Imagine any fighting game player bitching about having to play people of your own skill level, you'd get laughed out of the room, but somehow this is a majority opinion for mass-market FPS players :marseyflushzoom:

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The only people that play fighting games are straggy chinks so I don't care what they think.

The fun of FPS games used to be get stomped --> get better--> stomp others in pubs. Now we gotta make everything inclusive to all skill levels so you gotta play sweaty at all times if you're any good. Wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings if they're no good.

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Spinning the concept of playing against opponents of equal-ish skill, just like you do in virtually any game worth giving an iota of a frick about, to be some form of "inclusivity" thing is fricking wild :marseyflushzoom:

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Says the one who's feelings are hurt that he's not any good :marseyrofl: The only people I ever hear complain about matchmaking are people who are absolutely terrible, like Zesty Jesus who made a career out of being shitty at a game and getting meatriders like you to justify that it's matchmaking fault and not his for walking out in front of sightlines with the worst movement possible.

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>but somehow this is a majority opinion for mass-market FPS players :marseyflushzoom:

Well... mostly redditors and 'channers that aren't very good at vidya so they cope by saying it's the game's fault and not theirs :marseyxd:

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its 32vs32. most of your personal efforts are already rounded out by the masses that make up your team. mmr would just make it worse.

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Bro, if it's all completely random skill levels, then personal efforts aren't :marseyairquotes: rounded out :marseyairquotes:, that's the whole fricking point, people want to get massive killstreaks and hard-carry a team full of casual players while not having meaningful opposition on the opposing team :marseyeyeroll:

If everyone was within a standard deviation or two of each other :marseynerd2: THEN that would make complete sense, because everyone's skill averages out and you can have a competitive match :marseyhmmhips:

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>somehow this is a majority opinion for mass-market FPS players

Really? What reasoning do they give for that?

@kamala_is_bae why don't you want to play close :marseynoyouzoom: matches where :marseydrama: you are able to influence the outcome of your games?

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It's not a "majority" opinion, if it was they wouldn't have widely implemented those systems. It's a bunch of newbz that never really got gud who complain on reddit and 'chan about getting stomped and blaming the matchmaking system.

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If you're playing team death match, 9 out of 10 games you're ending with a really close score. Usually within two or three kills. It doesn't sound that bad on paper but it really sucks the fun out of the game when you are sweating in every match in every playlist. I noticed it most in COD and Halo Infinite, but it seems to be in every PvP game now.

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MMR is good EXCEPT in deckbuilders where it amounts to "if you won twice in a row the system will scour the internet for someone with a hard counter to your deck" and ends up making the game really samey. Every red deck in mtg arena ends up against other red decks, etc.

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did you see the nerds on mtga subreddit figured out the balance wheightings for each card in brawl? i dgaf enough to do it but if you want to its possible to make a noob stomper deck now.

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afaik I thought it didn't care about your deck at all and purely about your winrate, which is why you get weird shit like if you make a new account then no matter what deck you're using you immediately get 50 free ranked wins and end up at mythic rank. someone did a video where they used a starter deck on a new account and literally only played the card on the left of their hand and they got to mythic

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Love battlefront 2

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I knew you would say that.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Yeah I played that for a while and liked it :marseyagree: Then they discontinued service to make Battlefield 2042 :marseykekw:

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what kind of continued support can EA give that will improve the game?

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Adding playable Joe Biden :marseycirno:

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as a sith :marseywitch:

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The graphics of that game were incredible

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I enjoyed it but I think Dice's 1st Battlefront was better. Aesthetics were peak :marseychefkiss:

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Eh it was kinda mid.

Didn't feel like you were really doing anything unless you played a hero.

Guns felt impactless...

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all that stuff got fixed within 2 weeks of launch and that game was GREAT

Battlefield 4 was like this. So I got it on sale for $5 right when they had worked out all the bugs and it was actually really good.

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