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Idk wtf this is but I love it when devs fix balance issues and nerds are like




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They all think it's mandatory that you not use legit game mechanics like ashes because it makes it too easy, and at the same time they're all running with rivers of blood and min/maxing. Souls fans are so pretentious.


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>You got naked before mimic tear? :marseypearlclutch:

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This is just a single player nerf for the moment, actually kinda annoyed I didn't beat it in time. I really should have taken a day or two off and sunk more time in :soyjaktantrum:

Now I will never be able to beat the Femboy final boss and his hypnoslave at their full power :marseycry:

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I really should have taken a day or two off and sunk more time in

Imagine taking time off work for "muh bideo game"


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Imagine thinking your opinions on other people's toys, be it bideo games, cars, boats, or le having s*x, matter to anyone but yourself


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Did u rly put vidya with boats and s*x?

Tbf people who put down vidya tend to only succeed at a mid level, but come on bro.

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You play with the toys you like bro, any grown man knows that

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I'm not putting it down too much. A lot of the most successful people play vidya a moderate amount. But let's just keep it in perspective is all. It ain't boats and s*x.

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In honor of this thread Imma try to have s*x while playing elden ring on a boat this weekend bro. I'll report back.

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Imagine thinking your opinions on other people's toys, be it bideo games, cars, boats, or le s*x, matter to anyone but yourself


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>Not a downdoot fellow redditor! :marseysulk:


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All I can do is imagine since I didn't do it :marseyshrug:

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Imagine not spending every breathing moment slaving for the corporation that drip feeds you minimum wage.

Am I right, fellow wagecels?

Whoops my 2 minutes of monthly vacation are over, back to work!

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Amazing how the Poorcel/Gamecel can only see one form of enslavement, when he's clearly enslaved by his bideo game.


Touch sand on a beach poor.

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>spending my Saturday yelling at Karens in a Cosco is a lot more fulfilling than having lan parties with your friends

Wagecels cope

You may rope now

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Isn't this a single player game

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i'm too lazy to play it, but in radbrad's playthrough it looks really cool

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Nothing more cucked than watching a G*mercel play a bideo game instead of playing it yourself.

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no time, sorry.

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You can do fun things when you take time off work. Like go on a vacation or spend a whole day at the local lake.

But ... muh vidya :marseygamer:

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Wouldn't you take time off work to go on a vacation?

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Yeah that was my point? Take time off work for really fun things that you normally cannot do at all. You can play vidya at any time.

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You can't get all your friends together at one time/place any time...

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Get more friends, do things with a subgroup of friends, do things alone.

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Imagine yucking up someone's yum :marseyindignant:


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Imagine being so worthless that you argue (in good faith) that you shouldn't judge others.


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They didn't that's the point

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Just dont update?

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just go into offline mode and turn off updates

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:marseycry: Update was already downloaded. I beat Radahn though with a greatshield.

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they don't even let people choose to play at the original difficulty?

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You can mimic the effect by just going to +19 scadutree instead of +20. It's effectively the same multiplier.

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Imagine not still spamming Mimic Tear and Moonveil no matter :marseyslm: what until you brute force :marseyjetfighter: victory, couldn't be me.

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That's the worst part of modern :marseywarhol: fromsoft games :marseygamer: is you have to beat it fast before :marseyskellington: the whiners come in and get the bosses nerfed. Radahn in the base game not nerfed to oblivion :marseysheogorath: because shitters couldn't handle the raid mechanic.

Now they can't handle that they need to explore, not rush bosses, never :marseyitsover: learn :marseyreading: boss patterns, and die instantly. How pathetic :marseycryingclown:

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Fromsoft fans are insane and brainbroken and here is the prime example. The ultimate state of the Radahn "nerf" is a fix to bugged hitboxes that let him hit you from well beyond the visual size of his attacks. Every other nerf got reverted, but to this day hardcore Souls Veterans b-word and complain that Radahn's hitboxes aren't literally malfunctioning in a way that makes him harder.

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And the boss fricking sucked with the hitboxes. Like it wasn't even defensible. He would clip through hills.

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Radhan was always very obviously intended as a gimmick meme fight, like so many in from games (that lava boss in ds1, that lava level boss in ds1 too, tree in ds3, etc). The nerf was to make it more viable as 1v1 fight.

Edit: i slightly suspect the "nerf" on Radhan was actually a way to bait fools into actually fighting him as a normal boss, i lost count (but it was at least dozens) at how many tards i cooped with in the last few weeks that summoned other players (me) for the fight and (obviously) got 2shot while trying to stab stab roll.

Edit 2: in the Radhan "nerf" from also got rid of the broken icestep (hoarfrost stomp) cheese that melted him in like 3 shots. So, actually harder when everything is factored in.

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What was he like before the nerf/how soon after release was that? I think I fought him as a normal boss but didn't have any trouble so I assume I did it after the nerf

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Depends on how you fought him. If in the intended meme way (summon npcs, get on horse, keep summoning npcs when they die, never engage Radhan, get out of the way when he meteors at half health, repeat), then it should be about the same difficulty now as on launch (very easy). If you went at him directly, on release he was the hardest boss after malenia, probably would one shot everyone under rl50. At rl60 and above, he was always very manageable, and pretty easy above that. Also, there was a "cheese" that made him a trivial fight that they got rid of.

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Oh wow, the normie game that normies think is a heckin hard got normie adjusted :marseyeyeroll:

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It's easy


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It was never hard


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The game is easy because cheese is mandatory.

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This tbh. Every fight with mimic is piss easy but you can't play without it unless you like bleed builds or peepee and ball torture.

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I fricking love how everything was not balanced at all. Shield builds are fricking dead and bleed builds breaks bosses with insane dmg and staggering.

Then they decided vigor to be mandatory attribute by making boss attacks undodgeable then tossing it out in the late game by giving bosses attacks that still 1 hit you.

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Shield builds are fricking dead

Shield carried me through radahn, finally beat him after a few hours total and several respecs between builds I had on hand to try different playstyles :marseyantiwork:

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I blame Sekiro honestly. It introduced a ton of gimmick-y fights with the shinobi tools. Try doing Headless Ape without Firecrackers and Fire Axe, or really any of the non human bosses without some sort of fire. It's night and day. Blazing Bull and Lady Butterfly are both trivialized by dodge attacks. There is a “right” way to approach bosses and it feels too easy doing it that way.

Was better in Sekiro because it at least felt thematic and intended, and you still had to be pretty darn good. ER not so much.

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Sekiro at least made bosses where their attack was properly choreographed and could be dodged.

Take headless ape, i never used firecrackers but his attacks were quite easy to deflect and dodge.

Where Sekiro failed was in player dmg output and failing too show players what they could do. Did blind playthrough and man it was a pain the arse until i checked wiki 2nd there was a way to raise dmg permanently which made the game cakewalk.

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I'm glad your stupid little game got nerfed. Frick myazaki for his gay little one shots and input reading. It's time to reel in the tardation. You wanna give enemies five hit combos, AOEs that cover the entire map, and ridiculous closing speed. Fine, but let me move like the bloodborne character. This neighbor is just getting high on his own farts with how difficult he's trying to make it.


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Shit's ultimately not even hard it's just tedious. Every boss still has guaranteed openings for short swords (lol build diversity), you just have to ignore half the combos because they will flex into longer combos if you try to punish. It's just boring as sin. Melania is the only boss that's truly hard in the basegame because every 30 seconds (hard cooldown lmao) she will launch into a oneshot undodgeable move that can only be countered by distance or being a super mario speedrunner.

Other than that move, piss easy. Just takes for fricking ever and isn't fun.

Also if you use summons, you should never die against any boss.

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I beat that evil dragon by going invisible and poisoning him from behind. I beat that guy on the boar by getting him stuck on a wall and using an aoe spell. It aint easy being cheesy.

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Based. Winning is fun, doesnt matter how you get there

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Cheesing dragons has been a staple of from games ever since ds1 when you could arrow down that bitchfricker in the bridge and get the early game super sword. Even ds3 had a poison aoe (something mercury?) that would easily cheese that huge dragon in ringed city.

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MUH SPAM ROLL GAME!!!! :soycry:

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Asmon used a macro to farm 64 million souls and beat it pretty easy lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Can you stop watching a man that wipes his teeth blood on the wall, doesn't shower, and uses piss bottle? You deserve so much better sweetie :marseynails:


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You just haven't lived if you don't watch him play hard games and get mad about it. He has become less ragey unfortunately. Good for him because blocking and ignoring are the best routes but less fun to watch.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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You're talking to a man who punched his own phone watching his first dark souls run.


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lmao yes. He's a shut-in and shouldn't be pooping on people for bad spending habits for going out with friends, but god darn watching him get mad at games is his true entertainment value.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I think it ok to expect a dlc to be around the same difficultly level as the game it's an expansion to.

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From has always cranked the difficulty way up in all their dlcs. It's meant to be endgame content.

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Exploration past Leyndell sucks because endgame scaling gets r-slurred. Play any of the popular Elden Ring reworks and they're all a million times better than the original after Morgott.


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End game scaling is kinda wonk. Spirit summons is basically easy mode for bosses which means people never git so they get crushed by mobs. But it's perfectly manageable imo. Disclaimer that I haven't played the dlc yet.

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It's manageable in that you don't need to fight mobs in the end-game because there's less to explore for in the barren maps they ran out of time with.

Personally for me the DLC is 7/10, if the base game is 10/10. It's got amazing content in it but the numbers are overtuned to force the borrowed power system down your throat when you first walk in, and I hate shit like that.

If you're on PC you can probably turn that 7/10 into 10/10 with the right quality of life mods, but my girlfriend wanted to watch, so I bought it on console.

Some of the fights are great spectacles, which is why the two options of “play perfectly for five minutes to whittle down the boss” or “play shittily for ten minutes because you need to run away to heal any time you get hit once in a gorgeous 12-hit combo you're gonna get to see five times in a row” doesn't jive.


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:marseydisagreefast: DSP can cheese it, the enemies need to be harder

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DSP also cheesed the main game.

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:marseyagreefast: The enemies needed to be harder there too

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Mimic GOD dabbing on losers -


God darn those strags are insufferable.

Normal Player: Use an item, kill the boss, move on.

Redditor: Refuse to use item, can't kill boss, demand developers rebalance boss around not using the item that makes the fight winnable.

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Elden Ring is mid, dark souls 2 and 3 were way better, the open world is just not good imo

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>dark souls 2

>way better


I replayed Scholar a few months ago and it was even worse than I remembered. DS3 held up pretty well though.

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DS2 is just beta Elden Ring. DS3 was much better though yeah

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Good. I could only beat the DLC by powerstancing great swords and jump-attacking.

I was waiting for modders to improve the DLC balancing before FromSoft though.


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unironically all these 10 minutes long combos with 2 seconds inbetween only benefit ungabunga jump attack stagger builds and nothing else. it would work in sekiro since blocking actually damages bosses posture but not here


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Git gud among from peepeeriders just means cheesing. I got halfway with Rellana with the new light greatsword, and that was a great fight with a lot of weaving and back-and-forth, but it got tedious playing perfectly for five minutes to whittle the health bar down. I didn't want to lookup where 50 fragments were when I was already +3 and already had to do errands to a) unlock the DLC on the one NG+ file I had on console and b) upgrade the new weapons.

After getting nowhere I just powerstanced her to death with rotten greathammers and it wasn't even close between poise breaks and scarlet rot. Or really that satisfying. If they want big health pools to encourage status/fixed-% strats, that's fine, but any of the million Elden Ring overhaul mods do this better, and it sucks that people stuck on console have to deal with the narrow design vision of those slant-eyed japs.

It's great content for modders and I'm looking forward to buying the DLC again on PC to beat it with low-poise weapons, but it didn't deserve the high praise it got imo


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Every idiot on reddit saying “git gud” and “use the tools FromSoft gave you” cheesed every boss using online guides and is coping

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I'm going to use that sekiro mod on my second run once it gets fixed for the dlc

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That seems fair to me, the difficulty was maybe a touch too harsh. There were always methods to cope with it, though, like shields, ranged builds, and summons.

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I've been playing these games since Demon's Souls came out and I think I'm done. I hate how normalized it's become to spend upwards of 4 hours on a fricking boss. I miss back when Demon's Souls came out and nobody else bought it. The only thing people seem to care about is how many hours they can spend fighting one single boss. From may as well just make fricking boss rush games from now on.

These games used to be considered good for many reasons, but now people only talk about challenge. It's fricking annoying. I finished the DLC and I don't think these games are for me anymore.

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My only wish is they make a linear game again. I like exploration, but wide areas with literally nothing that I comb through to find a single smithing stone among DS2 tier gank fights is ridiculous. I like the new map design, but again, its just way too big.

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:marseycry: When I look up a weapon I get unrelated videos telling me TOP 5 BROKEN BUILDS to MELT BOSS and OVERPOWERED EARLY, I wish it could sink back into obscurity so bad :marseysulk:

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Real as frick. Have you checked out Lies of P?

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No but I've heard good things.

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:pepereeeeee: Reeeee I'm on vacation and now I'll never be able to play the DLC as intended reeeeeeeee

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Didn't they just buff the fragments? I started a video going over the updates but didn't finish it. Also absolutely not surprised. They nerfed radahn too.

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