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It's Time To Start Trusting Video Game Reviewers :marseysoycry2:


Trust them !chuds

  • Games journ*lists often beat difficult games, but face criticism and abuse for their reviews.\

  • The myth that games journ*lists hate video games is false; they are passionate about the medium.\

  • To find trustworthy game critics, look for those with similar tastes and opinions to yourself.

I get it, games journ*lists are terrible at video games. Remember that one guy playing Cuphead? Let's ignore the fact that games journ*lists regularly beat entire games in a far shorter timespan than regular people who don't have deadlines to meet. Turn a blind eye to the fact that they don't have a single guide to help them beat a difficult boss or access an area with some abstruse entry method like drinking poison that kills you at any other time. Forget about the fact they beat them before the patches arrive to make the game easier.

They also hate video games, and chose to cover this beat because they want to destroy the entire industry. It doesn't matter that wages are low across the sector and crunch is rife, especially when reviewing hundred-hour games with bafflingly tight turnarounds. We hate video games, and can't wait to tear them down.

The myth that games journ*lists not only suck at video games, but also actively hate the medium, is one that I've never understood. However, the issue with game reviews is much easier to parse.

Gaming in 2024 is team-based. You're Team Xbox or Team PlayStation. Team Fortnite or Team CoD. Team Stellar Blade or Team Censorship. Team Developer or Team Journ*list. That's how many g*mers see it, at least.

There's a major problem with games marketing that fuels this feudal misery. Hype trailers for games years away from release whip fans into a fervour, and the excitement heightens to a level where any criticism of the game is seen as a personal sleight. Calling Stellar Blade's protagonist Eve boring meant that you're a part of the pro-censorship wokerati who can't stand a beautiful woman leading a game.

There's another issue here, to do with reading comprehension and media literacy, but I won't go into that today.

Team Elden Ring got mad last week, when a couple of reviews said that it was too difficult. Accusations flew across the Twittersphere, the critics behind said reviews were told in no uncertain terms to 'git gud', and suffered far worse abuse, as misogynistic as it was vitriolic. Cuphead has been brought up, again.

Fast forward a week, and players are levelling the very same accusations at the FromSoftware DLC. Countless mods have added easy modes to the game -- one called Journ*list Mode, despite the fact journos beat the game without needing it. Players feel bosses are unfair, they believe the systems are too abstruse, and yet they refuse to engage with some of the game's core mechanics due to believing they're a cheat's way out. I wonder if any of them have apologised to the reviewers who pointed out these very issues?

It's not just an Elden Ring problem. When Kallie Plagge reviewed Cyberpunk 2077 for GameSpot, she was hounded by thousands of players for pointing out the game's negatives. She didn't like the edgy aesthetics that played no meaningful part in the gameplay, so she was labelled a prude. She pointed out offensive depictions of minorities, so she was called an SJW. She called out the technical issues obvious even on PC, so she suffered a barrage of hatred.

Plagge was at the receiving end of a whirlwind of abuse from g*mers excited for CD Projekt Red's new title, eight years in the making. Their excitement, as well as the marketing campaign, blinded them from seeing fair criticism as exactly that -- fair. I don't know her, but I imagine Plagge was excited to play the game, too. Games journ*lists and critics like games! And yet, her 7/10 review sparked days of collective outrage.

However, when the game released, fans saw the truth for themselves. Just days after Plagge's review was published, a post appeared on the Cyberpunk subreddit titled, "Everyone talked shit about her, but I'm starting to agree with Kelly Plagge [sic]". On the whole, the review was more positive than the sentiment on the subreddit. The fan reaction was so intense that a new subreddit, /r/LowSodiumCyberpunk, was set up by the minority of fans wanting to escape the swathes turning on the game for the exact reasons Plagge pointed out.

What gives? At what point do you start trusting game critics and those who review your games? As much as you think we're different to you, that we have different agendas and want to tear down the things you love, we're not. We love video games. We wouldn't do this job otherwise. But we have to be honest about our opinions.

So find someone with similar opinions to you. While Eurog*mer's reviewer found the DLC so difficult it spoiled their experience, our reviewer relished FromSoftware's seemingly insurmountable challenge. I myself play and review a lot of RPGs and text-heavy games because I'm a book nerd at heart. If you, too, like those sorts of games and welcome valid criticism of the genre, keep tabs on my OpenCritic page.

This is how to navigate the media landscape. Find someone your tastes align with, or whose criticism you enjoy reading. Find your Roger Ebert. Don't just look at the biggest reviews on the biggest sites, because you lack important context about the person behind the webpage. You can expect their review to be balanced and fair, but it will also be entirely subjective -- reviews are opinions, after all -- so you need to dig a little deeper to understand whether this is a perspective that is similar to yours. If your favourite reviewer writes for an independent zine, go for it, that might be more valuable to you than an IGN or TheG*mer write-up.

But no games journ*list is out to get you. The vast majority try to be fair in their criticism and unbiased when it comes to inconsequential arguments like console preferences. Nobody's going to give Astro Bot a two because they love Xbox. Nobody is trying to destroy game developers' lives. We're honest, we're opinionated, we're human. Just like you.

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hang them :marseysoyrope:

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Who the frick cares what journos say anymore. Double for gayming journos

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This. Death to journos.

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gaming journ*list is a contradiction

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it's time to bully games "journ*lists" more

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Team Elden Ring got mad last week, when a couple of reviews said that it was too difficul

Disingenuous slimeballs. The only things people are really bitching about are Radahn and Gaius.

Reviewers got detailed guides on item locations, bosses, literally everything with their copy and they still bitched because they are deranged subhumans who don't deserve the time of day. The "nerf" last week only adjusted the way it scales throughout the game, it's a 5% damage difference in the end, near meaningless but these freaks try to blow it up into some sort of vindication for them as though these over-educated propagandists said that this of all things was the issue.

They're totally detached from the customer but demand we treat them as oracles conveying unquestionable divine wisdom. I hate them so much it surprises me every time I'm reminded they exist.

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You tell em queen (unironically)

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Not reading all this shit, but these idiots used to use game journ*lism as a pipeline to eventually get a job at the Washington Post or whatever. They never had any interest in games. Now that journ*lism as a whole is dying, there's no room for advancement to these more "serious" publications, so we're stuck with these rabid idiots until the websites close down for good.


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I'd rather have a female Jeet project manager than listen to vidya game journo.

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Speaking as someone who's had a female Indian project manager, I don't think you know what you're saying...

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Why would I ever read a journo's review when I could watch someone play it on youtube and have a much better and more accurate review?

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Lmao imagine watching someone else play a game instead of just playing it yourself

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Forget watching someone play it. One of the biggest problems with mainstream Vidya journ*lism is that you have no idea who these people are, what they usually like to play, what they are good at, how good they are... So when you read an IGN review you have absolutely no way to frame what you're reading.

"The UI is bad and the combat feels slow and unforgiving" is something you might read but how this comes across to a reader changes massively if you are aware that their usual gaming fare is Pokémon and Animal Crossing.

The solution is to watch YouTube reviewers you know. It's good if they enjoy the types of games you enjoy but it's actually not necessary as long as you can gauge their review with their personal tastes in mind.

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I'm not gonna wait for a :marseypirate: version to come out

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Does anyone actually listen to games "journ*lists" these days? Seems like a lot of people just find some reviewers on YouTube that they like and listen to them instead

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yea I just go to the most neurodivergent rpgcodex type youtuber I can find in that genre then figure its about half as bad as they say and it's usually right

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How pathetic do you have to be to write such a huge whining diatribe? It's literally just crying that people are mean and that they should be nicer to vidya journoids (they shouldnt).

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media literacy



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There's another issue here, to do with reading comprehension and media literacy, but I won't go into that today.

Be sure to come back tomorrow so I can sneed at you some more

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There's another issue here, to do with reading comprehension and media literacy, but I won't go into that today.


The plebs don't listen to their intellectual betters and regurgitate the narratives we put forth.

It's not just an Elden Ring problem. When Kallie Plagge reviewed Cyberpunk 2077 for GameSpot, she was hounded by thousands of players for pointing out the game's negatives. She didn't like the edgy aesthetics that played no meaningful part in the gameplay, so she was labelled a prude. She pointed out offensive depictions of minorities, so she was called an SJW.

Because that's a personal taste issue that shouldn't matter to the score lmao. It's like complaining that Skyrim has too many Norse aesthetics.

This is how to navigate the media landscape. Find someone your tastes align with, or whose criticism you enjoy reading. Find your Roger Ebert. Don't just look at the biggest reviews on the biggest sites, because you lack important context about the person behind the webpage. You can expect their review to be balanced and fair, but it will also be entirely subjective -- reviews are opinions, after all -- so you need to dig a little deeper to understand whether this is a perspective that is similar to yours.

People have been doing that for a decade now and they are called YouTubers. Game Journos are irrelevant and will continue to be so.

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Roger Ebert would never have wrote for TheG*mer. Plus the thing is the edgy aesthetic thing has nothing to do with the game itself and the problems people have with it

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To find trustworthy game critics, look for those with similar tastes and opinions to yourself.

:quote: to find trustworthy game critics, look for those that say what you want them to say. :quote:

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Gsmes journos are failed political journos. They only took the job to get experience sbd move up. Teenagers on youtube do better reviews and play throughs than the college educated journo elite.

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"You should really trust us."

-Slimeballs who have done everything in their power to lie to anyone in spitting distance about anything they personally dislike for the last 10 years.

Find someone your tastes align with, or whose criticism you enjoy reading. Find your Roger Ebert. Don't just look at the biggest reviews

We have. Turns out it's no one who works in games journ*lism. Odd turn of events. Wonder if the above has anything to do with it.

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There's another issue here, to do with reading comprehension and media literacy, but I won't go into that today.

HE SAID THE WORDS! :marseynpc2:

Even in an article trying to deflect from the primary failing of video game journ*lists, they couldn't help outing themselves by signaling the real reason. Game journ*lists are media majors who failed at life and are desperate to get a 'real' journ*lism job. Because they have no talent, they all insert the same 'current day' social garbage they read in the Post and Times into the medium in the hope that someone will notice their talent and elevate them.

Shame they're too stupid to realize that they're trying to get a position that is already saturated with like minded peers so they offer nothing new. Doubly stupid in that the big journ*lism shops are starting to realize what they've cultivated and how its killing their business (there's a huge civil war ongoing at the Washington Post right now due to these exact type of people). And the best part is that while they pray for a job that will never come, they're destroying their current employers and will soon be crying on Twitter when AI replaces them in 6 months (Hi Kotaku staff :marseywave2: )

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Nobody is trying to destroy game developers' lives

Polygon literally lied about the assassins creed remasters for views

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Also Daniel Vavra, the lead designer of KC:D, was hounded by game Journos for his pro GG views but he was smart enough to self publish the game.

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If jurno than be kill

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lol getting this upset :marseysadcat: about the mean voices on the internet :marseysaladfingers: saying you're bad at video :marseyzeldalinktoonblue: games :marseylegioncommander:

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Omfg, just keep yourself safe.

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