
World's bravest g*mer advocates for a new accessibility feature


Aevann should consider adding this option for rdrama's friendly spider

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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this would actually be really funny if it was a joke feature to make fun of ppl and not an accessibility feature


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@Aevann Can we get a feature that replaces all carp comments wtih "CARP CARP CARP CARP CARP CARP"?

I have a severe allergy to fish.

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put this in ur custom css

.comment-anchor:has(a.user-name.text-decoration-none.unbreakable[data-pop-info*='"id": 995,']) > .comment-text * {
    font-size: 0 !important;

.comment-anchor:has(a.user-name.text-decoration-none.unbreakable[data-pop-info*='"id": 995,']) > .comment-text:before {

!enemiesofcarp !metashit

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This is fantastic!



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It's :#marseybuttfaceshitter: all over again @BigBussyHunter @Grue :#taylaugh:

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With the power of modern technology we no longer have to Close Our Eyes Neighbors

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Indeed :#fancywithwine:

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:#turtoiserofl: :#marseyclappingglasses:

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.comment-anchor:has(a.user-name.text-decoration-none.unbreakable[data-pop-info*='"id": 1,']) > .comment-text * {
    font-size: 0 !important;

.comment-anchor:has(a.user-name.text-decoration-none.unbreakable[data-pop-info*='"id": 1,']) > .comment-text:before {
    content: "i am gay and white and fat";


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Powerful :#marseykneel: :#tayclap2:

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Suggested improvement

.comment-anchor:has(a.user-name.text-decoration-none.unbreakable[data-pop-info*='"id": 995,']) > .comment-text * {
   font-size: 0 !important;

.comment-anchor:has(a.user-name.text-decoration-none.unbreakable[data-pop-info*='"id": 995,']) > .comment-text:before {
   content: "";
   display: inline-block;
   width: 250px; 
   height: 250px; 
   background-image: url('https://media.tenor.com/aPAyHKNfB2UAAAAx/%E9%AD%9A.webp');
   background-size: contain;
   background-repeat: no-repeat;

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17234866659033298.webp !enemiesofcarp

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!teaparty important ping

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!css new spell just dropped.


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17234964524631171.webp new sidebar 4u


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Lmao satisfactory has a similar thing iirc, at first I thought it was a meme but I dont think it is :marseydepressed:

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transphobes vidya screen and its EVERYTHING


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I thought what arachnophobes would enjoy is if they could have s*x with spiders in the game, seeing an analogy with what most homophobes do when noone is watching.

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>Quad wants to have s*x with transphobes


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I'm not gonna lie, JK Rowing is very attractive.

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expected better than straggotry towards a mid middle-aged foid from you

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Homophobes don't hate peepeesuckers, they hate cute twinks

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they should add this in other games.

you play gta and there's just a big "BIPOC" floating across the street

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Playing GTA San Andreas would be a real hoot!

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The entire game would just be a bluescreen with BIPOC spelt in giant letters in the center

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Arachnophobia isn't a disability that you need accessibility features for, you're just a kitty.

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I never really understood this as a thing. Are there people that're genuinely so terrified of spiders they don't want to even see them?

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I know at least one, but they won't flip out because of a picture. Honestly spider hating is such a pathetic le reddit kill it with fire meme, that I can't take anyone with an actual phobia of them seriously.

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I love spiders


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Me too they're the best


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Jumping spiders look so derpy and silly with their huge primary eye pair lol

I had a huge one living in/around my mailbox last year

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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Comcast spider

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I agree, I just don't really get it. Sure they're filthy animals that crawl about the dustiest, nastiest cracks in the wall but then silverfish and milipedes are way worse than a goddarn spider.

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Aren't spiders one of the cleaner critters? Whenever I think of filthy insect, it's flies, fruit flies, shit flies and people are as bothered by them as they are bothered by rain.

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They're cleaner but they're still crawling all up in them thangs.

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Spiders kill all those frickers though. Spiders are great, the one critter i dont mind in my home. Just have to clean up their webs ever so often (sry spiderbros) :marseys#piderpat:

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Well a phobia is supposed to be irrational, it just gets thrown around by kitties

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Genuinely wish that games start putting this in as an option but instead it just makes the spiders scarier and larger.

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Exactly. A game should ask for your phobias then permanently tag your account to spam you with them in game. It's called exposure therapy and it's good for you.

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I put this into a game I was making

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What game would that be?

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A project I abandoned

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Accessibility features are the gayest thing.

I've repeatedly sperged out about an article on the PS4 Spider-Man game's accessibility features. In it a foid claims to have a disorder that makes navigating 3D spaces difficult and wished for games to accommodate her disability. Literally wishing that they remove the game from the game.

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The game is aupposed to be scary :marseyliquidator: and give a sense of danger. This is like throwing :marseybreadcrumbing: icecream :marseyshake: on a frying :marseybiggerfish: pan for people who "can't" eat it raw.

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I occasionally see redditors push for this sort of thing and I always make sure to DM them a nice close-up spider picture :marseywholesome:

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obviously every single game should have settings for every single disablitiy/phobia/condition/syndrome so everyone can play.

i have a shooting and driving phobia. why the frick is rockstar so lazy they won't give me toggles to turn that stuff off in GTA? ableist bigots have no place in current year society.

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You know women would just fall over themselves to invent even more new phobias and disabilities to claim opression and being special.

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arachnophobia isn't real it's just something people pretend to have to be twee, exactly like pretending to be scared of clowns

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Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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They did this in the Factorio rip off inspired game, Satisfactory. The spiders are changed into a photo :marseyjourno: of a cat's face, and they make high pitched meow noises. It is far more startling hearing :marseyhearnoevil: a bunch :marseysurejan: of meows getting closer than hearing :marseyhearnoevil: some spider :marseymonstrosity: clicking sounds.


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Blizzard added this too World of Warcraft, turning spiders into crabs.

People are fricking weak.

Palestinian lives matter not until they give up terrorism and pursue a peaceful two state solution

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>decent human behavior

Exposure therapy literally works better

Grounded had this option too and that game fricking sucked

Its so funny how white people have invented ways to be oppressed

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Ngl that's a funny way of doing it, I'll allow it as soon as they GIVE US BACK SKELETONS FRICKING CHINKS :marseyching#chonggenocide:

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