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how do they consistently have the worst takes possible

it's kind of impressive

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Imagine if grue wasn't larping

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@Grue you are being slandered :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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Maybe they're just pretending to be retaded? :marseysweating:

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When aren't Leftoids simping for global mega corps?


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they are clearly the #resistance ok? sharing the opinion of the currently in power political party, the hollywood elite, and the mega corporations proves they are fighting against THE MAN!

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japanese chudcel getting sentenced to 40 years of hard labor for sneezing in public too loud(it was disturbing the peace): :#chudconcerned: :#suicide:

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I just need the result of this to cause as much nintoddler seethe as possible no matter how it goes.

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So from the little I've gathered:

Some char designer, who has no idea how the world works, gets asked to make Pokemon inspired designs for Palword (whaaat, they're Pokemon inspired? :marseypikachu2:). She makes some OC donut steel whatevers, which then get changed to be more fitting for the game (can you believe that you don't retain any rights for the work you create for a company? :marseymindblown:). She doesn't like the vibes, quits. Is now pissed for some reason. Redditors use this clear example of a Toxicβ„’ work environment to immediately start blowing the multi billion dollar megacorp, infamous for being the biggest c*nts in the game, who are now suing five guys in a shed because they dared to come up with the idea of capturing furry bait in a ball. But it's all just because apparently the shed owner thinks AI is cool and that's a major ick.

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Don't forget how they dared to make a game similar to Pokemon on a platform they don't even sell Pokemon games on (PC)

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If Nintendo had any say in it, they'd be publicly executed right after those bastards who ROM dump cartridges for personal use that Nintendo refuses to sell in any straightforward way.

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Nintendrones have a negative IQ when it comes to copyright shit

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I was reading through the patent and it's absurd the gameplay and UI mechanics they are trying to claim Palword infringed on.

It's like if Dragon Warrior for the NES tried to sue Final Fantasy for having an inventory and equipment menu

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Yeah this is r-slurred. Nintendo needs to back off.

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You people could have just left anime alone and the Japs ignorant of the wider world but no, you demanded further inclusion and pandering from weird island asians and now the world has to deal with the fricking cuckoo for cocoa puffs legal system that is the Japanese legal system. I hope perpetually online weirdos slander and libel the Japanese so they can sue you through the draconian Japanese legal system and frick up their worthless lives even more because they deserve it.

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I can't wait until kpop girlies do the same for South Korea

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Pokemon is exclusively for making weird fetish content by furries anything else is cute twinkry

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palworld :marseygrizzbolt: is a blatant rip off but i support them because frick nintendo :marseyzeldaskyward:

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I don't get it is Palworld pro-chud or is GCJ reaching new levels of corporate simping.

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I don't really care about copyright or patents which use the governments monopoly of violence, but I hope nintendo wins so that I don't have to see more people posting about this slopcore game with dogshit aesthetics. Looks like baby's first asset flip.

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I hope Nintendo wins because games need to die off

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