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Yep you sperged out pretty good in that one.

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Where do we file this one? Women posting their spergouts? Commies posting their spergouts? Jannies posting their spergouts?

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Borscht withdrawal.

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It was very tasteful of u to wait for my punishment to expire before exploiting our little exchange


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1-2 day agendapostering hardly even qualifies as a punishment, does it? Non-jannies give out bans here of that length for dramacoins.

If it was excessively annoying, take solace in the fact that it caused a massive amount of drama, just look at how massive that comment chain was.

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I'll admit I was seething a little at first, but ultimately it was a lot more fun than (as I said in the other thread) so much of the inane in-jokes and clique-posting that get tolerated around here.

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People who can laugh even when they get the butt-end of an exchange/joke are unique to rDrama and are our greatest resource.

I can't think of a single other community where you would see people say "Haha yeah we both sperged a little, I was pretty mad but now I can see that the whole thing was pretty funny."

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I think it helps that a lot of us came here to get away from Redditors being Grade an r-slured and top shelf butthurt all the time.

Creates a unique community of people predisposed to not taking everything seriously.

:marseytrain2:, :marseytrain:, train, troid, TIM, Ellen Page, Steve Akins

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I'm sorry can someone summarize this for me? I don't feel like reading.

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Sure but I'll give context with this being the reply that was directly being referenced by @Infidel.


When he tried to clarify what he exactly meant people flew off the handle and it had a real "reddit vibe" to it all.

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God what a bunch of spergs

Everybody who downvooted even a single comment on that thread should be agendapostered regardless of their ideology.

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Yes I think there needs to be a leftoid agenda poster theme too.

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I mean... we probably could modify the main one to force people to say something like "biological s*x is an objective reality" (or something shorter, this is just the first thing that came to mind) fairly easily but the problem is that we barely have any leftoids here and scaring them off serves no purpose :marseyshrug:. If they were to start taking over (which is sci-fi), we would definitely figure something out...

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It's pretty obvious with how you flew off the rails because someone pointed out that leftoids say stupid conspiracy shit too that we have at least 1.

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Oh, I'm definitely one, no doubts about it. Look at my flair, avatar, profile, and post history, here or on reddit. I'm just saying that I'm in an insignificantly tiny minority.

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Like I said real reddit vibe with that whole post.

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Your reaction to it is SRDiny as frick, btw. It's approaching the levels of them seething about lawlzposts - not even the "victim" seems to care, while you're still sperging out about the abuse of power :marseylaugh:

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I'm in an insignificantly tiny minority.

Who's our special minority? You are! Yes, you are!!

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we barely have any leftoids here


Am I being baited here or do you actually unironically legitimately really truly honestly believe that lmao?

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Unironically, legitimately, really, truly, honestly believe that. Other than me and quad (who isn't really much of a leftoid) trolling - can you link me to some leftoid agendaposts on this site?

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Pizzashill agendaposts reams if someone is serious about counter agendaposting with him. And other than hating foids he's squarely a leftoid. Well neolib but neolibs are just leftoids shilling for commissars Bezos and Gates instead of Tyrone and Cletus. Don't @ me.

There's that jimmiewhales guy. And others, I'm pretty sure, that guy who got booty blasted the other day when I posted a screen of snally being a leftoid agendaposter on reddit also leaned left.

Idk man, I'm not neurodivergent enough to make spreadsheets of whenever some leftoid sneeds a bit. There are more right wing comments but that's mostly cause overwhelming majority of r-sluration online is leftoid, rightoids got cucked off the internet. Didn't this sub share major overlap with r/stupidpol back on reddit? That should be pretty illustrative.

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Yeah I've seen Jimmie ban people for getting into arguments with xer without really doing anything to warrant a ban

Curious that xhe was added to the mod team immediately after Carp said they were definitely not going to be adding any new jannies :marseyhmmm:

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The question wasn't whether there are left-leaning posters here, it was about agendaposts. Re-read it again. Dramanauts can have whatever political tendencies they want - it only becomes a problem when they start posting unfunny ragebait with no drama and start circlejerking over it as though this is TiA or some shit.

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Lmao Pizzashill's agenda transcends the political compass. He simply spergs on you if you disagree with anything he says, regardless of political alignment


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This sub shares a major overlap with the rightoids on r/stupidpol who want healthcare but not for BIPOCs.

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Classic leftoid behavior:

Assuming oneself as the gold standard of leftism; Anyone relatively milder in their tendencies is thusly labeled a rightoid.

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I mean literally everyone of us has been called a Nazi or incel rightoid on reddit for not following along with the most extreme ideologies.

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Rightoids do the exact same thing, a la literally the thread we're discussing right now

Something about an O. Burton porthole or something

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How's that relevant? I didn't demand anyone adheres to any definition - I asked to provide me with examples of leftoid agendaposts. Nobody has...

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Why? We should encourage leftoid agenda posting to get some semblance of balance in the spergouts.

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Sounds like you have an agenda

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Zoz has spoken and agrees

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Some people did indeed fly off the handle :marseytinfoil2: but not the ones you're thinking of :marseythumbsup:

You are an SRDine where it counts. You see the opinions of users as things you need to correct by j-sluring. You belong there.

"Watch out, or we'll continue banning you!!!" Do you have any idea how cringe you sound? I'll just make more accounts. You hold no power over me, j-slur scum.

Your j-slur ego actually makes me sick. You are human trash.

Trans lives matter (not!)

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Yes that r-slur was agenda posting later on but you're the one who initially flew off the rails.

@Infidel literally pointed out that leftoids also say wild and stupid shit and you went off the rails and gave him the agenda poster theme for saying it. It really was a SRDine moment.

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I knew this thread was going to be fun :marseyinabox: - @Infidel pointed out something else. He said that rightoid assessments were reasonable, and then doubled down on it when presented with quoted evidence of them not being so. I truly hope that 48 hours of spiders on one of our users' screen as a result is the most SRDine moment we'll ever have, lmao.


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No what infidel did was a pretty reasonable centrist statement about a specific comment I qouted and when he clarified exactly what he meant you sperged out even more and gave him the agenda poster theme. His initial 2 statements (while somewhat complimenting rightoids) weren't rightoid specific. You on the other hand continued to ignore the context of what he exactly was saying after he clarified what exactly he meant. He didn't show an agenda with those 1st 2 statements, you however did.

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when he clarified exactly what he meant you sperged out even more and gave him the agenda poster theme.

:marsey666: βš” :marseyjesus: πŸ”« :marseycomrade:

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Tbh I understand commies and abuse of power so it's understandable why you did it.

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Yeah, it was an egregious abuse of power. The userbase should gather pitchforks and lynch me for this horrific injustice!


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:marseyjanny: bad, also :marseyglow:, πŸ₯ΆπŸ‘, etc. Worth a read, though, it's objectively funny.

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That idio guy is white knighting AHS users probably. Big neo lib

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Totes. I'm well-known as a neolib AHSer :platysalute:

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Well a Redditor anyway, bad enough IMO

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You unironically post rightoid conspiracies :marseysmug: I don't think you get to look down upon anyone at all.

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And I post leftoid conspiracies to right wing posters. True radical centrism has this effect 😎

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itt: meta meta spergout

I'm not reading all that

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