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This college girl :marseygeisha: pays you to teach her advanced econometrics and time series analysis:marscientist: What do you do?

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You're one of the few people on here where it wouldn't be considered dramaphobic if someone blocked you because your posts are so goddarn boring. And now your titles look like they are run through some kind of SEO headline generator programmed by someone who is ESL :marseydisagree:

I will never block anyone though because I love all of God's mistakes and r-slurs

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kek im here for free :marseyvan: tutoring tho I hate :marseytrollcrazy: yamete

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kek im here for free :marseyvan: tutoring tho I hate :marseytrollcrazy: yamete


Even the Marsifier knows yamete is a dirty nonce

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ur a bong :marseyqueenlizard: wtf :marseyitsover: ur Black :marseykvlt: bongs got blaccent bb...?

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:marseyyikes: lol I'm not a bong. I am 100% hamburger :marseypatriot:

I just think nonce is a funny word

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oh sweet :marcake: baby Jesus :marseyfatherjoseph: Thank God :marseysaluteusa: no offense bongs πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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:marseyusa: USA! :marseyusa: USA! :marseyusa: USA! :marseyusa:

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No email address required. ur Black :marseykvlt: bongs got blaccent bb...?

Second generation black bongs talk in "London Multicultural English", first generations talk with the accent of whatever country they're from

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even ghetto bong :marseyqueen: sound fancy bb but tysm was wondering

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Well this one's just an uggo. You can do better at least in your selection of who to bait people with.

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It’s not bait, he’s a lolcow.

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I know he genuinely believes it but he also keeps doing it for the reaction. It's symbiotic really

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This is what every great poweruser in rdrama history has done, really.

Never forget that LLM, Pizza, and Lawlz are all unironically neurotic.

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Lawlz is easily the most normal of the 3, and I wouldn’t be shocked if a month away turned the messiah mostly normal as well.

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Lawlz is the only one of the three with diagnosed autism so I don't know how "normal" he is.

He's definitely the best entertainer of the three, and the most sympathetic too.

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neighbor pizza has got to be neurodivergent

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wrong, she's a hottie


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I can't believe I'm saying this but I think you don't look at enough asian women. You're like an american rating any non-obese woman an 8. You have no frame of reference

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wrong, she bangs


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KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun: KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun: KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun:KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun: KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun: KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun: KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun: KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun:KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun: KEEP YOURSELF SAFE PLEASE :marseysoycry::marseytrollgun:

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That's a fricking :marseytom: child-

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Wrong, born 20th January 1995

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Don't care, clearly looks underage. I'm not gonna listen to you anymore because I nootice things.:marseypedo:

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you are just gay :marseydisagree:

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so? homoromantic lives :marseykneel: matter :marseypinkname: chud

you're just :marseyblops2chadcel2: jealous you cant get an italian :marseygodfather: girl :marseyemo: that looks like she's 18 instead of 8

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mayos can't top the superiority of asians youthful appearances. just :marseyblops2chadcel: one more nail in the coffin for mayo :marseymayoface: eradication.

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You don't want to frick :marseywtf2: asians, you just :marseyblops2chadcel: wanna frick :marseywtf2: babies. Mayos are prettier and more mature than the heckin chinkerinos. Even the prettier ones like the Korean :marseyjoseon: nips are 90% plastic surgery:marseypop: saying this as 30% jap.

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:#marseyseethe: only post :marseyimmortanjoe: wall :marseylongpost2: foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: seethe :marseyzombiewolfmarseymask: so much about normal :marseychartgaussian: attraction to youth.

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She looks 8. Im not a strag so im a neutral party here. If you are attracted to that foid, you are a chomo and not a "super alpha male gigabased chad who dates 16 year olds" or whatever

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Factcheck: None of this is real.

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Which 30%?

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you're just :marseyblops2chadcel2: jealous you cant get an italian :marseygodfather: girl :marseyemo: that looks like she's 18 instead of 8

>fricking Ities


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I take her money and tach her somthing usefull, like the basics of cisco routing in IPv4

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Begone, bugfricker:marseybug:

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Least p-do dramatard

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I call :marseyphonecall: her parents and she goes to sleep at home

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R*pe. :marseythumbsup:

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Puke. I puke.

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:marseyairquotes: college girl :marseyairquotes:

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too much teeth :#marseycringe2:

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Kill @carpathianflorist for letting some p-do walk but keeping many good men locked up

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For real. Recent example Belial or whatever they were called they were annoying as shit but were an entertaining lolcow at least. Guess jannies prefer borderline pedobait rather than annoying :marseytrain: lolcow

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I wish death upon every slightly annoying user

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I mean I don't care if he mops a little too wide if he also gets rid of actual p-dophiles while doing so.

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put money in SPY and chill

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@arsey thoughts?

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he's already banned

I'll get his alts if I'm around.


Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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she gonna get scammed because i don't know what those subjects are. might shoot a jav with her though

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Yellow fever is truly a debilitating disease.

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Ever watch zootopia?? People are not about their biology. If you only see that you will never see the person inside. You cant seriously view trans women as criminals, y'all are shits


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Sir that is a child

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I would teach her advanced econometrics and time series analysis probably

:marseychartscatter: :chadwomanasian:

:marseychartgaussian: :chadwomanasian:

:marseychartbar: :chadwomanasian:

:marseychartpie: :chadwomanasian:

:marseyhappytears: she graduated omg :!marseygrad: thank you professor heymoon i now have high paying job

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uwu i love memes


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I've studied both of those lol. How much is she paying?

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that girl looks 12

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College girl? More like r-slurred 12 year old :#marseyglow:

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