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rDrama are a criminal conspiracy of ideologically motivated violent extremists who were involved in the worst hate subs, harassment subs, violent-propaganda subs, media manipulation subs, and political propaganda subs" -Queen penny xerself (50 PLUS TWEET THREAD FEATURING CARP, AEVANN AND MORE!!!)



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Bardfinns beautiful womanly neck

that list shows CarpathianFlorist as a contributor. CarpathianFlorist is a Racially Motivated Violent Extremist - a White Identity Extremist - who was involved in /r/MillionDollarExtreme and its many hundreds of spinoffs and descendants. I've collected dozens of his Reddit accts.

What and who are rDrama? Answer: They are the people who ran r/WatchRedditDie, r/Drama, r/The_Donald, r/CringeAnarchy, /r/MetaCanada, /r/RapingWomen, and MORE,in a criminal conspiracy to harass, slander, incite violence towards, and terrorise Reddit moderators & admins

Penny has mentioned rdrama 50+ times. it seems we have been more rent free then we thought

I havent read the whole thing so plz point out any highlights and I will add them.

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Someone on the internet told me to keep yourself safe so I'm literally in fear for my life


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