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/r/StableDiffusion VS artists, Greg, and /r/StableDiffusion :slapfight:

It's going down in /r/StableDiffusion right now, downvoted comments everywhere, random posts have mini fights in the comments

Tbh, I don't even know what these weirdos are arguing about, because my eyes kind of glazed over, but I thought of yall and copy and pasted this shit without even fully reading it :marseywholesome:


SD people going from « Greg is the best artist of the world » to « Greg is a salty artist, a loser and his painting are not that great » because he does not endorse AI robots copying his style.

That's a weird snowman's argument you got right there. It is possible for someone to disagree with someone else's position on an issue without dis-considering his body of work. I am that guy, I think Greg is a great artist with a wrong take on the subject of AI tools.

Not a wrong take just a different opinion.

The largest question for me is, are humans happier with a job or with AI doing their job, or how will a civilisation evolve when there is no need to learn and work. My experience is without effort we will regress. Our body need to move to be healthy, our brain need to find a purpose in life to be happy. If the AI do all the difficult job for us, we will regress slowly but surely.

When Greg agrees to do illustrations for my board game project free of charge maybe I'll consider his position. Until then he'll have to live with his loss of power, hopefully he can console himself in the knowledge that millions of less artistically capable people have been totally empowered.

He just do his job like a plumber or an architect or surgeon. Not everybody needs to do everything. That is why we go to school to learn a speciality.

It sounds like you're proposing that we should stop developing new and better tools so that nobody loses a job.

While we're at it... Backhoes put 20+ people out of ditchdigging work, so we should smash those. Sewing machines? Blow them up and instantly double or triple the employment opportunities in the garment business. Nail gun? Drive nails manually for those sweet employment gains.

Creatives jobs like illustrator are jobs people WANT to do instead of ditchdigging. That is why I propose to think before doing. (for once)

People want to create art, like people want to build buildings. Applying pigments to paper is no more "art" than digging a trench for a foundation. The art is the realization of the vision, and the artist doesn't need to manually do everything from scratch - imagine if an architect had to build everything themselves, or the chef had to grow their own vegetables and raise their own animals.

Stable diffusion isn't even letting you do anything people couldn't do before, it just reduced the cost - instead of having to retain apprentices, give them prompts and oversee their work, you just have a decent gpu and SD, give it prompts, and oversee its work.

Of course if you don't like tools or progress there are lots of alternative living communes on the spectrum from amish to hippie that will welcome you if you're down to do 10+ hours of hard labor every day.

blah blah blah backhoes :!marseyretard3: :marseyretard3: Oh yeah? you some kind of anarcho primitivist

The fighting and :marseylongpost2: essay posting has been accelerated by the fact that Greg Rutkowski is tired of being a meme, and has apparently come out and said that he feels threatened by AI art. It's become a meme in AI art generation to add "Greg Rutkowski" to every prompt, but also people insist it makes every prompt better.

The AI community can't decide whether to be heckin wholesome and respectful or to post this meme


That's because they are a combination of reddit, twitter, 4chan, groomercord, and "I don't usually post on internet :D" people all forced to share a space with each other.

lol, yeah right. i literally care nothing for the opinions of any of these artists. it is simply too late, if they didn't want people to use or see their imagery, they shouldn't have exposed it to the world. art isn't about selfish ownership unless you keep it to yourself.

good artists copy, great artists steal.

just say you don’t give a shit about artists in general and go.

don't whine to me, punk. i care plenty about art and artists, but not the illusion of ownership as regards masterpieces. no one has any qualms about reading the metamorphosis despite kafka's insistence to the contrary, frankly, your sanctimonious shriveled comment inspires only my contempt.

you put your shit out there, don't be surprised that someone uses it. this is a new world and these copyright ethics are a relic of a greedier time.

People here hate artists way too much lol...

I think it's envy.

It’s self entitlement. They got a toy and they don’t want it taken away, or, god forbid, made fair towards the people whose work is explored.

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Lots of people trying to explain to me that this is a joke, and look, I looked at the timeline, and it did seem to contain other racist material that may have been intended to be edgy and funny. But look, your racist “satire” is still racist, and you make lots of racist satire? Kinda makes me think you‘re actually a racist.

I promise whatever satirical aim you think this person has, they could TOTALLY exercise it in a way that wasn't horribly racist. They're being racist because they know that will get a rise out of people. And at that point, that's not actually satire.

Hey, notice how this tweet acknowledges that I understand what the person is trying to accomplish? That means you don't need to explain the “joke” to me. The problem with trying to be so absurdly racist that it's satire is that you're still being absurdly racist. If we've learned anything from the last four years, it's that absurd racism does not in fact highlight how absurd racism is. It just makes absurd racism more common.

I don't like it. I'm not going to start liking it. Saying the exact same things that absurdly racist people do but then saying it's satire just makes me not trust you at all.




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