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Tell me again how transphobia is meant to be irrational when :!marseytrain:s are just out there posting this shit out in the open with a bunch of other :!marseytrain:s piping up saying what a universal feeling it is.

I am so proud to have been so transphobic for so long. :!marseytrain:s are fricking disgusting.

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Now tell me trans lives matter, chud.

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Frick me I wish I could bet in threads still

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I know, goombling just doesn't feel the same :#marseydoomer::#marseyjunkie:

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Same my friend, same...

They should make exceptions to replies of golden Marseys.

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Just reply a few times and hope to find a treasure chest :marsoyhype:

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Same :marseydepressed:

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Me winning my Misia medal

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My proudest moment

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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I could find you reddit straggots on some porn board saying worse shit. Everyone on /r/sexpositivehomes is a strag, for example, and they seem to think their pedostrag experiences are universal. On an anime board you would get tons of chomos too, just look at /a/

Youre looking at the trains who are terminally online enough to spend their time on a subreddit for trains, of course its the absolute bottom of the barrel

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Then why do they post about being bi (gay) so much :marseythinkorino:

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If you mean sexpositivehomes theyre porn addled coomers. They have s*x with adult women (or larp as doing it) and like underage foids (or larp as doing it), they are functionally straight

Also now that ive actually read the train thread, half the replies said "no". Of the 3 that said yes, 2 said theyre asexual and the 3rd didnt say anything about their sexuality. So how is this a train thing and not an neurodivergent thing (theyre mostly the same thing but not in every case)?

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Yes most bisexual (gay) men are porn addled coomers, congratulations for arriving at the starting line of sentient thinking, which may sound sarcastic (it is) but its better than some

For why so many trains are neurodivergent, a reasonable explanation ive seen holds they are experiencing a defective mimicking method, and easily duped into things including being a heckin valid woman.

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Most straggots are also porn addled coomers, you testosterone-deficient nerd. If you dont want to frick everything that moves, the Atrazine and microplastics have had their way with you and its over.

So clearly, the problem is moids. Despite being just 49% of the population moids are responsible for nearly 98% of sexual crimes. Straggots do way more r*pe than gays, presumably because foids are usually not porn addled coomers and/or most men are subhumans who are incapable of grooming, so strags cant get laid.

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I'm suprised that I have to tell you this but if you have sexual interest in men you are gay lmao

You can dress it up in men who have s*x with men or whatever but when you tell a normal person that you're a straight MSM or whatever, you have just told them that you are a cute twink and delusional

Idk what your irrelevant screed about r*pe is other than r-slurred because women can't r*pe men so any stat that doesn't have men at doing 100% of r*pe is wrong.

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You are the smartest rightoid :marseyspecial: but your reading comprehension could use some work. That comment was written at around a 5th grade level so maybe start there

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You can try to compliment me all you want, I'm still not going to hold you in any sort of esteem when you think women can r*pe men.

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sexpositivehomes has to be a massive larp, theres no way a single post on there wasnt written by a sweaty coomer fantasising about incest. surely.

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i have to believe that it is a troll for my own sanity :marseyclueless:

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I think that there aren't really as many trains in society as people think - it's just that transgenderism is one of the new mental issues that has become socially acceptable, so now a lot of mental illness that are socially unacceptable use it as a smokescreen.

For example, I'm mildly sociopathic. Sociopathy is one of those mental conditions that is socially unacceptable (even through it really shouldn't be) because many normies are uneducated scum who think that all sociopaths are a menace to society. So since I can't talk about my sociopathy in public, I pretend to have aspergers instead because that's more socially acceptable and provides a plausible excuse for my unconventional behavior.

So I could totally see somebody with a different socially unacceptable mental condition (like pedophilia) doing exactly the same thing and masking it as a socially acceptable condition (like transgenderism).

And similarly, this is also the uneducated normies fault for thinking that all people who are attracted to minors are going to act on their attraction. No mental condition should be socially unacceptable, as long as the person in question obeys the law.

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If they are as virtuous as you want to believe they would have killed themselves. There's no such thing as a p-dophile who won't offend, only p-dophiles who haven't offended yet and p-dophiles who haven't yet been caught.

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No, I think that's bullshit. As a sociopath, I want to kill people all the time, but I haven't actually done so yet - it just takes a little bit of willpower to resist the urge. I think pedophilia probably works the same way - like a faint itch at the back of your mind, but not necessarily one that you have to scratch.

A lot of normie scum have very low willpower (which is part of the reason Western society has an obesity epidemic) which is why it's a common misperception that people with some sort of anti-social urges will naturally give in to those urges at some point in time, but I don't think that's true. It's just a typical case of normie filth assuming that everybody else must be as contemptibly weak-willed and pathetic as they are. :marseymanysuchcases: Don't buy into their propaganda!

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As a sociopath...

This is an 18+ website and since i am neither a redditor not :marseytrain:, i will desist talking to you rather than sliding into your dms.

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I could find you reddit straggots on some porn board saying worse shit.

and @AuntyAbortion could give you a lesson about sample sizes and ratios. There a very few :!marseytrain:s but so many of them are fricking degenerate predators.

No one thinks trans lives matter.


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Ah yes the classic statistically significant sample size of "six self-selected commenters". Do better sweaty

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Sorry @AuntyAbortion just can't compete with you're excellent argument of "All the normal :!marseytrain:s are invisible!"

Fricking gigamong keep yourself safe

Trans lives matter less than Russian lives matter.


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Lmao sneed rightoid, trans lives matter more than mayo "lives"

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:marseytrain2:s have recently started removing archives of their perversion:



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King :marseykneel:

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I support trans women in sports because I think its funny even tho I know its predatory attempt to use a male body to dominate women's sports. But this is actual predators. I wouldn't even care if the JK Rowlinged me. A :marseytrain2: comes near my little sister, I'm doing a full background check and becoming their therapist to see if or if not I should put some lead in them.

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The [degeneracy]phobia grift is one of the greatest psyops the Jews ever pulled.

"Haha the "gay agenda"? You mean the agenda to look fabulous and enjoy decorating and male fashion haha. Homophobes are so funny and wrong, right fellow liberals?" :marseyblowkiss:

The bottom of the gay acceptance slippery slope has always been normalization of raping children.

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Amen saaxib :#marseyblack:

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