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More Automatic111 drama. StableDiiffusion mods remove Automatic111 from pinned guide. Emad man bad. StabilityAI is literally OpenAI now (Satan). Splinter subreddits created.


So I don't actually know what's going on but it looked dramatic. :marseysipping:

I first noticed there was a shit ton of tension in the stable diffusion groomercord, but I couldn't figure out where from. So I decided to check reddit to see if things were going down there.

This isn't really an effort post or anything just a dump of this: https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/y0uvps/automatic1111_removed_from_pinned_guide/?sort=controversial

Automatic1111 removed from pinned guide.

I know the mods here are Stability mods/devs and aren't on the best terms with auto but not linking new users to the webui used by the majority of the community just feels a bit petty.

Automatic111 is the most popular webUI on github for using stable diffusion. Auto is the one that takes random suggestions and fixes from /g/, and also updates multiple times a day.


Some comments:

I thought the mods here were inactive, because they don't do anything the community supports like flairs and filters for information posts vs creations, yet here they blunder in to come down on the wrong side of this.

This won't be the last time something like this comes up, and they've made it clear they aren't on our side.

There may be need for a better place for the community to gather, run by people who actually care about the community.

I really doubt they have the interest of the community in mind when it comes to things like these.

They are hard at work on deleting posts πŸ™„


Oh, wow...

Looks like most of those are being removed by Reddit for being spam accounts, not by the mods directly.

Yea, whats up with that? Only like one of 10 is actually spam.

Time to create a new community!

Started /r/sdforall if people want to start growing there. I'm still going to be active here, but if things begin to get deleted, at least there is a open space for it.


Yeah, was going to try to load it up on my old laptop to see if the GPU there could run it, was confused when it suddenly was removed from the pinned post.

That's really shitty of you, mods. Really shitty.


this is awful for the newbies, automatic is the best web UI in features, if this happen with a guy who has been proven innocent, what tell us that this won't happen with others?, we need new uncensored communities, so awful.

After all the talk we had from Emad about open-source this and community that, it's disheartening to see him and his team betraying us like this.

Stable Diffusion Webui is the reason why I am here and I am sure that most use it and will continue to use it, there is no code theft for me and this whole problem is simply by adding Hypernetwork's option, it's like blaming To Torrent Download programs to piracy files


I fricking hate that stability sided with the people that are using their work as a way to exploit people by keeping their stuff closed source so they can sell access to it at a premium. I thought they could be different than open ai, but I guess they're all the same by extension.

Frick Stability! When they start charging money, quit!


imagine thinking something is stolen when it’s allegedly sourced from…a public GitHub repo. Github literally exists for the very purpose of sharing source code so that others can use it, ofc someone is going to use it, that’s the point

It wasn't on a public repo from what I understand. (downvoted)

The code that A1111 was accused of stealing was published with a MIT license and has been around for months.

It was not some proprietary thing that NAI came up with.

I don't think this is actually true. People are linking to a different code. There was nothing about hypernetworks out there before the leak. The paper some people have talked about is a completely different concept. (downvoted)

Well, it would certainly help if the mods accusing A1111 of plagiarism were specific about which code he supposedly plagiarized.

I haven't cross-referenced the repos myself, but as I understand it, the only code that matches line for line is that MIT licensed code that has been around for years at this point.

At this point, shouldn't a new sub be made that isn't controlled by the people who actually control the AI? Thats just never a good idea.

the cognitive dissonance boggles the mind.

These COMPANIES will argue that it's not copyright infringement to temporarily download and copy artwork in order to mine it for data. But scream bloody murder when just a few lines of code are copied. Even when that code is almost certainly in the public domain due to it being created by government grants or licenced for public use.

It's like they only respect their medium and not the medium that they see as someone else's.

is there a sub dedicated to auto1111 ? frick those censors, they do it for free ffs\

calm your titsego mods

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Reddit-spinoffs should start experimenting with the ability to votekick jannies. Make them afraid to lose their feeling of power when they abuse their users. This should filter out the r-slurs pretty fast

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