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  • SusieVass : jUsT wAsH yOuR Peepee, they say as they don't wash their hands in public bathrooms
  • molch : ^Do your hands generate peepee cheese?
  • Mello_luvr : No, but i bet that cute twinks hands generate a lot of peepee milk if you know what i mean
  • Sasanka_of_Gauda : Always wash my hands at public bathrooms cause those hot air things to dry them feel nice
  • ChristoffWChanderson : You can use those public bathroom hot-air blowers to dry your peepee, too

New pebble chuck


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circumchads rise up

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>his parents mutilated his peepee for israel

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>his peepee looks like a weird abomination

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only in burgerland

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:quote: burgerland :quote: the one single country in the entire world that matters and everyone else desperately wants to be. :smoke:

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everyone knows that burgerland acquired its superpower status by circumcising children

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i mean there's gotta be a reason all good media/art/music/writing/ideas/etc come from the US. maybe that's it!

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Even for the memes I wouldn't :marseyropeyourself:

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get off reddit and realize non-super hero stuff exists, loser. :scoot:

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That's true regardless of circumcision status

Genitals are disgusting

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A peepee looking like a peepee is an (((abomination)))? 😅

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yes, because chances are it's attached to a european

a europeen, if you would allow a reddit moment

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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I know you are but what am I

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I am what you know but are I

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>his ancestors failed to make a covenant with G-d

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>her ancestors succeeded in making a covenant with moloch

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@ThatHoeOverThere is an uncut Amerikkkan because my parents didn't believe trans lives matter


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Are you Egyptian or just gay?

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Aevann is the Egyptian one lol

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Wondering because I really thought you were a foid

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A lot of people say that but I've always said that I'm a strag :marseyshrug:

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>he's not allowed to attend a bar mitzvah

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D-do they check?

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Yeah they usually have peepee inspectors at the front door of the venue to make sure no filthy uncircumcels get in

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huh I kinda believe u

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least anti semitic Black woman

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Cmon now neighbor birds of a feather n Jews all just one feather kk

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"Hello ADL I'd like to report a-- Yes I can provide my credit card info one moment"

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I have no idea what this means but i can advise that (some of) the different types of jews hate each other

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Cmon now neighbor birds of a feather n neighbors all just one feather kk

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And that's a good thing :marseysaluteisrael:

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Cheese farmers sneed at the kosherchads

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Of course :marseyxd:

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What 11 years of Skyrim re-relases does to a mf

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Todd pls stop

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“No my peepee feels less pleasure when I jerk off to Hentai :marseyrope::marseytrans2:

“I am in a contract with god :marseyezramiller::chadjew::marseyisrael:

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Most contracts don't require giving a tip.

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It’s a one time APR

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Peepeelet cope


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I got one and I have no personal complaints but I hate the idea and would never want it done to any infant

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Lmao, circumcels btfo

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But muh "enhanced hygiene" :marseymerchantsoy:

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Yeah next up cut off your butthole so you don't have to wash it neighbor

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TFW you'll never have a riced-out designer butthole.


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What do you mean? Transition is valid.

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I will never override important safety features in my butthole's BIOS to get 3 percent better performance, you dumb bot, and that makes me sad.

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look properly again at the username


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Well are you sure that they’re not a bot yourself?

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Can you be certain that I’m not a not too? :marseyclueless:

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I have to fall for more bait to get back into the country club in time for mai tais.

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Do you mean iced out lmao

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No, he means an butthole with a NISMO bodykit

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>tfw no butthole decals

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I want to install custom butthole firmware from a shady forum that hasn't had any posts since 2010.

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Stanky butt neighbor

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If you are too r-slurred to keep a clean peepee you shouldn't be having s*x or reproducing anyways.

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i know it's huge but i told you to stop obsessing over my peepee sweaty

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We've been over this, not my problem you can't handle my BDE

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yes, moids like yourself are always sneeding about their peepee size. perhaps I DONT CARE

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>pretending you don't care

>pretending you didn't try and peepeeshame me first

Woman moment

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Circumcision is what made me lose respect of americans. Of course I made fun of all their other r-slurred shit, but multilating babies' peepees for no reason at all is the only think that really is completely indefensible and objectively wrong. Only a genuine r-slur would do this to this kid because everybody else does it. You call the Chinese bugmen, but this is prime NPC behaviour.

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for no reason at all

Its to show solidarity towards their greatest ally :marseysaluteisrael:

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:marseydisagree: prots

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It’s because most Americans are too fat to wash their peepee properly

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To stop doing it means to admit to yourself that your peepee is faulty which no man in the universe wants to do, so the baby gets his peepee chopped too.

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Circumcels be seething at skinmaxxing anteaterchads.

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lmfaooo ok ye kinda can see an anteater

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she's seen many peepeees she's just pretending

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Weirdly based. He’s been putting out not completely r-slurred stuff recently.

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Nah this one is good but his last comic was a big miss

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what does that mean

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Oh I just wanted you to say more about the last comic tbh

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everyone knows tankies are pro russia and anti nato so this comic makes no sense basically


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I presume this is making fun of non-tankie socialists ala Vaush et al. but the Hammer and Sickle kind of belays that.

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confused bb


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Belies is probably better to use there though.

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He meant belies

It's like beknighting but youre making something into a lie instead

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You were right, that one was terrible :marseyshook:

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this comment can be found under literally all stonetoss posts

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I can't find him. Are you sure this is authentic?

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Attached in post :marseyinvestigate:

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I was looking at that but didn't think it was complete enough.

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The last ones were pretty lackluster, homie must be upping his :marseysus: game

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i thought it was the nurse’s ponytail, either way very subpar

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Being mad about circumcising is the biggest waste of time and gives ((them)) more power to blatantly dismiss someone anti semetic

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gives ((them)) more power to blatantly dismiss someone anti semetic

And thats a good thing!

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It's literally a mark of ownership enjoy being a golem you (((based))) rightoid.

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wdym bb ownership?

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This is what he means:


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ancient Egyptians used too circumcise their slaves


trans lives matter



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Much like how all pigs are bastards, you do not kill pigs as that makes them victims and garners sympathy and does not expose their tyranny. Ergo you pick your battles with tyrants and false authority to not have the message be lost in actiobb

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Why would you want to harm pigs though? :marseytears:

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How can @HailVictory1776 be a rightoid if they are not a rightoid since there are no rightoids on rDrama? :marseyjam:

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Its popular in America due to protestants tho Jews unironically aren’t responsible for r-slurred mayos cutting their peepees and that spreading to wider culture

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tho Jews unironically aren’t responsible for r-slurred mayos cutting their peepees

They are! It all began when (((THEY))) KILLED JESUS! !:marseytrollcrazy:

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And who do those Prots work for? Who is their greatest ally? Hmmm?

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This post schmeckles

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Imagine using autism braces but not "getting mad" at cutting the tips of children's peepeees off solely because the jews told you to.

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I choose not to think about peepeees because I’m not an incel who cries about his peepee being “mutilated” like a redditor

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Ok Moshe, enjoy "not thinking" about things I'm sure you're used to it.

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Jewish chads should be questioned but I don’t care about peepees because again, I’m not a fricking cute twink so I don’t care about peepee and I live far away enough from any of them

Getting mad at your parents about your dong or going standing on a street corner in a white suit with blood red crotch to cry about it is goony and Reddit atheist shit

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not to mention you out yourself as antisemetic for not being chopped. people these days admit this willingly? :taygrimacing:

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I am and I don’t care about peepees either way because I’m not a cute twink nor care about foreskin being removed literally hours or whatever after being born

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Any antisemetism will be reported to the ADL and SPLC for hate speech.

Be aware that it is an actual criminal offence for most of you. We're ramping up our efforts to combat online extremism.

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Based ADL chad

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the ritual circumciser, or mohel, cleans the circumcision wound by oral suction

this is normal

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@HeyMoon get your mans he suckin off babies

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:marseyyes: cleaning baby peepee by blowjob

:marseyraging: raping cute and valid transwomen of color's privates for religious hoax

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Eye looks kinda amogusy

Also stonetoss hates the tip snip lol

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Internalised circumphobia :marseythinkorino:?

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I don't have a problem with Jews myself, but when an integral part of your religion involves slicing part of your peepee off it's easy to see why many people throughout history thought they weren't all there.

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Muslims do it too, Christians just got lucky

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no peepee chopping

get to eat pork

no weird rules for hair and beards

Is this getting lucky or is it just people not being completely r-slurred

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pigs eat their own shit

Trans lives matter


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Never set foot in a chicken pen, eh?

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@JIDF Id like to report a hate crime

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Can this be interpreted as pro-trans?

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If stone toss thinks trans is as bad as circumsision he really must hate trans.

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Pro-:marseymerchant: if anything

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Receptionist's ponytail lookin sus

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I read this as :marseytrans::!stoning:. I’d read that comic.

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Criticizing circumcisions is antisemitic.

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Don’t see him draw derp face too often

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i can not believe so fricking many people compare circumcision to cutting off yer peepee and making an open wound.


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Just freeze sperm chud

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women don't have sperm to freeze you transphobic bigot :hmph:

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Some do sweaty, and they're just as valid the rest can freeze ovaries

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thank you for educating me

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You got a source to back up that claim?

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yes i do

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