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>far right disruptors


>The initial assumption was, these were fascists

Politely asking questions? Typical far right, fascist harassment disruption tactics.

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Its called sealioning, sweetness, and its genocide ๐Ÿ˜Š

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It's the lack of self-awareness that blows my mind.

They can't even tell the difference between a curious third-party and their sworn enemies. And they're comfortable announcing this publicly.

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It's more that they get emotionally shaken if confronted with a question that doesn't already assume that their beliefs are correct.

"Do you really know that these elections are totally secure, or is that just what you've been told?"

"How dare you!"


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If we ever encounter aliens, I hope to god that they meet a rightoid rather than a leftoid, because the leftoid is going to have a meltdown and assume that they're the enemy just for not automatically assuming that the leftoid's core beliefs are correct, and then after said meltdown they're going to find out what an enemy really looks like. Something tells me that any aliens we meet aren't going to be too compassionate towards left-wing emotional temper tantrums.

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:chudsmug: Just wait til the aliens get here boys. Then the pendulum is really gonna swing


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MAGA rightoids will finally get their dream of bringing slavery back


from Citizen Kang (actual name of the Simpsons alien episode)

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MAGA rightoids are the scum of the earth and deserve nothing but misery. Their dream of bringing slavery back is sickening, and they will never succeed.

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On the other hand rightoids would be like "Frick off greyskins get off my planet!" while shooting their ships with AR-15s


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no they wouldn't they would talk about doing it on internet :marseysaladfingers: forums though:#marseyxd:

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Maybe back during the 90s, sure. But most rightoids aren't really particularly racist anymore. Just look at the racial composition of motorcycle gangs or groups like the Proud Boys. Right-wing ideology is much more about nationalism than race nowadays.

I think if the aliens had wholesome conservative values like God, family, and country, most rightoids would embrace them. Obviously some would be intolerant bigots and the aliens would have to make a horrific example of those specific people by torturing them to death, but let's be honest, they'd have to torture a few human beings to death anyway just to teach humanity not to eff with them. That's absolutely a given: there's no getting around it. The real question is whether the aliens could minimize the number of human beings who would need to be tortured to death by identifying as leftoids or rightoids. Frankly, I think rightoids would be more accepting of them.

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yeah rightoids do suck

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That's probably true. It would really depend on the alien's values. It would probably be something mixed (think The Culture or Down and Out in The Magic Kingdom), unless they're not post scarcity (in which case they just kill us all and take our resources).


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The values of an alien race would have nothing to do with whether or not they would kill us all and take our resources. They would do it because they can and we are weak.

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Bill maher said something like this

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Are you saying that br*ts are not our sworn enemies?

And as for the Aussies, theyre just br*ts who got sent to a prison island.

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Most tech literate dramatard

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Sounds like they want to have more enemies


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I honestly though you were joking and just making shit up, but nope, that's a real fricking word and apparently a thing that some morons think others actually do. holy frick, it's amusing how much make-believe people are willing to play just to avoid losing an argument.

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Why do you think sealioning isn't a real thing?


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Britain and Australia are fascist states, so their spidey sense is correct.

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why do people jump to "fascism" when these might just be good old fashioned autists

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