:marseygigatitty: went skydiving!

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I love this woman :marseylove:

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@August yet another transphobia addled moron. Do your job please, I'd give a chud award, but I feel that would be stepping on the toes of our hard earned jannies in arms.

Really, the term Jannie is kind of weird. What are they cleaning up? Most of the time the things they're removing are just mean rather than explicitly dirty. Maybe we need a new term for it. Hall monitors? It's probably more in line if Hall monitors weren't all skinny-armed losers that were the ones getting bullied.

"Teacher" doesn't work, as while you may have to deal with speds and children on a daily basis we never actually learn anything from you. Maybe you should start teaching lessons, I think that'd be cool. I'd go to "Content policing 101". Learning how to provide a valuable service to a given site or community would do nothing but positives for our society, but as is, the term "teacher" doesn't work.

I unno, let me know if you have any ideas! After doing your job, anyway. The chud needs to learn a lesson.

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Not reading that but I chudded him

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Thanks, king :marseymarseylove:

I appreciate that you chudded him, both for me and the overall improvement of the site as a whole.

Though I do find your comment about not reading my comment disrespectful, it's the natural conclusion to microplastics and pollution seeping into our brain and lowering our attention spans when combined with algorithm driven social media.

Alas, it's unfortunate, but I still appreciate you and what you did for the community as a whole. You may only be pretending to be gay, but that's OK, even straggotry deserves to be appreciated every once and a while as a treat :marseydab:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Microplastics are good for you

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My favourite :marseytrain: for sure.

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Woman? :marseystonetoss:

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