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The triage experts of r/politics begin their circlejerk about letting horse medicine people die but one free thinker brings up an interesting point.


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Triage should prioritize children and the vaccinated. I donโ€™t believe medical resources should be wasted on people who have made a commitment to ignore science, but rely on science, reject medicine but imbibe chemicals. It is beyond foolish and is now truly dangerous.


I feel the same way about the obese, chronic drinkers and smokers as well. They did it to themselves.

Nooo not like that:

Thereโ€™s a distinction to be made about being addicted to addictive substances and being unwilling to take easy actions to prevent yourself from getting ill.

Often obese, alcoholics, and smokers get addicted when theyโ€™re children (before 18) and it carries on through adulthood.

Thereโ€™s also the fact that obese, smokers, and alcoholics arenโ€™t advocating that others join them as their lifestyle is actually the healthier one.

Ya'll know what to do.

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Goodmorning I hate redditors.

The obese literally gaslight everyone that being fat as them is still a great life and you should eat that extra cake honey.

The smoker is literally giving you second hand cancer.

The alcoholic is famous for creating broken homes and abusing people.

Yet it is only the antivqxxer that is declared a threat to the people.

These people are genuinely fricking deranged because they cannot see any issue beyond the lens of agreeing with the crowd and winning good boy points.

I genuinely hate them and will always hold them in disdain for the rest of my life.

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Science is their new religion, except itโ€™s a fricked up version of science where nit getting the jab is literally worse than eating/drinking/smoking/drugging yourself to death

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And giving children puberty blockers will literally turn them into true and honest wxmxn. Like i hate the idea that like i know the republicans are r-slurred and voting for them is stupid, but god dammit these strags push me to my limit way more. I suppose its because i dont use .win sites but at least i dont have to put up with Rs sperging about Lil Nas or whatever every day. Mainstream reddit literally pushes these gen x r-slurs on every mainstream sub

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Rightoids are too dumb to be catastrophically evil which is why I like them. They're also the chillest and funniest.

Leftoids are literally on a warpath to kill all who disagree

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Neighbor wot? Rightoids are in a perpetual state of foaming about ๐Ÿ€s and little hat tribe because mayo foids don't breed or some shit, sausage fingers gripped around some shitty overpriced over customized AR 15

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You are wildly incorrect. The right has large, armed militia groups and are vastly more likely to engage in violence.

You guys legit just don't live in reality.

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Sure, but thatโ€™s only if you try to materially affect their reality. Lefties will actually try to kill you for not sharing their opinion

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Donโ€™t hurt me bud its just a disagreement.

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I would rather spend the weekend with a bunch of a rarted LARPers in a "militia" drinking beer in the woods than spend even a minute with the average leftoid, even if I agree with them more.

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.win sites take themselves way too seriously, so did ruqqus, glad i jumped ship here, i just want to laugh at stupid shit, not see threads full of โ€œniger niger niger kite kite kiteโ€

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Iโ€™d rather browse pol than .win sites. At least poltards are occasionally funny.

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I unironically believe 80% of pol is bots, 10% interns from various glowie angencies, and the rest of the 10% being the true poltards

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90% of /pol/ racism comes from Mexicans thinking talking shit about blacks will make mayos spare them in the boog

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being at the mercy of mayos


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Here in Texas, Mexicans love guns as much as mayos. They might reach a compromise in lieu of mutual destruction.

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>Niger kite

The Yellow African Kite is an endangered bird of prey found throughout Highland and woodland areas of Chad, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Niger.


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What a beautiful bird. I hope it can come back from endangerment

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Posting on a dot win site has to be correlated with a near 100% chance of roping after the copium stops having any affect

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You can say the g*mer word here.

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Anti-vaxxers are a much larger threat to most of the world than anything you just listed.

Even small anti-vaccine campaigns have managed to kill 40+ children. The real number globally is probably much higher as they've learned they can target poor countries and the population will be more willing to ignore vaccines completly.

Do not try to downplay what anti-vaxxers are.

And the anti-vaccine movement is not simply after the covid vaccine, they're using covid to convert people to full on anti-vaxxers period, they literally have meetings discussing this:


Anti-vaxxers were on life support before covid, they're now stronger than they ever were.

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even small anti-vaccine campaigns have managed to kill 40+ children

Whatโ€™s the source in this and how do you prove it was the anti vaccine campaign that killed them?

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Do you live under a rock?


A nurse made a mistake and killed a kid. The anti-vaxxers then pounced and over 70 people have died.

The king anti-vaxxer shill himself showed up there:

Still, news of the heartbreaking deaths shook the island nationโ€™s confidence in the healthcare system. And anti-vaccination groups pounced on the circumstances. Most notably, the deaths were picked up by the Childrenโ€™s Health Defense, run by the prominent anti-vaccine advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. As The Washington Post noted, Kennedyโ€™s organization spent months highlighting the deaths on Facebook while questioning the safety of the MMR vaccines. But the organization did not correct the posts or update its audience with information regarding the nursesโ€™ error and convictions.

Kennedy visited Samoa in June, appearing alongside local anti-vaccine advocates and even a staff member of the US embassy. In November, Kennedyโ€™s organization sent a letter to the Samoan prime minister, encouraging officials to question the MMR vaccine. Kennedy peddles the false and dangerous claim that vaccines are linked to autism, despite the fact that numerous scientific studies have robustly debunked the baseless claim.

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I donโ€™t see any proof that the anti vaccine campaign caused those deaths.

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Ok dude.

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If there was proof, you would have quoted it. Instead you quoted about how the anti vaccine campaign started.

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I'm not entertaining your mental illness.

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And, furthermore, why was this actually a good thing?

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Lol im not reading that

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I am fine with whatever to yourself to death. My issue is these groups often harm others as well along the way yet they ignore that.

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Tfw i die of lung cancer from second hand smoke

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I hate antivaxxers because I hate dumb fat alcoholic smokers


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The logic in this argument is unironically sound.

I love how the chonkers on that thread have no argument against it yet somehow don't realise it.

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COVID deaths go up

Average BMI in the US goes down


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I like fat anti vaxxers

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I like people who don't die

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You know, I like James Woods.

The guy is still r-slurred tho.

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Oh I get it, because they die faster


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they cannot see any issue beyond the lens of agreeing with the crowd and winning good boy points

This is actually how most normies are, tbh.

The difference is that for normies it's just a small part of their life, while redditors put it front and center, obliviously exposing how dumb it is.

Or maybe it's that redditors are mostly weird, gross, nerdy people, and I just need a rationalization as to why I hate them and not normies, I don't know, introspection is hard.

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Last night I had dinner with some normies for the first time in a year. Vaxx status obviously came up in conversation. Thought the night was gonna end there but they didn't really care and we enjoyed the rest of the evening

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Anti-vaxxers are still cringe r-slurs tho. So sneed to that.

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Of course they are. This is a GiGaVaXxed to the MaX website. We also hate fat people, drunks and nicotine addicts.

There is no conflict in these beliefs.

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Without borderline nonfunctional addicts we wouldn't have a website

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Addicts and the Terminally Indoors can be here, but we must all help them by making them feel as disliked as possible thereby encouraging them to help themselves of take the rope and help society.

Bullying has kept our civilization going for thousands of years. It works people.

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Even if things go back to normal (they wonโ€™t), the veil has been lifted. Theyโ€™re extreme authoritarians whose personal relationships hinge entirely on political agreement. Itโ€™s by definition a cult.

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We just need to manufacture more and more wedge issues until theyโ€™re each completely alone.

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They also imply that being unvaccinated always means you hate science and chose not to get the shot, when in reality there are people who legit cannot get the vaccine and 'science' has known that for decades now

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The smoker is literally giving you second hand cancer.

This is just a meme made up to tax tobacco harder

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Tell us how you really feel.

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I feel great. Thanks for asking.

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No problem. I do worry about you though. Why do you never call anymore?

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The corvizon up my arse wont let me.

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Itโ€™s kinda funny to think that every obese person you know is living a terrible life every single day and they canโ€™t even let themselves show the pain

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