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I confessed to a girl at work the other day. This is my interpretation of her reaction. : Genshin_Impact


To the people who keep telling me I suck at drawing hands... YES!

I can draw hands but not as good as other artists. But, I do try my best. (T^T)

Aww, but he's so cute! Who wouldn't want to date a guy with a face like that (T^T)

She looks scared

Horrified would be the proper word for it, I think.


context at what you said to make this kind of reaction come up? lmao

I just confessed that I like her and that we have a lot in common and should hangout sometime over dinner at a restaurant....

Yeah, I wasn't thinking straight due to anxieties. It is covid season after all.

What exactly was her reply btw. I read up a bit on the comments section and couldn't find it but more confession stories.

Maybe I should make a prequel to the post for context, but I dunno if people would take my word for it as some people in the comment section says that I'm an idiot. I never wanted this post to get the likes it has or the comment section blowing. Some of my posts are usually reflections of the mood and emotion I'm having of a particular day, a way of coping with life's stress. I don't want to take any anti-depressant drugs or cigarette smoking as my father would say: "Always tire yourself like heck to get the emotions out of your head." I dunno if some people will be able to read this comment, but at least you might, I'm unable to read all the comments (T^T). I think I posted a comment earlier about the post being my first real controversial post on the internet.

I'll summarize as best as I can: We were eating lunch together as friends, sharing our usual Tachiyomi collection (manga stuff). We've been doing this for roughly 8 months, sometimes we were with my office buddy, a man happily married with kids, which demystifies any love triangle going on. I like to say that it felt as if we were high school friends, sharing hobbies during recess or after school hours.

However, my office buddy couldn't make it to lunch due to working overtime during lunch hours as he wants to go home early since he has a dentist appointment or something (I don't really know why he wanted to go home early). Anyways, it was the usual, sharing hobbies as I said. Then, the most regretful decision I've ever made so far in my life happened. I can't sleep at the moment because I still kept thinking how stupid I was to even do it, I should've left things the way they were. I can't remember the exact words, but you need to take my word for it: I confessed I really liked her and we could sometimes go out for dinner over the weekends if she has the time. I never added the "as friends". She didn't say anything. She immediately left the food establishment with haste when she realized I was asking her out.

I returned to our office and everyone was staring at me as if they saw a criminal in the flesh. My office buddy mentioned that the girl I confessed to was crying at her respected department. This is the worst feeling, you know. I believe a man shouldn't even make a girl or a woman cry. I NEVER wanted her to cry.

Earlier today, I got a memo from HR telling me to never ever have any interdepartmental relationship. I could've been fired but, department heads says it is trivial and can be compromised with a memo and restriction of me entering her particular department.

Problem solved? Well, there's a thing called office/department politics, it exists where I work at: I visit a particular office, I receive faces of disgust and horror. It spread like wildfire. It's as if I was Hester Prynne from the Scarlet Letter story.

So far, that's all. I think I made some grammatical errors or words twisted in their. I'll fix it later. I'm sorry WeepingClown13 for taking up your time, I didn't mean to open up and get emotional, you know, internet and all. Thank you for your time.


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well that is a cute school story from an average child that plays genshin I am sure they will grow and learn fro-

>I got a memo from HR


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Imagine being so goddarn ugly that a girl you've been having lunch with while bonding over a mutual interst over 8 months starts crying and complains to hr over your "confession".

Couldn't be me though I don't play genshin impact

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Holy shit its literally this meme come alive :marseylaugh:


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got a sensible chuckle out of me :marseysmirk:

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Mad lad should’ve sent this back when he got the memo from HR

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>The worst she can say is no

Brutal as frick. I feel so bad for truly ugly guys.

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>I confessed to a girl…

Imagine talking like this as an adult…. Japan has officially done more damage to the US than we have ever done to them

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>Japan has officially done more damage to the US than we have ever done to them

They did that with HFCS alone. Everything that followed has just been egregious, like stomping on a guy's head after you put him on the ground.

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Wait the japs are behind the syrup?


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A Japanese scientist originally isolated fructose from fruit before it was mass produced yes

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Drop another one tbh, only fair. More fitting though made be to drop a bunch of fatties on a city from terminal velocity


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The problem isnt fructose, the problem is burgers lack of self control

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Well more like proximity to lots of corn to pull syrup out of. If you've paid attention being disgustingly fat is pretty common and he only mitigating factors I can see from other samples are being too poor to overeat slop and smoking because smoking makes you think for reasons.


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You really need to read the denko story if you find this amusing :marseylaugh:

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Over the course of the posts, OP revealed that he had sent Denko 600 emails, telling her that he had no idea how to handle "three-dimensional" women. It became evident that OP was a stalker, appearing at her home unannounced even with Denko asking him to refrain from contacting her again.

I take back what I said, Japans anime attack was a kamikaze strike

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I thought it got proven as a fake story? Idc either way, shit is absolutely entertaining considering there is plenty of groomercord/twitter/insta logs posted here of people acting similar

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Is that the one where a guy pesters some girl he likes a zillion times?

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I refuse to believe Denko happened a decade ago.

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Frick, that's a trip back through memory lane (Β΄ο½₯Ο‰ο½₯`)

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stupid fricking hamster face

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Best part that probably some giga obese r-slur who told a giga obese r-slur hole he likes her but he draws her as cute hole :marseyemojirofl:

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Oh so she’s tsundere.

I’ll never go out with you, b-baka!!!

She will be mine :soyjakanimeglasses:

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not like this...


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Afraid? Thats kinda based :marseygigachad:

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The use of word "confessed" makes me think instead of simply going "Hey wanna go to drink somewhere this week?" or "Hey are you free tonight" He went "Good day my love. I must be frank with you i absolutely adore you and I want you to bear my children"

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I read the entire post and there's still a massive gaping hole in context and information that explains everything. What you said has to be the explanation but it kills me Ill never know.

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Keep asking him. He seems eager to share his L.

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Im not making a reddit account


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It’s called love loser ever heard of it? It’s supposed to blindside people you only have a transactional relationship with at work.

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Lads listen to me when I say there’s never a point in time where you’ll ever need to confess to a girl, just don’t do it

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Lads, listen to me when I say this guy is full of shit. There's definitely a point in time when you'll need to confess to a girl, and that's when you've done something wrong. If you don't confess, she'll find out eventually and you'll look like a lying douchebag. So just do it and get it over with.

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>admitting to a foid you’ve done something wrong


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>g*mer shoots his shot

>HR contacted


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Why do weebs insist on using these bastard translations in daily life? Why do they insist mangas keep using them? In English you don't fricking confess to people.

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Upmarsey :marseyupvote: my post :marseyfuriosa: if you're going :marseysal2: to comment under :marseyhandsup: it, please :marseypleading2:

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Now i don't want to.

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Pwease :marseypleading2:

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Already did nerd.

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Considering she cried got HR invioved and drew her as a loli he may have actually been confessing to a crime.

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Noelle isn't a loli.

She's a slave.

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I don't play Genshin but he drew her with titty plate, doesn't seem very loli to me.

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right haha it's supposed to be "profess" but either why i hope xe does the ol' Cope 'n Rope

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You could confess or profess your feelings to someone depending on the context, but you'd never just confess or profess to someone without the explanation of what.

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the way he types makes me think hes esl or neurodivergent, maybe both.

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The idea of someone learning English using anime translations is horrifying to me.

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Now imagine how the japs feel when some weeb gets his entire vocabulary from anime :marseylaugh:

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Oh man, you should check Latin America

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Because they consume enormous amounts of japanese highschool anime where the entire thrust of the story leads up to a final 'confession' as the conclusion.

They literally don't have any other frame of reference for relationships and love beyond this stunted japanese vision of forever pining after your highschool years when there was the unrealized/unspent potential to not be a complete loser.

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It's really sad, I know some guys who blew their chances with girls by using these anime-isms and weirding them out.

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That's all fine and normal, it's the phrasing I don't understand. It's just the remnant of a bad translation yet weebs insist they keep using it. Sort of like the weebs that insist on honorifics being kept through the translation. It's like they want to be obsessed with minutia of Japanese culture that have absolutely no value.

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There's traditionally a heavily taboo nature to japanese sexuality so in someways it may well be a confession of cultural sins.

It's like they want to be obsessed with minutia of Japanese culture that have absolutely no value.

Sure, nerds want to know every little nook and cranny of the thing they're obsessed with. Look at Star Trek nerds and the wondrously useless things they have memorized like a human dictionary.

Anime is made by the Japanese and most often set in Japan so they gather a lot about japan by osmosis, but Anime is a commercial industry mainly aimed at kids so there are large artistic and realistic swathes it never even gets near touching. Watching every saturday morning cartoon would hardly make someone well versed in American culture; there's similar dynamic here, the industry is just larger and more varied.

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You come out of the closet :marseyhomosupremacist:

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If you talk like a Chinese cartoon dub in reality it's too late for you. I always assumed peers were supposed to bully this stupid shit out of people in childhood, but someone dropped the ball.

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IIRC in Japan it's increasingly uncommon too. It feels so neurodivergent and weird, why would you impose that on someone instead of just asking them out like a normal person?

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ASMR videos did this.

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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Anyways, it was the usual, sharing hobbies as I said. Then, the most regretful decision I've ever made so far in my life happened. I can't sleep at the moment because I still kept thinking how stupid I was to even do it, I should've left things the way they were. I can't remember the exact words, but you need to take my word for it: I confessed I really liked her and we could sometimes go out for dinner over the weekends if she has the time. I never added the "as friends". She didn't say anything. She immediately left the food establishment with haste when she realized I was asking her out.

Dang.... Sperg nerd got crushed.


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Hmm, today I will post a personal :marseyl: in bideo game subreddit


Why would anyone do it?

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Gee I wonder


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Hey you know what this guy seems really neurodivergent but I am coming out of this one hating women instead.


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Nah. He had to have said something that sent her that far. He has been around her for months so either she was tolerating him on some level before this and this was the final straw or he said some creepy straggot shit that made her think she would be found dead in an alley somewhere.

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Hmm I'm still going to press the button though.


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He had to have said something that sent her that far.

Or she's one of those 'ugh, why do men???' types entirely raised on tiktok and online 'feminism' who believes that a man interacting with you as a woman in any situation aside from literally standing alone at a bar holding a 'talk to me' sign is tantamount to r*pe.

It's a big assumption that people will be rational these days.

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If some fat workplace foid confessed to you like this, you would laugh at her and tell your friends over drinks, but never snitch to HR. 100% foidshit, dudes rock :marseyfoidretard:

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His post history is amazing, he has some sister issues as well

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She asked if I ate the the cupcake :marcake: and my chowderhead couldn't think :marseynoooticer: of a simple :marseysmug4: lie. I said, "I don't know," instead of "No way donkey! I couldn't careless about your crap" or something better. She determined :marseydetermined: I lied A-and then, and then :marseytransflag: she grabbed my gameboy :marseyretro: and crashed it into atoms! I couldn't do anything, she was 16 and I just :marseyblops2chadcel: turned 8.

I got a few instances of talking to one of her admirers and said I was lucky :marseygolden: living :marseyjumpscare: under :marseyhandsup: the same roof :marseydylannroof: with her. These fellas probably slithered out from filth to get their sticks to integrate to her crap. But I got to tell you, what :marseyburgers: a vindictive harlot she was back then, it was heck :marseycarpdevil: on our small :marseypokerface: house.

If he talks even remotely like that in real life :marseypeterson: then :marseytransflag: I completely udnerstand the foid. He talks like he learned English :marseyqueen: entirely from anime :marseypathetic2: dubs and radio :marseyshutitdown: shows from the 1950s

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I thought I recognized this guys art, and I was right. He made an art post a month or two ago that was a representation of a time he was bullied by his older sister as a child for eating her ice cream but with Genshin characters. He had this long, unsolicited comment telling the backstory with some weird comments vaguely insinuating that his sister was hot. This coupled with how he depicted her as a Genshin character in β€œsexy” clothes was real weird.

I just get weird vibes from this dude.

Unholy amount of autism :marseyautism:

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The only thing I got from the story was she should have bullied him more

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She got the early part down, she just forgot the often part.

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If you're talking about the sentence he supposedly said, he was 8 then. It's not that weird

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my chowderhead

I said, "I don't know," instead of "No way donkey! I couldn't careless about your crap" or something better.

A-and then, and then :marseytransflag: she grabbed my gameboy :marseyretro: and crashed it into atoms!

one of her admirers

These fellas probably slithered out from filth to get their sticks to integrate to her crap.

But I got to tell you, what :marseyidk: a vindictive harlot she was back then :marseytransflag:

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Oh you mean his whole manner of speech in the comment

I thought your whole issue was

No way donkey! I couldn't careless about your crap

This past, which does sound like something an 8 year old would say

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i can fix her

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No, I'm no virgin. I lost mine :marseyminer: during a deep night :marseysamfisher: sleep in a dream so, technically I'm a real man ;p ;p ;p


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:marseychonkerfoid: :!marseyautismchonker:

more like

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Telling some you like them being referred to as a "confession" is one of my least favorite weabisms.


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>Yeah, I wasn't thinking straight due to anxieties. It is covid season after all.

I should start blaming covid for just any r-slurred awkward shit i do

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as my father would say: "Always tire yourself like heck to get the emotions out of your head."

Dad sounds Tedpilled :marseyunabomber2:

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Never be in a room with a bio-foid.

I don't mean "be in a room alone," just don't be in the same room ever.

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If there's even a single breathing foid in a 100km radius from you at any point in your day you need to rethink your life choices

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If you confess too someone you're either a fricking loser or a criminal trans lives matter

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OP: So, let's get married and have 4 kids!!!!

Girl: Sir, this is Wendy's....

...no, this is PATRICK!

How are they still posting and upvoting this """joke""" in almost 2023

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this is the neurodivergent after the encounter

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confessed what

to murder? r*pe? being a secret train?

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>draws fear


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Didn't you already make a post about this before?

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I can't remember the exact words, but you need to take my word for it: I confessed I really liked her and we could sometimes go out for dinner over the weekends if she has the time. I never added the "as friends". She didn't say anything. She immediately left the food establishment with haste when she realized I was asking her out.

I returned to our office and everyone was staring at me as if they saw a criminal in the flesh. My office buddy mentioned that the girl I confessed to was crying at her respected department. This is the worst feeling, you know. I believe a man shouldn't even make a girl or a woman cry. I NEVER wanted her to cry.

:#autism: :#autism: :#autism: :#autism: :#autism: :#autism: :#autism: :#autism: :#autism:

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