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This is the most libertarian take I’ve ever seen on vegetarians lmao. Truth of the matter is, humans have evolved to eat meat although substantially less than what the average westerner eats.

As long as you can provide a reasonably comfortable life for an animal and kill it quickly and painlessly I don’t see there being any ethical qualms to eating meat.

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I am a libertarian, but now I have to say classical liberal or people will lynch me irl for some reason its kind of weird

Is there a reason your logic doesn't apply to humans though

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Eating humans gives you all sorts of weird diseases you should also like things that look like you. It’s basic instinct if you have the same instinctual reaction to an animal as you do a human then you are mentally broken

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if your opinion is different you're mentally ill, im very intelligent

Literally meat eaters should just kill themselves

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Humans and animals are different, valuing them equally is literally subhuman behavior

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seems like a self-serving view to me

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They're objectively different

Subjectively, why should we not be self-serving (to an extent)? Why should we value lesser beings equally as ourselves?

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Everything is objectively different, and you can be as self serving as you want, just don't pretend your ethics are above that of a 4 year old's

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Don't eat my hecking cute animals is what a 4 year old would say

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It's not valuing them as equal to not eat animals. You just think animal life is worth more than the baseline pleasure you would receive from eating them.

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Haven't really thought of it that way

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I agree, humans are strags

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Eating animals would also give you weird diseases if not for modern antibiotics. I guarantee if eating humans was allowed, scientists would develop antibiotics that would prevent you from getting sick from it

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Dude humans have eaten meat for centuries before antibiotics

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Not at the level they have now with factory farming. And a lot of those people got sick too. Why do you think there are all these weird 3rd world diseases that come from eating meat? Humans have also eaten other humans centuries before antibiotics came.


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Is there a reason your logic doesn't apply to humans

Opportunity cost. It's relatively cheaper to produce "meat" from animals as opposed to humans.


Yes, economics should guide our moral judgments.


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Not if I just grab randos off the street


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Now try scaling that production up, R-SLUR!

:!marseylaugh: :marseypoor:

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1.4 billion, no one will notice a few ks going missing


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They're is like a billion+ people living in india. you could just set up a big meat grinder with a sign above it that says "free white woman" and they would process themselves

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All meat is energy and space inefficient compared to plants though

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With opportunity cost, it's a question of "which plan is most profitable compared to the second-most valuable plan," so the net profit of each plan is at stake. The answer hinges upon the market prices of the output (product) and of the inputs, with land being one factor. Let's ignore the demand for the product and focus on costs of production. Efficiency is essentially a ratio of output to input. The 'production maximizing' choice would be the inputs which are cheapest and yield the highest output. Land, or "space," is a relatively cheap input in the US of A and since it's a relatively low fixed cost, it's not the biggest concern for efficiency (because of marginalism). The biggest cost factors are labor and 'capital' like machines.

How about "energy" or "calories per pound?" The People can eat millet and get by, but they'll lack nutrients and protein. This would be most "efficient" if everything is geared toward this goal, but in reality it's r-slurred because it ignores the larger picture (demand). Focusing on efficiency doesn't fully satisfy the question of opportunity cost because it depends on what satisfies consumers (demand and price of output).

tl;dr - killing people to harvest their proteins is more costly than raising cattle.

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Your argument rests on the rslurred assumption you can't be healthy eating vegetables

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You can't read anyway, stupid bot.

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Humans are intrinsically more valuable than animals, you r-slur

Arguments like this is why people hate vegans

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R-slurs hate vegans because they know vegans are right.

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its right because i just know it is stop being mean!!!!!!

Okay rslur

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neighbors really look at the greatest triumphs of mankind and say "we're not worth more than animals" :marseylaugh:

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guys help me please he's being mean look at him


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Who are you quoting?

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Because you can’t give humans a comfortable life while farming them due to the innate fear of death. I suppose you could hide it from them but most people are naturally curious and someone would find out eventually. Especially since providing a happy life would require regular interaction with other humans and trips to the outdoors.

This is the same logic I apply to dogs actually. All dogs have jobs they are hardwired to do and in order to be happy they have to do them. This is why keeping dogs as pets in environments unsuited to them (like a city) is cruel also. Ultimately no one is going to spend the resources to ethically farm dogs because the cost outweighs the rewards. That’s why I can say with relative certainty that eating dog is immoral while eating locally raised chicken and beef isn’t.

It’s funny to be arguing from a carnist standpoint since I’m a functional vegetarian anyways. I just don’t like the taste of meat lol.

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Killing is fine as long as they don't see it coming


Got it

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That's why I'm pro abortion (no, not pro-choice, I hate giving women rights)!

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I am a libertarian


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Reddit moment

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Starts comments with "As a vegetarian", "As a libertarian".

Accuses others of being reddit.


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its funny because we're repeating the joke

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it does

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Based morally consistent cannibal

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Humans are more useful as organ donors, and we do do that

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