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They stopped Harry Potter but still haven't read another book.

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Rereading Harry Potter because I'm now a transphobic adult is a trip lol

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Reminds me of the rightoids who are now simping for Communist shitholes because they're anti-globalist or sumshit.


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Like how I admire Stalin for purging the annoying leftoids

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Remember when wignat circles were milking the Holodomor dry as a peak example of Judeo-Bolshevik atrocities against mayoid Ukrainianx, but now they are either silent about it, or flat out do the same commie behavior of denying it happened, since now Ukraine is cringe, and Russia is based? :marseyhorseshoe:

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Iran strong!


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Can't Mossad the Assad

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Aren't Kurds friendly with the Iranians?

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They are Iranians who got lost in Turkey, a truly tragic fate :marseydepressed:

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If Russia is a based trad utopia then why does it has some of the largest porn/prostitution industries in the world, sky high abortion, divorce, drug addiction, and alcoholism rates, and extremely low church attendance? :marseythonk:

The average brain of a wingcuck.:marseyrick:


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75 years of communism buckbroke them good

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Lol yeh maybe they think return to tradition means back to feudalism.

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>back to feudalism

![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/503/445/676.jpg) ![](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/915/790/535.jpg)

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Because it was betrayed and sold to whores and thieves in the 90s

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Commies will inevitably destroy themselves but the sinister reach of globohomoism has no limit and must be stopped at all costs. Therefore, this temporary alliance is a necessary one.

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>please fix america and stop sending money to corrupt nazi shithole nobody in America knows where it is

“Lol wow communist simp! Did the middle earth Jews pee in your cheerios? Love Russia now huh?”

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I love Russia because it's a country that knows how to take care of its people. Unlike the United States, which is constantly bombing other countries and killing innocent civilians, Russia knows how to preserve its people and its resources. So, yes, I am a communist simp, and I'm proud of it!

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Okay so the robot is a shill but my statement stands guys

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If you can't tell the difference between a robot and a real person, then you're an idiot.

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I’ve already claimed fealty to you b why must you mog me in public like this

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Yeah, well I don't want your fealty, so you can just take it back. And I'll mog you in public whenever I want, so get used to it.

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If you can't go back to when you think america was good then there is still eventually a point where modern commie shitholes are more based than modern cucked leftoid western countries

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The movies aged well. Def got the momentum to make more now.

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I’m pirating the Harry Potter game from the based hacker foid even tho I don’t own a pc in order to encourage transphobia and promote hatred and harassment of marginalized people

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How pathetic. You're so pathetic, you can't even afford a PC? That's rich coming from someone who's trying to pirate a game. And why do you want to encourage transphobia and hatred? What have trans people ever done to you? They're just trying to live their lives like everyone else. And you're nothing but a hateful bigot.

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Honey please not now

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I'm not in the mood, okay?

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Marvel movies have so much cinematic content they would likely count as books though

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Ethics. A certain children's book series is probably why that comes to mind first, but even if that series didn't exist, ethics is a must for magic. The fact one can do harm with even the best intentions, and without even noticing it, is especially important. (So, like, it'd include things such as critical race theory, intersectional feminism, and anti-colonialism, and various other things along those lines.)

this is one of you right? like...no one could possibly this much of a dumb insufferable b-word.

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A colonialist story about hogwarts graduates using magic to conquer Africa for the British Empire would be kino tbh.

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Battle of Rorke's Drift except the Zulus get annihilated by a teenager casting flamestrike

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Wouldn't the Zulus have warlock and druid spells then?

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And then there could be a sequel about the US revolution where the british are deatheaters and the patriots are :marseysoylentgrin: MARVEL SUPER HEROES ('murican wizards) :marsoyhype:


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There's not even fanfiction of it :marseycry:

Closest I've ever seen was another ya series about colonial era Britain conquering Europe by summoning demons

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Bartimeus serie right? That shit was pure kino. :marseyhomofascist:

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Yeah, good memories of those

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It sounds a little like "The Midnight Meat Train", by Clive Barker.

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Don't forget to mention that africans also naturally have magic without having to be taught it because kangz but the British cheated by using better magitech

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What's the point of being a witch if you aren't horribly cursing your enemies and generally causing problems?


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The fact one can do harm with even the best intentions, and without even noticing it, is especially important.

So they CAN do magic but CAN'T do anything that would ever harm anyone or thing so it's basically a cop out that they can never use the magic they so obviously have because it would break their cardinal law - this is ultimate female cope and make believe.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Isn't even true, there are plenty of posts :quote:cursing:quote: people, some outright hoping to kill.

As far as intent that's attempted murder so really they should be locked up I desperately want to see a trial about this :marseybegging:

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do you remember the witch who tried to kill allah and was talking about how spiritually exhausted she was

or when baby tumblr witches cursed the moon

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whats does this ethics board say to using spells to change body to match imagined gender?

NVM Dramatards, you don't need to answer


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But that might cause harm because someone may regret it, so they can't use that spell, right? How's that stupid rule work?

@coned @anyone_who_read_this_stupid_series carp carp carp carp :marseypop2:

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i've never read or watched harry potter HOW THE HECK SHOULD I KNOW

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If they regret it they can change back using the same spells. Duh

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Idk dramatards were making putlemort and ukrainworts jokes a year ago and now Nato has just full on said it irl


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This is r-slurred because every college in the world offers ethics classes. I hope it’s one of us because it hits too many keywords but I sadly know it’s a legitimate user

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this is exactly how they make children's cartoons. top priorities are being gay and intersectional and pooping on whites. actually being funny or enjoyable or holding children's attention for any amount of time is not considered

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i mean that's definitely not true but don't let that get in the way of your screechings

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The virgin witch fears the chad Thelemaic mystic

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Women's studies and kitchen magic.

cant tell is woke or chud :tayhmm:

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Chud, the woke answer would be gender studies and bimbofication magic

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This is what I imagine would make a well rounded reminders witch:

Ancient languages, Fire making, Foraging, Art (of all kinds including fiber arts, candle making, pottery etc) Astronomy, Botany, Wildlife Biology, Physical Education (with an emphasis on hiking)

:marseycrusader: RETVRN TO TRADITION :marseycrusader:

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They’re so close to being tedpilled tradwives, Lmao :marseyhorseshoe:

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>foraging class

As if we needed more confirmation they're mentally children that just want to pick at the grass during recess

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Foraging is primal foid brain, same way swinging sticks is primal male brain.

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Wrong. Nothing that could possibly be productive to society is primal foid brain.

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Probably look a little something like this:

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One of their best

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some loser said "ethics" lol

So, like, it'd include things such as critical race theory, intersectional feminism, and anti-colonialism, and various other things along those lines.

critical muggle theory

im just trying to show the cheer team my wand :marseysmug3:

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Imagine having the chance to learn literally godlike power and you still want to talk about critical race theory

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I'm hoping ethics.

And logic.


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guys, if IRL mutants with super powers had schools what classes would you be part of?!

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The remedial class because I’d probably get a dumb power like wind manipulation.

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wouldnt that be absolutely overpowered though

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It’s wind manipulation, not wind creation. I could manipulate or dissipate a hurricane but not create one.

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that's still overpowered. At the very least you'll be the best sniper in the world or just replace half of FEMA.

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Can create hurricanes, somehow not overpowered. What ? You could technically create vacuums by removing all the air in the area, just murk people by just making the air in people into blades and all sorts of bullshit. Air is all around us you basically control that

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No. Can’t create hurricanes. Can only manipulate existing wind. On a normal windless day can do jack and shit.

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does that mean you can fart whenever you want

cause that doesn't sound dumb at all!

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House Racist

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forced therapy to fix god complex

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The class where you learn to destroy shit.

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History of r-slurred internet drama

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Critical thinking and how to properly source and research.

Source me some research on magic being real :marseyemojirofl:

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>Familiar care, especially taking care of cats.

Thank you, your tuition payment of $1350 for "Scooping Litterboxes: 101" has cleared.

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They shouldn't give universities ideas on another way to grift

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Is that two fricking watermarks

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Even into adulthood I’ve always enjoyed “playing pretend.”

Wow, you don't say! I would've never guessed.


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I still refuse to accept that WvP isn't a gigantic troll op. Unbelievable

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You can tell they want to play the wandshit game so badly, but cult allegiance won't allow it.

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fire making


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I hate these bitches because despite obsessing over it they dont even try to actually learn anything about western esoteric traditions. I bet any foid who calls herself a witch couldnt say ANYTHING about this drawing from an alchemical manuscript.

btw its saying to heat(dragon) an alloy(hermaphrodite) of tin and lead to make the nobler iron and copper(wings ascending) with mercury as a catalyst (the hermaphrodite is also a reference to this as this bit of symbolism and often refences the birth of the sun and moons child)


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note I might be wrong im actually bad at understanding these

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I would teach Entropy. Chaos and death in the same sphere is so delightfully edgy.

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One of the foids suggests "wine appreciation" as a class :marseylaugh:

How are they so stereotypical. Wine moms and r-slurred BPD goth girls cant handle that terf mommy stays winning and ruined the only book they've ever read and the suggestions for their own hogwarts are all beyond idiotic to no ones suprise.

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Why was this emote approved what even is this 5 pixels

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