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Brazilians leaving the stadium after their team loses the final in the recent Valorant event causes a lot of seethe in all related subreddits


Valorant is a free-to-play first-person shooter video game developed and published by Riot Games. It features a 5v5 team-based gameplay with a variety of agents, each with unique abilities, and objective-based game modes. Commonly refered to as a melting pot of Overwatch/TF2 and CSGO most people with knowledge in this subject and totally not biased idiots who wasted their life playing these two games instead of having their own qt pocket sage in 2023 thought the game would die faster than this site whenever train posts were banned. Contrary to this opinion, the game and its esport scene is still going strong and as someone who has never watched a single Valorant game I'm happy to see these people happy. The recent tournament in Brazil - VALORANT Champions Tour 2023: LOCK//IN São Paulo - had similar success and created a lot of interest for fans as the winner of the tournament would grant their region an extra slot at the upcoming major or something idk really I'm trying my hardest here to make this interesting. Local fans cheered with their team (LOUD) and the final against the European team Fnatic was only narrowly lost. However, as soon as the local team lost the stadium was anything but LOUD as most of the audience has already left as shown in this picture:


This created a LOT of seethe as Brazilians leaving the stadium whenever their team loses is not a rare occurrence. It has gotten so bad that one of the most prominent figures in the scene had to basically tell the fans that events are not coming back to their country if that keeps happening:

Popular streamer telling Brazilians they should not be doing this

LSF: Tarik's advice to fans from Brazil


Was the same with the csgo major, best crowd in recent memory for the brazilians. Any other team and the crowd was silent.

It's every Brazilian crowd ever, the last MMA card in Brazil was beyond pathetic.

beyond pathetic is a great way to explain that, shit was so cringe


Brazilians are like this in every sport I've ever watched. Tournaments held in Brazil are always garbage because of it.

They are like this in every sport I think. The Brazilian crowd when the ufc goes is notorious for chanting “you’re gonna die” to foreign fighters, throwing food and drinks at them, and even trying to grab and smack them as they walk out. You don’t see it anywhere else

Valorant: Tarik on Brazil fans leaving venue early after Loud loss.


Hope Riot never goes back to brazil again. terrible crowd, not only that some players are afraid to leave their hotels in fear of being robbed. Time and time again, brazil has proven to be a garbage place for anything competitive, whether that be the csgo tournaments, or even ufc lol. really really hope riot doesn't come back because this is just sad


I’ve literally never heard a single good thing about the Brazilian community from CS or from here. No surprise, and Riot should never go back. That’s pathetic and shameful for an entire community to blatantly disrespect the hard work that pros put out to get that far. Not to mention the money and resources that went into getting this venue only to have it be empty before it’s even over?

Reactions to the empty arena

The arena during the winner interview


We usually do not care about others teams, you guys are really disconected;

Why should we care ? Brazilians in fps are used to getting called names (slurs and other stuff) and be belittled by people overseas we learned to cheer ourselves and do not care about other people think.

This is why you will see brazilians really root for our teams.


I mean... Its 21 PM here in Brazil, and its a bit dangerous at the streets.

And also, what did you guys expected? Loud lost lol

Some further threads

Brazilian crowd in VCT Lock In [1000+ comments]

3 different eSports title events, Same crowd when home team is losing. [300+ comments]


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BRs are a scourge on video games.

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!downmarseyrs Brazilmisia

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Frick i agree with pizza

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Lmao get fricked BIPOC, all the money your pathetic excuse of a country has and all they manage to develop are r-slurs like you who get shit on in-game by the chad average brazilian

>be average brazilian

>poor as frick country

>no sewage

>shit internet connection

>notebook from 2006 running at 200c

>still style and dab on north americans

>tfw they can purchase the most powerful computer money can buy, but they can't purchase brains or skill


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for the record, in case anyone is wondering, I played with BRs to literally top 5 in the world.

The BRs I played with called BRs dogshit.

BRs are literally the worst player son the planet, they make Russians look good.

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>worst player

That would be me. I play fps games without learning the tactics or practicing my aim :marseydevil:… I‘ve gotten rage-kicked from probably dozens of lobbies, I’m just there to have fun and even in non-ranked matches my casualness irritates my team when they’re spectating me (which is always, since I always try to live as long as possible and never try to find other people) :marseyxd:

Playing casually in “competitive” games is a drama goldmine. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a rank in any of them because I keep getting kicked from lobbies. I’m literally not even trying to be bad, I just pay more attention to chat than the game itself.

I think my typing speed improved from 50WPM to 90WPM when I played league for a few months. Thankfully cs has voice chat.

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lmao I do this too. it pisses people off so much when they see someone with a 10 year verteran badge go 3-12 and not care

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This is a normal woman thing. It's the second easiest way to spot 'em

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I have no idea what any of these stats mean, but I'll always support the underdog in an overly neurodivergent slapfight :marseyflagbrazil::marseyflagbrazil::marseyflagbrazil:

Brasil é número um :marseyparty::marseybrasileiro:

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>be average brazilian

>poor as frick country with no prospects of upward mobility, so I sink all of my free time into fantasy land

>no sewage, so I piss and shit in a hole next to my computer and refrigerator, allowing me to play more hours

>shit internet connection that is probably stolen, causes immense packet loss that I immediately blame on my opponent

>notebook from 2006 running at 200c because I can’t afford anything else

>still style and dab on north ameriKKKans because I’ve played a 20 y/o the game for eleventy gorgillion hours because I’m too poor to be able to afford new games and too neurodivergent to enjoy anything that doesn’t remind me of childhood

>tfw they can purchase the most powerful computer money can buy and spend their time playing a multitude of games because they aren’t poor, and being really good at a single video game is a completely worthless skill

>mfw :marseydab:

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Literally me

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I actually have one Steam friend who is Brazilian who I used to duel for hours in DS3 during the pandemic despite our gigantic time difference (they literally have over 10,000 hours lol) and was a super chill, which is more than I can say about any Argentinians so at least you’re superior to them.

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!macacos !pizzalovers !pizzahaters


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BR's in my Ragnarok private servers would lose 1v6. They were a tidal wave of bodies that either died instantly or did so little damage they weren't a threat.

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>Agreeing with pizza


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Finally a good pizza take. Trans lives matter.

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Didn't they already pay to attend? Who cares if they leave.

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b-but muh reputation of my e-esport :soycry:

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:marseysoycry: No! You're not a real fan unless you sit and watch until the bitter end!

:marseychadyes: I have better things to do with my time than watch my team fail

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This seems rather logical but redditors usually argue that ''they love the teams, not the game'' which I don't quite understand. If they didnt like the game they wouldnt watch it in the first place lol, they just went to cheer/root for their team, their team lost, they left.


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Even if that is the case, who the frick cares. As long as the venue is sold out organizers surely don't give a frick

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nooooo you need to be a cuck and stay and watch the other team's winning speech


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Valorant was like csgo but just worse in every possible way


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just wait till cs2

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I hung up my zowie, i am a normalstrag now


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I will probably play it twice then never touch it except for pickems, as it should be.

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It's over for all of us :marseyitsover:


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>when you get old and gaming loses its magic

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>when your aging nutsack stops producing t

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The one time I tried it, I couldn't quit to the main menu or exit the game at all. I had to ctrl-alt-delete. Was that intentional?

If so, hijacking a person's computer is based, and I applaud it.

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Hopefully my skins transfer over. My goombling :marseygambling: phase when CSGO coin tosses were at their peak netted me literally quintouple digit returns.

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The only thing I know about Valorant is all of its BBC hentai, I do not give a shit about anything else :chad:

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why the heck would they stick around for a trophy presentation their team didn't win

this is why super bowls are held at a neutral site. if a team lost at home, of course the place would clear out

the g*mer menace needs to be eradicated

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I might be biased because i'm brazilian and shit but yeah

all the people I talked to said the people complaining were just acting like cute twinks

The CSGO subreddit was notoriously anti-Brasil and it seems the Valorant subreddit is that way too. I'm not against that, IMO they can hate whichever nation they want for whatever reason, the problem is i'd prefer if they were honest and said ''brazilians are fricking BIPOCs and i hate them'', instead it's all this facade ''oh but you see they dont care about the game only their teams...''.

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Every place on the internet that isn’t explicitly Brasileño is anti-Brasileño

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Brasileiro, not Brasileño.

The "Ñ" doesn't even exists in our language :marseybrainlet:

!macacos linchem esse baitola ai que veio mexer com a broderagem.

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Soy argentino, macaco. Debería estar feliz no te llamo un maricón

:marseybrasileiro: :marseylobotomy:

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>tentando chamar outros sudacas de maricón


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Argentina número uno :marseyflagargentina:

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Shut up you're literally argentinean

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Cope harder macaco

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After losing to the Krauts, we still have a top class football team

After losing to the bongs, you no longer have a military at all :marseyemojirofl::marseylaughpoundfist::marseydicklet:

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Who won the wc

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“anti brazil”

you monkeys spat on the non Brazilian teams and when the Brazilian team got knocked you didn’t show up for the final, it was embarrassing

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Redditors love bitching about chants. /r/leagueoflegends complained about the Chinese crowd only cheering for Chinese teams in 2020.

It's ironic because burgers once straight up booed a Korean team lol

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Much love for the Brazilian people

My own take, BRs are some of the most dedicated motherlovers when it comes to the fighting game scene.

These frickers create 500+ player tournaments out of their asses for games that'd be lucky to get 20-30 people in NA/EU, all for about 20 USD.

200ms ping? That's considered a good day.


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Sadly no locals where I live :#marseyitsover:

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I'm talking netplay tournies neighbor.

Locals are still ravaged right now, I'm not expecting turnout at them to be decent till SF6 (copium)

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Fighting games are a third-world/poorcel genre in general, given that they have always been prominently an arcade genre, which attracts poorcels who were unable to buy consoles as kids, and arcade fighting games were the only video game that they could play as kids, just look at the sheer number of black FGC champions, and also Pakistanis, South Americans, etc.:soyjakhipster::chadblack2::chadjihadi::chadlatino:

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I should put more effort to log dumb FGC shit.

The TLDR is NA players mostly just have giant egos and then get killed when push comes to shove on the international level: they're all more interested in having mental breakdowns on twitter instead of actually winning and improving their play. EU players occasionally actually win shit

SF6 should produce some tasty drama with all the biggest heads across multiple games butting heads, which will all lead up to that million dollar prize getting sharked by some Japanese dude


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BRs are the gypsies of vidja, change my mind.

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Turks are consistently worse and more abusive on average but there are less of them

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The Chinese exist

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Salient point but they at least get their own servers to shit up (unless they're grouped in with the rest of Asia/Oceania, in which case, godspeed)

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I assumed the controversy would be about brazilians chimping out because they lost and started disrupting interviews or w.e, but no.

How is this different than any other “sport”. E-sports cute twinks are so fricking pathetic.

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Filthy gringos will never manage to domesticate true !macacos .

:marseybrasileiro: :platybanana:

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If you pay to see people play vidya then you deserve to have your day ruined:marseysipping:.

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>We want E-sports to be treated like reglar sport

>No not like that!

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Welcome to Brasil :marseysmug2::marseybrasileiro::marseybrasileiro: :platybanana::marsoy::marseybattered:

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lol they did this during the recent dota major as well. But they came back for the other series the following days after the SAcels got knocked out.

Did the SAcels try to help the BR team's cheat with chants like the did in dota?

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I think so (at least they did in CS) but I haven't really watched the Valorant tournament

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lol based. In dota they would whistle whenever the enemy team used a smoke (smokes make their players undetectable under vision and are used to gank the other team)

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eSports is so gay its making me defend Brazilians

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BIPOCs cant behave

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

Brazilians leaving the stadium after their team loses the final in the recent Valorant event causes a lot of seethe in all related subreddits https://rdrama.net/post/152264/brazilians-leaving-the-stadium-after-their #AllQuietOnTheWesternFront #games #egirl

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I've never seen eSports but this is legit way more entertaining than regular sports ball wtf

Maybe you g*mers had a point

I mean I don't know tf is going on

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Brazilcels did the same shit at the Rio csgo major, and then cried when they got called out for it.

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