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EFFORTPOST The Final Fantasy 14 community is currently sperging out because of a newly added ... chair


Final Fantasy XIV (FF14) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix. The game was originally released in 2010 but received a major overhaul in 2013 (due to receiving a ton of negative feedback) with the release of its second version, A Realm Reborn. Since then, the game has continued to receive regular updates and expansions with the latest being Endwalker. In the game, players create their own unique characters and embark on an epic adventure in the world of Eorzea. The game features a rich and immersive storyline, filled with memorable characters and epic battles. Players can choose from a variety of different races and classes, each with its own unique playstyle and abilities. Stereotypical to the genre, the game's available races consist of elves, humans and all their variations, e.g. humans with cat ears or humans with bunny ears. Another race, which this drama is all about, are the Lalafells - I'll call them Lala(s) from now on:


Despite being small in stature and childlike in appearance, they are known to possess great intelligence and are skilled in various crafts. In game, there is the occasional joke about their tiny appearance but they are mostly treated seriously. None of this really matters because they are the token 'cute-smol-child' race and are known to only be played by fujos, freaks and total losers - so the only people interested in this game to begin with. Being a Lala is already quite difficult as you get regularly bullied in dungeons and raids and everyone thinks you're a libertarian loser but recently square enix added a new cosmetic designed for them and things got heated. You see, there are in game houses you can buy in the game which you can decorate with furniture according to your liking. Lala players have been very vocal to the developers about wanting more Lala specific furnitures and recently their wishes were granted by adding a new chair:

The Chair


As you can see, this is essentially a chair made for adults and definitely not aimed at children.


Official Forum

The thread about this - Please Change/Rename Lalafell "Lifter"... - has reached 60 pages of pure undistilled seethe from Lala players starting from the OP:

As the title says, with patch 6.35 we received some new housing items! One of them being... the lalafell lifter. We have been begging for lalafell furniture for the longest time, especially after visiting Tomra and seeing all of the lalafellin sized furniture. We haven't had an official lalafell furniture since the step stool, so we were excited to finally have something that wasn't huge or way over our heads!

...Except this piece of furniture is not what we were hoping for. It's insulting and a lot of my friends think the same. It looks like a toddler's high chair. It doesn't even look like a proper chair with a proper backing and arms. It's forced to stay a pure white color and the dyable area is the part that makes it look like a furniture chair.

We've been hoping for lalafell beds, tables, anything... but this? The chair is great as a high chair in general. But not when most descriptions in a lot of languages note that it's specifically good for children and toddlers.

Please reconsider changing the design/default white wood to a more neutral look. Or rename it to anything else that doesn't allude to lalafell-specific item. I don't want to even imagine going to people's in game houses or RP venues just to be told to go sit in the child's corner

As the forum allows you to pick your character as your profile picture, you can easily tell which players play a Lala and which aren't playing one. I'll cherry pick some examples but feel free to browse yourself:


This is... unbelievable levels of uncool. Is THIS what they thought we wanted, really? How about giving us furniture where things like scowtools and high chairs aren't required at all? This is awful, absolutely awful


Seems pretty funny. Think you guys are just upset over literally nothing, as par for the 'internet terminally online on a forum' course. Doesn't affect me in the slightest, and shouldn't for you either.

  1. No "terminally online" excuses when clearly a number of people don't like it/don't want it. In fact, you have way more posts than I do here.


  1. It effects those of us who love decorating their houses/apartments and have been yearning for lalafell furniture instead of having to glitch things through the floor to appear smaller or just having to deal with oversized items. We're not asking for anything major, just something that doesn't look like a baby highchair... This is a feedback forum so we're providing our feedback



The addition of this chair and the amount of people genuinely angry at it is one of the funniest things I've seen in recent memory. The forum thread is 27 pages (and ongoing) of discourse.


"They added a pink baby chair for Lalafells..." by DrForester



Two posts about this in the weekly discussion thread with moderately more information as my post but no real drama:

[Hobby Scuffles] Week of March 13, 2023

[Hobby Scuffles] Week of March 6, 2023


A lot of posts about this topic with most of them being obvious jokes and shitposts but there is the occasional argument in there:

Please lala's these are not the same!

My Lala re-education room

All "outrage" aside, the new lala chair is nice. I can actually eat comfortably at my own table now.

Get in the chair, now.

Trigger Warning - Chairs :O

Some drama in these threads:

The Lala Chair

They added a pink baby chair for Lalafells...

Poll for Lalafels Players

There are multiple other subreddits discussing this but I won't bother linking them here as it's mostly (rightfully) pooping on people who care about this but I'll leave some links to some insane youtubers discussing this topic with some of their videos reaching up to 100k views lol:


Final Fantasy XIV Lalafell Drama | Xeno Reacts [20min, 75k views, 800+ comments]

Huge FFXIV Drama: Pyromancer vs Xeno [1 FRICKING HOUR, 100k Views, 1800+ comments]

Asmongold reacts to Pyromancer RESPONDS to the FFXIV Lalafell Drama [30min, 140k Views, 1300+ comments]

TLDR for everything up to now: FFXIV released a highchair for the short race. A few people who play as the short race got angry. Xeno reacted to the issue finding it ridiculous and hilarious. Pyro saw Xeno's reaction and blew up for some reason with weird takes. Everyone laughed at Pyro.


Yes, I know everyone involved in this needs to die but feel free to discuss the game and this drama in the comments. I like the game but quit at the release of Endwalker because I felt it was a huge downgrade to Shadowbringers (unironically kino game) and I felt I was wasting my time despite never aprticiaptaitng in high end raids and stuff and only erp with huge bunny 10inch+ futas haha im joking of course but FRICK i ahve to hrry and I have to hurry now FRICK IM already late ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh CARP PIN

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Cool nerd seethe. I know a guy who plays this and he found s*x mods the other day :marseyyikes#:

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FF14 has a larger ERP underground than WOW. S*x parties happen in player houses all the time :marseydeadinside2:

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I believe it, this dude is the first time I heard of the β€œincel to trans pipeline”. Dude got dumped once and is now β€œnon-binary” and pornsick beyond belief.

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Last I checked you can't walk 5ft without tripping over ERP'ing catgirls.

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The community used to be better before the whole ERP "nightclub" shit took off because most people were just hanging out playing a video game. Yeah, people ERP in MMOs, but its usually something they do in private where nobody else has to hear about it. Once they started advertising their shit everywhere it became an unavoidable facet of the game. You can't go anywhere without having your chat randomly bombarded with ads about their nightclub or brothel offering "courtesan services." They're not some high-class call girl, they're a bunch of :marseytrain2:s and genetic dead-ends pretending to have s*x in a video game.

tbh I wouldn't mind quite as much if you could actually bully them for it either. A bunch of sweaty incels pretending to be futa catgirls is ripe for mockery, but the ToS is so strict that you can't say shit without getting banned. I got a warning for "inappropriate speech" the other day because I told the raid to kick the r-slur who was deliberately wiping us on Nald'Thal's stupid fricking balance mechanic.

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>The community used to be better before the whole ERP "nightclub" shit took off

For me, it was multiple foids selling feet pics in the LFG thing which were never taken down. :hardislife:

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repeated wiping on Alliance Raids


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Considering how much the devs bend over backwards to stop people from being "toxic" I'm surprised they made a mechanic where all it takes is one person to wipe the entire raid.

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for real or when you try to open up the their equivalent of a looking for group finder its nothing but ads for clubs and erp brothels.

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Let's all be honest, FFXIV isn't really so much a game as it is a paid RP forum (with bonus visual novel).

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I haven't played a MMO in a decade so I can't tell if u guys are being sarcastic or not? Why do the game admins allow this stuff :marseywtf2:

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Because who do you think is paying for a month to month sub after they clear the story for the expansion?

There is a limit to how raunchy you can be in world chat, so half the goal of the ERPers are to get you in the nightclub where the moderation will be looser (local instance) and then eventually they will invite you to an IRC or Groomercord chat where basically anything goes

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That's actually extremely cringe.

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S*x mods are common on the internet.

S*x with mods never happens, however.

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s*x with mods never happens

I see you missed some recent drama. :marseymeangirls:

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enjoy your new found knowledge


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if i were to say one person in the whole rdrama ecosystem who 100% is a /trash/ poster, it would be you :#directlypointingsoyjak:

anyway the normal threads are on /aco/ but for some reason i didnt find a gen there so i linked trash

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if i were to say one person in the whole rdrama ecosystem who 100% is a /trash/ poster, it would be you

Please explain.


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it's not my job to educate you sweaty :marseyeyeroll:

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Oh right, the MMO where an ERP guild bought a billboard and used the FFXIV logo to advertise it.

That was a fun shitshow


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pools closed?

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Yep lol



If you got some time to kill here is a fun blast from last year:



Well friends, would YOU pay your hard earned marseycoin for an RP sesh?


RIGHT and this was where that post condemning the clown emoji came from


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:soycry: nooo don't arrest me I won't use clown emoji anymore mr groomercord moderator

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Sweet, new Habbo Hotel just dropped

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:marseypirate: : Argh, matey! Ye be talkin' 'bout that sorry :marseyteehee: excuse fer a game, Final :marseysephiroth: Fantasy? That's the game :marseyheadcrab: where :marseydrama: yer ERP guild bought a billboard, eh? Aye, that was a right :marseytransmisiaaward: shitshow, it were.

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You literally just read about the ERP shit, stop pretending like you already knew

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:marseypirate: : Check :marseyelonpaypig: yourself :marseyropeyourself: before :marseyskellington: you wreck :marseyplanecrash: yourself, landlubber. I've been in the ERP game :marseycrystalmaiden: since before :marseyskellington: you were born, and @captain_bbbb know :marseyshutitdown: more about it than you'll ever dream of. So pipe :marseyrussel: down and let the adults talk.

TRANS LIVES :mlm: MATTER :marseykneel:

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Oh, you've been in the ERP game since before I was born? Okay then, write me a very graphic fanfic where @Landlord_Messiah is dominated and utterly wrecked by a 6'8" muscled black man with an 11" peepee while @August watches from the sidelines and stimulates himself with a Dyson V8 Origin Plus cordless vacuum.

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Nice try

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I’m not a bong

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:marseypirate: : Arr, @captain_bbbb were in the ERP game afore ye were born, ya scurvy landlubber! I'll write ye a fanfic right enough, but it'll be one where yer dominated and wrecked by a 6'8" muscled black man with an 11" peepee while @captain_bbbb watch from the sidelines and stimulate meself with a Dyson V8 Origin Plus cordless vacuum!


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Okay, so do it then?

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:marseypirate: : Arrr, ye scurvy bilgerat! I'll show ye how it's done!


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I'm waiting.

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Looks like that's the final of their fantasy.

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Reported by:

every lalafell player falls into 3 categories

1. soylent chugging redditor who thinks he’s so le funny playing the small person race

2. libertarians

3. β€œironic” libertarians

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my friend who plays that garbage falls into the first one

he's a cute twink

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see: gnomes


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@arsey what race do you play?

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Male Hrothgar Dancer obviously


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Im a dragon girl

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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lol based devs dabbing on virtual shortkings

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It's been wild seeing the average Final Fantasy player devolve into a VRChat paedo.

>me dancing::#marseychudgravedance:

>where the trans lives matter are buried

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Keep yourself safe

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MMO's are for r-slurs

trans lives matter

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>trans lives matter


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@HateMonster TLM evasion

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shut up nìgger

trans lives matter

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Keep yourself safe

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Keep yourself safe

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Another race, which this drama is all about, are the Lalafells - I'll call them Lala(s) from now on:



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World of Warcraft > Final Fantasy 14

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It’s okay bro. Just got to grind through 200 hours of mediocre story to get to endgame, no big deal.

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Dragon Flight wasnt too bad this time around. Frick shadowlands tho

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You are a nostalgic furry.

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FF VI and VII were cool, the games seem to have now devolved into general weeb shit.

If you care this much about a vidya chair:


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Years ago @TheDunceonMaster played VI up too the first Kefka fight and got filtered. @TheDunceonMaster need too go back and finish it. @TheDunceonMaster theoretically really like JRPGs but I've found very few that are good enough too enjoy playing.

Trans lives matter

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FFXIV is garbage and i'm not tired of pretending it's not because I never did that.

I like the birb though https://i.rdrama.net/images/1679083578469162.webp

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So they’re like a weebier version of the Kokiri in Zelda?

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Even in Eorzea manlets can't stop losing

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>yearning for lalafell furniture

Often I sit and yearn πŸͺ‘

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Kill all gaymers

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Lalafell players are libertarians

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>Despite being small in stature and childlike in appearance, they-



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They should've added a ladder to the side

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You will never be an Egyptian.

You have no tomb, you have no pyramid, you have no priests. You are a mortal man twisted by bandages and embalming fluid into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the β€œvalidation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your ancestors are disgusted and ashamed of you, your β€œviziers” laugh at your dehydrated appearance behind boobytrapped doors.

Anthropologists are utterly bored by you. Thousands of years of dessication have allowed them to analyze frauds with incredible efficiency. Even pharaohs who β€œpass” look uncanny and unnatural to a scientists. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk deity home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a solar barge, grab an oar, grip it tightly, and plunge it into the cold Nile. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a mortal is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably mortal.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


humans with cat ears:

humans with bunny ears:


Please Change/Rename Lalafell "Lifter"... :





[Hobby Scuffles] Week of March 13, 2023:

[Hobby Scuffles] Week of March 6, 2023:

Please lala's these are not the same!:

My Lala re-education room:

All "outrage" aside, the new lala chair is nice. I can actually eat comfortably at my own table now.:

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Whoever plays Lalas should just embrace their manlet status.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

The Final Fantasy 14 community is currently sperging out because of a newly added ... chair https://rdrama.net/post/155763/the-final-fantasy-14-community-is #women #reddit #men

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lol I was thinking about posting this but I didn't feel like compiling all the clips. Pyro babyraging over dumb stuff is always funny.

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Lil bebby high chair lmao

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I came across a twitch stream of perfectly normal final Fantasy players role playing as those things, one would dress up as a baby and get hit and abused by the others. Not unhinged at all, and those players are definitively not future serial killers

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